1 00:00:01,800 --> 00:00:04,799 they 2 00:00:36,600 --> 00:00:42,149 [Music] 3 00:00:49,159 --> 00:00:53,640 say I can get up 4 00:00:55,439 --> 00:01:01,429 [Music] 5 00:01:23,280 --> 00:01:26,478 that was 6 00:01:30,519 --> 00:01:33,599 that we 7 00:01:35,959 --> 00:01:40,118 $600 well it 8 00:02:08,620 --> 00:02:11,729 [Music] 9 00:02:12,878 --> 00:02:15,598 what's going on 10 00:02:23,199 --> 00:02:28,598 buddy 11 00:02:25,239 --> 00:02:31,719 don't come in office no no if we're 12 00:02:28,598 --> 00:02:33,598 going to vote on it 13 00:02:31,719 --> 00:02:35,519 that ain't going to I thought you might 14 00:02:33,598 --> 00:02:40,719 be on the gas Le tonight did you see 15 00:02:35,519 --> 00:02:40,719 that in front no it's like a big 16 00:02:50,878 --> 00:02:54,878 deal ch 17 00:03:01,360 --> 00:03:05,200 don't get too I got a little bit of a 18 00:03:02,878 --> 00:03:05,199 bug 19 00:03:25,120 --> 00:03:29,120 I good 20 00:03:36,239 --> 00:03:39,239 good 21 00:03:43,460 --> 00:03:49,520 [Music] 22 00:04:02,158 --> 00:04:05,158 some 23 00:04:40,339 --> 00:04:43,429 [Music] 24 00:04:48,759 --> 00:04:51,759 just 25 00:05:11,560 --> 00:05:14,560 sh 26 00:05:43,709 --> 00:05:47,259 [Music] 27 00:05:53,240 --> 00:05:57,240 phone that was three 28 00:05:58,120 --> 00:06:04,000 in that was funny 29 00:06:00,600 --> 00:06:04,000 I don't know was 30 00:06:07,800 --> 00:06:10,949 [Music] 31 00:06:23,610 --> 00:06:30,199 [Music] 32 00:06:25,879 --> 00:06:30,199 bizar it is chilly 33 00:06:52,319 --> 00:06:58,960 got a bug so don't get too 34 00:06:54,478 --> 00:06:58,959 close no I I really 35 00:07:07,759 --> 00:07:11,280 I've been B over 36 00:07:56,519 --> 00:07:59,519 turn 37 00:08:25,120 --> 00:08:30,800 work okay cool yes 38 00:08:32,889 --> 00:08:35,960 [Music] 39 00:08:37,080 --> 00:08:45,519 we we determined that the atomic clock 40 00:08:42,000 --> 00:08:48,639 has lost three ATS it's lost three 41 00:08:45,519 --> 00:08:52,639 atoms and uh well according to your 42 00:08:48,639 --> 00:08:56,039 phone lost three 43 00:08:52,639 --> 00:08:58,159 see and we we unplugged it we tried to 44 00:08:56,039 --> 00:09:00,919 reset 45 00:08:58,159 --> 00:09:03,159 it I don't know what happened I don't 46 00:09:00,919 --> 00:09:03,159 know 47 00:09:04,278 --> 00:09:08,278 either memory 48 00:09:31,399 --> 00:09:33,799 yes they 49 00:09:37,860 --> 00:09:40,899 [Music] 50 00:09:44,440 --> 00:09:47,440 are 51 00:09:48,799 --> 00:09:54,719 absolutely soon as Herman gets up here 52 00:09:51,320 --> 00:09:59,120 and Parks his little 53 00:09:54,720 --> 00:09:59,120 book well uh 54 00:10:02,600 --> 00:10:06,560 I see no Crunch bars out here no candy 55 00:10:05,360 --> 00:10:10,278 up 56 00:10:06,559 --> 00:10:13,278 here I got a rum 57 00:10:10,278 --> 00:10:13,278 cake 58 00:10:23,600 --> 00:10:29,560 sh we're ready we're ready all right 59 00:10:27,159 --> 00:10:31,639 well uh we'll call the all meeting to 60 00:10:29,559 --> 00:10:34,239 order and start with the Pledge of 61 00:10:31,639 --> 00:10:34,240 Allegiance 62 00:10:35,078 --> 00:10:41,719 please I pledge allegiance to the flag 63 00:10:38,639 --> 00:10:44,600 of the United States of America and to 64 00:10:41,720 --> 00:10:48,680 the Republic for which it stands one 65 00:10:44,600 --> 00:10:51,600 nation under God indivisible with liy 66 00:10:48,679 --> 00:10:51,599 and justice for 67 00:10:53,679 --> 00:11:01,239 all we we've determined our atomic clock 68 00:10:57,639 --> 00:11:04,360 has lost three atoms so I'm not sure we 69 00:11:01,240 --> 00:11:08,200 tried to reset it but it's 3 minutes 70 00:11:04,360 --> 00:11:12,519 slow all right uh roll call please Greg 71 00:11:08,200 --> 00:11:16,360 KS here Dean hos here Jennifer Eden here 72 00:11:12,519 --> 00:11:21,399 Herman Ferguson here Chris Retta absent 73 00:11:16,360 --> 00:11:21,399 Sarah Dolan Jersey here P 74 00:11:22,078 --> 00:11:28,919 here okay uh moving right into the 75 00:11:25,600 --> 00:11:33,360 public hearing um going to get those 76 00:11:28,919 --> 00:11:36,679 slid SES going um I was I've been told 77 00:11:33,360 --> 00:11:39,800 that the previous supervisor um did this 78 00:11:36,679 --> 00:11:41,519 normally a meeting uh prior to the 79 00:11:39,799 --> 00:11:47,240 budget 80 00:11:41,519 --> 00:11:49,600 uh approval but um I wasn't ready for it 81 00:11:47,240 --> 00:11:51,959 at the last meeting so I'm going to do 82 00:11:49,600 --> 00:11:57,079 that presentation 83 00:11:51,958 --> 00:11:59,039 now uh budgeting Basics uh obviously the 84 00:11:57,078 --> 00:12:01,958 township is legally required to adopt 85 00:11:59,039 --> 00:12:04,639 this Budget prior to April 86 00:12:01,958 --> 00:12:06,638 1st uh the township holds a public 87 00:12:04,639 --> 00:12:09,519 hearing before the budget is adopted in 88 00:12:06,639 --> 00:12:12,360 March of each year that's 89 00:12:09,519 --> 00:12:16,078 this budgets legally adopted on a 90 00:12:12,360 --> 00:12:18,720 departmental basis in other words the 91 00:12:16,078 --> 00:12:21,078 treasurer and the clerk and myself we 92 00:12:18,720 --> 00:12:23,639 get with our accounting firm and we go 93 00:12:21,078 --> 00:12:27,838 through this line by line we've done 94 00:12:23,639 --> 00:12:29,919 this multiple times uh the last month I 95 00:12:27,839 --> 00:12:34,320 think three times we've 96 00:12:29,919 --> 00:12:37,919 and uh revised made minor revisions each 97 00:12:34,320 --> 00:12:40,278 time the budget is uh monitored on a 98 00:12:37,919 --> 00:12:45,519 monthly basis by 99 00:12:40,278 --> 00:12:48,320 us and it is just that a budget and so 100 00:12:45,519 --> 00:12:52,560 things happen where we have to amend it 101 00:12:48,320 --> 00:12:56,040 throughout the year to ensure there's no 102 00:12:52,559 --> 00:12:56,039 overspending by each 103 00:12:57,198 --> 00:13:03,039 department the budgeting process is 104 00:12:59,839 --> 00:13:07,639 basically done on History uh we take the 105 00:13:03,039 --> 00:13:10,000 previous years we uh look at what uh was 106 00:13:07,639 --> 00:13:13,600 budgeted and what was spent and we make 107 00:13:10,000 --> 00:13:16,159 those adjustments on a line by line 108 00:13:13,600 --> 00:13:18,040 item uh we determine the needs the 109 00:13:16,159 --> 00:13:20,519 future needs of what we see are going to 110 00:13:18,039 --> 00:13:24,198 happen in the upcoming 111 00:13:20,519 --> 00:13:26,919 year and we evaluate the current 112 00:13:24,198 --> 00:13:31,120 spending what we're currently uh 113 00:13:26,919 --> 00:13:31,120 spending on the township 114 00:13:32,600 --> 00:13:35,680 stop me if there's any 115 00:13:36,198 --> 00:13:41,838 questions okay now into the meet uh the 116 00:13:39,480 --> 00:13:46,480 major events uh of 117 00:13:41,839 --> 00:13:49,519 2425 we uh we had the sale of the 118 00:13:46,480 --> 00:13:52,839 264 Reus to the Livingston County 119 00:13:49,519 --> 00:13:54,759 Department of uh Public Works which we 120 00:13:52,839 --> 00:13:57,720 have guests today from 121 00:13:54,759 --> 00:13:59,680 there and uh this resulted in the 122 00:13:57,720 --> 00:14:02,839 reduction of our sewer debt 123 00:13:59,679 --> 00:14:06,000 and allowed for a $59 Bill reduction to 124 00:14:02,839 --> 00:14:10,279 our residents per annual quarter in 125 00:14:06,000 --> 00:14:12,198 other words almost $240 a year uh 126 00:14:10,278 --> 00:14:16,360 savings for 127 00:14:12,198 --> 00:14:19,439 them we have uh White Lake Road uh 128 00:14:16,360 --> 00:14:22,879 resurfacing uh a vast fault that was 129 00:14:19,440 --> 00:14:26,440 done from old 23 to Bennett Lake mayy 130 00:14:22,879 --> 00:14:30,519 Hill gravel resurfacing Germany to whole 131 00:14:26,440 --> 00:14:32,800 forth we uh resealed and and strip the 132 00:14:30,519 --> 00:14:37,198 uh parking 133 00:14:32,799 --> 00:14:40,559 lot uh had Oldtown uh repairs included 134 00:14:37,198 --> 00:14:44,240 new electrical new insulation a new roof 135 00:14:40,559 --> 00:14:47,518 and new hva 136 00:14:44,240 --> 00:14:51,320 system it's to be noted that we have had 137 00:14:47,519 --> 00:14:54,720 a budget surplus ever since 138 00:14:51,320 --> 00:14:54,720 2010 hats 139 00:14:57,480 --> 00:15:08,000 off on to to the assumptions of what's 140 00:15:00,958 --> 00:15:12,359 coming up uh pay off the 2003 sewer Bond 141 00:15:08,000 --> 00:15:15,519 early we have Karma Road um going to be 142 00:15:12,360 --> 00:15:17,039 resurfaced White Lake to Heartland Road 143 00:15:15,519 --> 00:15:20,480 and we have Heartland road to be 144 00:15:17,039 --> 00:15:23,360 resurfaced from Karma road to Center 145 00:15:20,480 --> 00:15:26,120 Road we also have faucet Road it's going 146 00:15:23,360 --> 00:15:27,600 to have uh some new gravel resurfacing 147 00:15:26,120 --> 00:15:29,839 from ran to 148 00:15:27,600 --> 00:15:32,079 Heartland and 149 00:15:29,839 --> 00:15:35,600 faucet Road Again from Heartland road to 150 00:15:32,078 --> 00:15:39,078 Mabley Hill and then we're still uh 151 00:15:35,600 --> 00:15:42,519 getting the uh firewell head put in 152 00:15:39,078 --> 00:15:47,359 place at alcoy and uh Fenton 153 00:15:42,519 --> 00:15:49,560 Road for uh the uh fire 154 00:15:47,360 --> 00:15:52,639 department there's a note there's a 155 00:15:49,559 --> 00:15:54,719 little um there's a road Heartland road 156 00:15:52,639 --> 00:15:56,799 is going to be asphalted from White Lake 157 00:15:54,720 --> 00:15:59,319 Road to Center not 158 00:15:56,799 --> 00:16:05,919 Karma uh it goes all the way through 159 00:15:59,318 --> 00:16:05,919 from White oh yeah yeah yeah okay so 160 00:16:07,120 --> 00:16:13,879 sorry so I missed a chunk two miles yeah 161 00:16:09,958 --> 00:16:15,919 two miles I missed a chunk yep whoops 162 00:16:13,879 --> 00:16:17,519 Greg is this the time you want that I 163 00:16:15,919 --> 00:16:19,719 should talk about the townhouse or would 164 00:16:17,519 --> 00:16:22,399 that you 165 00:16:19,720 --> 00:16:25,000 later the right 166 00:16:22,399 --> 00:16:27,559 time we can I 167 00:16:25,000 --> 00:16:29,958 mean do it later tooo I'm just I wasn't 168 00:16:27,559 --> 00:16:34,559 sure when do it later okay 169 00:16:29,958 --> 00:16:34,559 okay okay on the uh on the 170 00:16:34,679 --> 00:16:41,838 millage uh this is where your money goes 171 00:16:38,639 --> 00:16:44,240 to the schools um I know there's been 172 00:16:41,839 --> 00:16:47,880 some question about the 173 00:16:44,240 --> 00:16:51,360 M uh means it's how we're Livingston 174 00:16:47,879 --> 00:16:53,919 County but two of our school districts 175 00:16:51,360 --> 00:16:56,560 are in Gennesse County and that is why 176 00:16:53,919 --> 00:16:59,759 some of the some of the millage funds go 177 00:16:56,559 --> 00:16:59,758 to m 178 00:17:03,120 --> 00:17:09,759 so and then you got your general 179 00:17:06,400 --> 00:17:13,480 fund basically a a breakdown 180 00:17:09,759 --> 00:17:14,759 of of each department and uh where our 181 00:17:13,480 --> 00:17:18,038 money 182 00:17:14,759 --> 00:17:18,038 is is 183 00:17:18,439 --> 00:17:25,558 budgeted and then the last one is a uh 184 00:17:21,798 --> 00:17:30,639 is a pie of the uh the general fund 185 00:17:25,558 --> 00:17:32,160 revenues and I need to 186 00:17:30,640 --> 00:17:35,880 let you know that the 187 00:17:32,160 --> 00:17:37,798 green is an estimate because that can go 188 00:17:35,880 --> 00:17:40,440 up and down depending on what the state 189 00:17:37,798 --> 00:17:40,440 wants to give 190 00:17:42,240 --> 00:17:49,400 us any 191 00:17:44,798 --> 00:17:52,538 questions many well other expenditures 192 00:17:49,400 --> 00:17:52,538 [Music] 193 00:17:59,079 --> 00:18:04,399 on that P that's a pretty big other 194 00:18:02,038 --> 00:18:06,919 expenditures 195 00:18:04,400 --> 00:18:09,000 $280,000 that we just put in a general 196 00:18:06,919 --> 00:18:10,880 fund that we don't account for we have 197 00:18:09,000 --> 00:18:12,359 no line item for we just which one are 198 00:18:10,880 --> 00:18:16,200 you looking at show me the general fund 199 00:18:12,359 --> 00:18:19,199 expenditures 25 26 other expenditures 200 00:18:16,200 --> 00:18:19,200 $278,400 201 00:18:19,569 --> 00:18:22,669 [Music] 202 00:18:29,279 --> 00:18:36,200 or something no no you got it 1 203 00:18:32,759 --> 00:18:37,759 2 I mean I I don't know about the rest 204 00:18:36,200 --> 00:18:38,720 of the residence but I'd sure like to 205 00:18:37,759 --> 00:18:42,000 know where that 206 00:18:38,720 --> 00:18:43,798 $280,000 17 there are 17 other items 207 00:18:42,000 --> 00:18:47,400 listed on 208 00:18:43,798 --> 00:18:51,038 here um we don't we can't single out 209 00:18:47,400 --> 00:18:54,960 everything so other can be utilities it 210 00:18:51,038 --> 00:18:57,640 can be bonds M to because we got on the 211 00:18:54,960 --> 00:19:00,000 back here we got Park safety we got 212 00:18:57,640 --> 00:19:02,440 liquor law enforc we got Jane hill 213 00:19:00,000 --> 00:19:06,558 lighting Walnut Street 214 00:19:02,440 --> 00:19:10,120 lighting part of the 78,000 that is 215 00:19:06,558 --> 00:19:12,038 revenue I'm just fund Revenue transfers 216 00:19:10,119 --> 00:19:15,678 out I can barely read this so bear with 217 00:19:12,038 --> 00:19:17,879 me so um expenditures you have Township 218 00:19:15,679 --> 00:19:19,320 board supervisor so the same things that 219 00:19:17,880 --> 00:19:25,080 are listed 220 00:19:19,319 --> 00:19:27,439 on um page prior to it all other funds 221 00:19:25,079 --> 00:19:31,678 budgeted okay so then what's transferred 222 00:19:27,440 --> 00:19:34,759 up 500,000 so it's transfer out that is 223 00:19:31,679 --> 00:19:38,440 the what we are over budget or not over 224 00:19:34,759 --> 00:19:41,879 budget um under budget so we can move 225 00:19:38,440 --> 00:19:43,720 that to the 400,000 to roads and 100,000 226 00:19:41,880 --> 00:19:46,080 for the building fund well how can we 227 00:19:43,720 --> 00:19:48,319 break it out that way then why don't we 228 00:19:46,079 --> 00:19:50,279 tell our why don't we tell our residents 229 00:19:48,319 --> 00:19:52,200 what we're spending this money I mean I 230 00:19:50,279 --> 00:19:54,158 don't you know I mean I'm I'm just a 231 00:19:52,200 --> 00:19:56,000 simple person you know and I've sat on 232 00:19:54,159 --> 00:19:58,240 small boards before but you know even on 233 00:19:56,000 --> 00:20:01,279 running Lake we're required to our line 234 00:19:58,240 --> 00:20:03,279 item things budgeted stuff okay do you 235 00:20:01,279 --> 00:20:06,519 really think we only have 18 items we 236 00:20:03,279 --> 00:20:07,879 spend money on no I'm sure we don't okay 237 00:20:06,519 --> 00:20:10,319 but you're tell us we can't take the 238 00:20:07,880 --> 00:20:12,360 time to put together a budget that we 239 00:20:10,319 --> 00:20:13,960 can give to these people out here that 240 00:20:12,359 --> 00:20:16,759 they can understand and know where the 241 00:20:13,960 --> 00:20:19,360 money's going that's all I'm 242 00:20:16,759 --> 00:20:22,079 asking the biggest ones is what we have 243 00:20:19,359 --> 00:20:23,959 listed on here so Township board 244 00:20:22,079 --> 00:20:26,079 supervisor Department Clerk's Department 245 00:20:23,960 --> 00:20:27,840 Treasures department treasur is and 246 00:20:26,079 --> 00:20:29,399 Clerk's department is everything as a 247 00:20:27,839 --> 00:20:35,558 whole in this building building like 248 00:20:29,400 --> 00:20:37,600 treasury is my Deputy my um cashier 249 00:20:35,558 --> 00:20:40,079 myself and everything that takes to run 250 00:20:37,599 --> 00:20:43,079 our department I.E everything it takes 251 00:20:40,079 --> 00:20:45,119 to run taxes and I can see asking I can 252 00:20:43,079 --> 00:20:46,319 see it says treasure okay okay I 253 00:20:45,119 --> 00:20:48,038 understand and that's the treasury 254 00:20:46,319 --> 00:20:49,359 Department that's your department and 255 00:20:48,038 --> 00:20:50,879 what you're going to spend and what you 256 00:20:49,359 --> 00:20:52,759 think to budget then the next one is 257 00:20:50,880 --> 00:20:54,360 border review and assessing I'm not 258 00:20:52,759 --> 00:20:58,640 worried about that I'm worried about 259 00:20:54,359 --> 00:21:02,479 500,000 I'm tell whatever you don't see 260 00:20:58,640 --> 00:21:05,720 outlined here like um what we paid for 261 00:21:02,480 --> 00:21:08,679 the Old Town Hall to be re redone this 262 00:21:05,720 --> 00:21:10,600 year um that is part of that anything 263 00:21:08,679 --> 00:21:13,360 you do not see outlined here that 264 00:21:10,599 --> 00:21:17,240 includes everything else that's and 265 00:21:13,359 --> 00:21:19,639 that's 278,000 that isn't a lot in the 266 00:21:17,240 --> 00:21:22,120 in the scheme of things that's every 267 00:21:19,640 --> 00:21:24,880 other thing that you don't see a line 268 00:21:22,119 --> 00:21:27,918 item almost a million dollars is not 269 00:21:24,880 --> 00:21:29,880 that much it's a lot of money to me a 270 00:21:27,919 --> 00:21:33,880 million dollar 271 00:21:29,880 --> 00:21:36,400 500 and 2 300 is 800,000 272 00:21:33,880 --> 00:21:39,200 so Jennifer I'm only worried about these 273 00:21:36,400 --> 00:21:43,038 two big chunks over here that are almost 274 00:21:39,200 --> 00:21:45,798 50% of our expenditures transer out is 275 00:21:43,038 --> 00:21:48,759 not what we paid it's what we moved out 276 00:21:45,798 --> 00:21:50,960 of the general fund 400,000 to the road 277 00:21:48,759 --> 00:21:54,000 fund 100,000 278 00:21:50,960 --> 00:21:57,600 to then why isn't it broke out 100,000 279 00:21:54,000 --> 00:21:59,558 to Road fund 300,000 to I mean I'm can 280 00:21:57,599 --> 00:22:01,798 you show him on here 281 00:21:59,558 --> 00:22:04,079 I was going to ask on the green bar 282 00:22:01,798 --> 00:22:06,720 where it says unallocated is that list 283 00:22:04,079 --> 00:22:06,720 of items 284 00:22:07,000 --> 00:22:11,278 relevant page quite honestly I'd like a 285 00:22:09,319 --> 00:22:12,839 couple more weeks to look at this so and 286 00:22:11,278 --> 00:22:14,759 understand it I mean I've had three days 287 00:22:12,839 --> 00:22:16,599 to look at this entire budget and you're 288 00:22:14,759 --> 00:22:18,319 asking me to vote on it tonight and I 289 00:22:16,599 --> 00:22:19,959 don't think that's fair to us I think 290 00:22:18,319 --> 00:22:21,839 you need to give us a couple weeks so we 291 00:22:19,960 --> 00:22:24,000 can actually look and maybe I would 292 00:22:21,839 --> 00:22:27,519 understand if I had a time to go through 293 00:22:24,000 --> 00:22:30,159 this document so for the budget that's 294 00:22:27,519 --> 00:22:32,200 all out last week he already has the 295 00:22:30,159 --> 00:22:34,200 green bark we already handed it I got it 296 00:22:32,200 --> 00:22:36,319 Thursday of last week I work Thursday 297 00:22:34,200 --> 00:22:37,840 and Friday I have a job full-time job so 298 00:22:36,319 --> 00:22:40,240 I had Saturday and Sunday and part of 299 00:22:37,839 --> 00:22:42,519 yesterday I talk to try to review this 300 00:22:40,240 --> 00:22:44,400 so did you call us with any questions 301 00:22:42,519 --> 00:22:46,319 and ask us what each of those things are 302 00:22:44,400 --> 00:22:47,880 i' sat down mostly yesterday this this 303 00:22:46,319 --> 00:22:49,558 is what I did yesterday when I got home 304 00:22:47,880 --> 00:22:51,919 from work you guys are gone already by 305 00:22:49,558 --> 00:22:54,038 the time I get home from work okay I'm 306 00:22:51,919 --> 00:22:56,600 explaining I'm I would like some time 307 00:22:54,038 --> 00:22:59,240 look at this the transfer out is the 308 00:22:56,599 --> 00:23:01,278 $400 or $400,000 309 00:22:59,240 --> 00:23:03,240 that goes into the road fund that's just 310 00:23:01,278 --> 00:23:06,359 transferring out of the general fund to 311 00:23:03,240 --> 00:23:08,440 the road funds and 100,000 went to the 312 00:23:06,359 --> 00:23:12,839 building fund okay so it's quick 313 00:23:08,440 --> 00:23:16,038 question funds budgeted um public 314 00:23:12,839 --> 00:23:20,678 Improvement Road 400,000 expenses a 315 00:23:16,038 --> 00:23:23,319 million 678 th000 used fund balance is 316 00:23:20,679 --> 00:23:25,120 that the fund balance where's that at 317 00:23:23,319 --> 00:23:27,639 the fund balance is on your treasuries 318 00:23:25,119 --> 00:23:30,759 report that you get every month that 319 00:23:27,640 --> 00:23:32,120 tells you every outline budget where 320 00:23:30,759 --> 00:23:34,240 where's that in here is what I'm 321 00:23:32,119 --> 00:23:37,918 wondering that isn't part of the 322 00:23:34,240 --> 00:23:41,480 budget our monthly fund balance is in 323 00:23:37,919 --> 00:23:41,480 report that you receive every 324 00:23:45,759 --> 00:23:52,319 month so we must have one heck of a fund 325 00:23:48,519 --> 00:23:53,639 balance because the sewers over by 99 or 326 00:23:52,319 --> 00:23:57,000 9 327 00:23:53,640 --> 00:23:59,799 151,000 uh the public road Improvement 328 00:23:57,000 --> 00:24:02,359 7678 th000 329 00:23:59,798 --> 00:24:05,599 um that was just the two big ones Public 330 00:24:02,359 --> 00:24:08,319 Works sewer o andm is over by 331 00:24:05,599 --> 00:24:09,918 209,000 that comes up to over a million 332 00:24:08,319 --> 00:24:12,639 dollars that we're just going to pull 333 00:24:09,919 --> 00:24:15,960 out of this used fund 334 00:24:12,640 --> 00:24:18,600 balance each of those have their own but 335 00:24:15,960 --> 00:24:20,120 there but it says Revenue versus expense 336 00:24:18,599 --> 00:24:22,000 right we're not taking in what it's 337 00:24:20,119 --> 00:24:23,599 costing us so we're taking the 338 00:24:22,000 --> 00:24:26,119 difference which is min are you going to 339 00:24:23,599 --> 00:24:27,798 let her of these app apprentices right 340 00:24:26,119 --> 00:24:30,278 okay all of these that you're looking at 341 00:24:27,798 --> 00:24:37,278 all other budgets these are 342 00:24:30,278 --> 00:24:39,720 all special um funds not part of the um 343 00:24:37,278 --> 00:24:42,319 general fund so all your road 344 00:24:39,720 --> 00:24:45,120 improvements when people want a sad to 345 00:24:42,319 --> 00:24:48,278 do their roads that's a separate fund 346 00:24:45,119 --> 00:24:49,199 none of these are Township monies the 347 00:24:48,278 --> 00:24:52,159 special 348 00:24:49,200 --> 00:24:54,640 funds okay those revenues are coming in 349 00:24:52,159 --> 00:24:57,600 on the left side that's what their sad 350 00:24:54,640 --> 00:24:59,720 is this year that's what's actually 351 00:24:57,599 --> 00:25:03,158 coming in that we're collecting on their 352 00:24:59,720 --> 00:25:06,679 taxes and expenses that's every bill or 353 00:25:03,159 --> 00:25:10,159 bond that we have to pay this coming 354 00:25:06,679 --> 00:25:12,278 here so all other funds is not our money 355 00:25:10,159 --> 00:25:14,120 no none of this is our money the these 356 00:25:12,278 --> 00:25:18,839 are all dedicated 357 00:25:14,119 --> 00:25:21,278 funds from who from the taxpayers that's 358 00:25:18,839 --> 00:25:23,678 all these special Road funds and while 359 00:25:21,278 --> 00:25:26,398 right away funds is I understand 360 00:25:23,679 --> 00:25:28,759 taxpayers money but it's not 361 00:25:26,398 --> 00:25:30,959 ours I'm trying to understand understand 362 00:25:28,759 --> 00:25:32,879 the special assessment districts and how 363 00:25:30,960 --> 00:25:35,079 they work right that's what where the 364 00:25:32,880 --> 00:25:38,840 misunderstanding is no 365 00:25:35,079 --> 00:25:41,558 right yeah so these are not funds that 366 00:25:38,839 --> 00:25:44,798 can be allocated in any other direction 367 00:25:41,558 --> 00:25:47,519 they're solely so look in the so the 368 00:25:44,798 --> 00:25:50,319 bottom one Public Works sewer ow and out 369 00:25:47,519 --> 00:25:53,558 that's revenues that I'm anticipating 370 00:25:50,319 --> 00:25:56,439 collecting 657 th000 and we're going to 371 00:25:53,558 --> 00:26:00,798 pay out 867,000 372 00:25:56,440 --> 00:26:02,519 okay and we have have the 209,000 that 373 00:26:00,798 --> 00:26:05,759 is you said it's not our money on the 374 00:26:02,519 --> 00:26:08,079 negative in the funds in the fund right 375 00:26:05,759 --> 00:26:09,359 this fund where where's the balance of 376 00:26:08,079 --> 00:26:12,599 the fund so I can do that in the 377 00:26:09,359 --> 00:26:14,759 treasures report it was in last it's not 378 00:26:12,599 --> 00:26:16,759 in any of this budget report no it's not 379 00:26:14,759 --> 00:26:18,240 part of the budget okay your fund 380 00:26:16,759 --> 00:26:20,000 balance is it would be nice if you put 381 00:26:18,240 --> 00:26:22,079 that sheet in there so we when we see 382 00:26:20,000 --> 00:26:25,079 something like this where it says use 383 00:26:22,079 --> 00:26:27,480 fund balance just a sheet for us to look 384 00:26:25,079 --> 00:26:29,879 at this says here's the fund balance so 385 00:26:27,480 --> 00:26:31,480 we can associate something I I'm 386 00:26:29,880 --> 00:26:33,919 assuming because it's in here in our 387 00:26:31,480 --> 00:26:35,120 budget that it's got it's part of our 388 00:26:33,919 --> 00:26:37,720 budget that's the only thing assumption 389 00:26:35,119 --> 00:26:40,639 I can make if you read our board packets 390 00:26:37,720 --> 00:26:42,759 that we get uh two weeks ago that 391 00:26:40,640 --> 00:26:44,440 document was in there every month 392 00:26:42,759 --> 00:26:46,599 there's a treasurers report and it tells 393 00:26:44,440 --> 00:26:48,320 you every single fund and every single 394 00:26:46,599 --> 00:26:50,959 dollar that's in those funds and I 395 00:26:48,319 --> 00:26:52,839 assume that was part of our budget why 396 00:26:50,960 --> 00:26:56,278 would I 397 00:26:52,839 --> 00:26:58,558 not a budget is what we're planning on 398 00:26:56,278 --> 00:27:00,720 bringing in this year and we're 399 00:26:58,558 --> 00:27:03,759 expending not what your fund we're 400 00:27:00,720 --> 00:27:06,440 taking in 657 th000 for sewer we're 401 00:27:03,759 --> 00:27:08,798 spending 867 that is 402 00:27:06,440 --> 00:27:10,840 correct so then your negative number 403 00:27:08,798 --> 00:27:13,200 that you see it's telling you we're 404 00:27:10,839 --> 00:27:14,918 using the Surplus from the funds is 405 00:27:13,200 --> 00:27:16,120 covering that other 200 but none of this 406 00:27:14,919 --> 00:27:18,520 is part of our budget so it really 407 00:27:16,119 --> 00:27:21,639 shouldn't even be in this this it's part 408 00:27:18,519 --> 00:27:21,639 of the budget it's 409 00:27:22,319 --> 00:27:28,720 not your fund totals your balances are 410 00:27:26,599 --> 00:27:31,798 not part of your budget 411 00:27:28,720 --> 00:27:33,640 a budget is what you plan to spend and 412 00:27:31,798 --> 00:27:36,558 what you're planning on 413 00:27:33,640 --> 00:27:39,559 receiving right that's what we're doing 414 00:27:36,558 --> 00:27:41,480 I understand that so and my point is I I 415 00:27:39,558 --> 00:27:43,278 don't care what what this is if we're 416 00:27:41,480 --> 00:27:45,240 planning on spending more than we're 417 00:27:43,278 --> 00:27:46,880 we're taking in the money comes from 418 00:27:45,240 --> 00:27:48,679 somewhere and these people have a right 419 00:27:46,880 --> 00:27:49,960 to know where it's your fund balance and 420 00:27:48,679 --> 00:27:51,080 they need they have a rights know well 421 00:27:49,960 --> 00:27:52,759 but then they need to know what that 422 00:27:51,079 --> 00:27:54,759 where that is did they get the packet 423 00:27:52,759 --> 00:27:58,278 every two weeks with that money well 424 00:27:54,759 --> 00:28:00,558 they look online yes anybody can get 425 00:27:58,278 --> 00:28:03,159 it's it's available to the public but 426 00:28:00,558 --> 00:28:03,158 they don't know 427 00:28:03,960 --> 00:28:08,440 that well I don't know how else you 428 00:28:06,038 --> 00:28:11,000 would like me would you like me to email 429 00:28:08,440 --> 00:28:12,759 it to everybody I don't know but I mean 430 00:28:11,000 --> 00:28:13,960 that's that's just I mean again give 431 00:28:12,759 --> 00:28:16,440 give me two weeks to look at this 432 00:28:13,960 --> 00:28:18,079 instead of three two days you're you're 433 00:28:16,440 --> 00:28:21,640 entitled to not pass it if you don't 434 00:28:18,079 --> 00:28:23,158 want to be I mean I I get it okay I get 435 00:28:21,640 --> 00:28:24,720 it you guys move on because you got your 436 00:28:23,159 --> 00:28:26,720 four votes you're going to do what you 437 00:28:24,720 --> 00:28:29,120 want so go ahead and move 438 00:28:26,720 --> 00:28:33,240 on all right 439 00:28:29,119 --> 00:28:35,839 um are there any other questions 440 00:28:33,240 --> 00:28:39,120 regarding the 441 00:28:35,839 --> 00:28:41,278 budget all right so moving on to 442 00:28:39,119 --> 00:28:46,398 approval for the agenda 443 00:28:41,278 --> 00:28:47,519 please so move support all in favor I I 444 00:28:46,398 --> 00:28:50,359 oppos 445 00:28:47,519 --> 00:28:52,480 no public he you have to you have to 446 00:28:50,359 --> 00:28:56,359 close the public hearing I'm sorry and 447 00:28:52,480 --> 00:28:56,360 then sorry I did I'll close the public 448 00:28:56,798 --> 00:29:03,278 hearing okay we got the time okay now 449 00:29:00,839 --> 00:29:04,879 I'll look for approval for the agenda so 450 00:29:03,278 --> 00:29:07,880 moved 451 00:29:04,880 --> 00:29:07,880 support 452 00:29:13,000 --> 00:29:18,720 no you have to have public comments I 453 00:29:15,319 --> 00:29:22,439 don't see any public it's not on my list 454 00:29:18,720 --> 00:29:22,440 okay public comments 455 00:29:29,880 --> 00:29:35,679 no public comments oh there we go it has 456 00:29:33,278 --> 00:29:39,079 to be to be just on the budget yeah it 457 00:29:35,679 --> 00:29:39,080 can only be on the budget 458 00:29:40,759 --> 00:29:45,599 correct not sure if I'm understanding 459 00:29:43,440 --> 00:29:49,278 correctly but his argument is exactly 460 00:29:45,599 --> 00:29:52,798 why I came in here today um so I looked 461 00:29:49,278 --> 00:29:53,839 at these graphs and whatnot I see the 462 00:29:52,798 --> 00:29:55,519 same 463 00:29:53,839 --> 00:29:58,918 thing I 464 00:29:55,519 --> 00:30:01,679 see we're we're spending this much money 465 00:29:58,919 --> 00:30:03,278 but we're only taking in this much money 466 00:30:01,679 --> 00:30:05,519 and it says to use 467 00:30:03,278 --> 00:30:07,960 Surplus blah blah blah whatever pretty 468 00:30:05,519 --> 00:30:10,679 bigue words where does that money come 469 00:30:07,960 --> 00:30:12,880 from he has good questions in the fund 470 00:30:10,679 --> 00:30:14,880 okay the fund in the fund where do the 471 00:30:12,880 --> 00:30:17,880 fund come 472 00:30:14,880 --> 00:30:19,360 from you got this fund he's saying 473 00:30:17,880 --> 00:30:21,278 people need to know where's this fund 474 00:30:19,359 --> 00:30:24,038 coming I know where it's coming from 475 00:30:21,278 --> 00:30:28,000 it's coming from extra money I heard you 476 00:30:24,038 --> 00:30:31,558 say we have had a surplus for the since 477 00:30:28,000 --> 00:30:33,319 2010 right you know how I take that 478 00:30:31,558 --> 00:30:35,678 every person in this room's been over 479 00:30:33,319 --> 00:30:38,519 taxed since 2010 you're building a big 480 00:30:35,679 --> 00:30:40,440 fat bank account on my dime and 481 00:30:38,519 --> 00:30:43,240 applauding yourself for taking your 482 00:30:40,440 --> 00:30:45,320 extra money you took from me to pay for 483 00:30:43,240 --> 00:30:47,759 what you ain't got to pay for this year 484 00:30:45,319 --> 00:30:49,158 I can't roll that way and I tell you 485 00:30:47,759 --> 00:30:53,000 what just like he 486 00:30:49,159 --> 00:30:55,679 said I'm a builder I do jobs for 487 00:30:53,000 --> 00:30:58,278 people I have on my phone I have every 488 00:30:55,679 --> 00:31:01,240 receipt that I spend on their material 489 00:30:58,278 --> 00:31:03,359 cuz people get sticker shot so I show 490 00:31:01,240 --> 00:31:05,200 them you want to see every line excuse 491 00:31:03,359 --> 00:31:10,158 me sir can you state your name and your 492 00:31:05,200 --> 00:31:13,360 address Jim Lon it's okay yeah I know so 493 00:31:10,159 --> 00:31:16,278 I show them just like he said what's so 494 00:31:13,359 --> 00:31:18,719 hard it's not I do it every day you you 495 00:31:16,278 --> 00:31:21,200 think I didn't spend this much money I I 496 00:31:18,720 --> 00:31:22,919 get it people rip people up I could 497 00:31:21,200 --> 00:31:25,639 charge someone 498 00:31:22,919 --> 00:31:28,278 $2,000 take $11,000 spend it on another 499 00:31:25,638 --> 00:31:31,278 job so I have to be able to show no 500 00:31:28,278 --> 00:31:33,880 here's what I spent every line item it 501 00:31:31,278 --> 00:31:37,278 ain't hard to do I see a whole lot of 502 00:31:33,880 --> 00:31:39,840 vagueness up here stuff's not explained 503 00:31:37,278 --> 00:31:43,278 my son is a Township 504 00:31:39,839 --> 00:31:45,759 supervisor Township twice this size I 505 00:31:43,278 --> 00:31:47,558 sent him all this stuff today I said 506 00:31:45,759 --> 00:31:50,480 what's your opinion you know what he 507 00:31:47,558 --> 00:31:51,720 said in Michigan either somebody don't 508 00:31:50,480 --> 00:31:54,120 know what they're doing or somebody's 509 00:31:51,720 --> 00:31:57,600 being shady I said what do you mean he 510 00:31:54,119 --> 00:31:59,719 said it's so vague he said we send out a 511 00:31:57,599 --> 00:32:02,398 thir 30 page 512 00:31:59,720 --> 00:32:04,839 document explaining where's this money 513 00:32:02,398 --> 00:32:06,199 coming from where's it going so I asked 514 00:32:04,839 --> 00:32:08,879 you where's this fund come from you 515 00:32:06,200 --> 00:32:11,240 didn't answer me I'd like to know this 516 00:32:08,880 --> 00:32:14,039 this magical fund that we 517 00:32:11,240 --> 00:32:16,679 have are you guys building a big fat 518 00:32:14,038 --> 00:32:19,960 bank account on taxes that we shouldn't 519 00:32:16,679 --> 00:32:23,639 have had to pay before well I'd like an 520 00:32:19,960 --> 00:32:26,200 answer I think it's pretty easy to 521 00:32:23,638 --> 00:32:28,199 answer explain it to and I take no 522 00:32:26,200 --> 00:32:31,798 answer as an answer I appreciate your 523 00:32:28,200 --> 00:32:33,080 questions I do and people can battle you 524 00:32:31,798 --> 00:32:34,679 but some people just don't want to face 525 00:32:33,079 --> 00:32:37,319 the 526 00:32:34,679 --> 00:32:41,519 truth so where's the fund come 527 00:32:37,319 --> 00:32:41,519 from the magic fund we 528 00:32:42,519 --> 00:32:49,319 have I 529 00:32:44,679 --> 00:32:49,320 think like I said I take 530 00:32:52,329 --> 00:32:55,389 [Music] 531 00:32:57,960 --> 00:33:04,440 so I'm make an 532 00:33:00,359 --> 00:33:06,599 appoint hey Jim yeah we can't comment 533 00:33:04,440 --> 00:33:07,720 but you can make an appointment you can 534 00:33:06,599 --> 00:33:10,038 make an 535 00:33:07,720 --> 00:33:11,919 appointment I will but she was she was 536 00:33:10,038 --> 00:33:14,919 responding to me you can't pick and 537 00:33:11,919 --> 00:33:17,080 choose when you respond well she chose 538 00:33:14,919 --> 00:33:20,038 to respond and then she wants to shut up 539 00:33:17,079 --> 00:33:24,480 later yeah that's chicken 540 00:33:20,038 --> 00:33:24,480 CRA you can't pick 541 00:33:28,679 --> 00:33:31,880 oh I tell 542 00:33:29,960 --> 00:33:34,880 you 543 00:33:31,880 --> 00:33:38,120 that's Scott Dietrich White Lake Road 544 00:33:34,880 --> 00:33:39,559 general fund is used we get the money in 545 00:33:38,119 --> 00:33:42,239 fact we just paid back money to the 546 00:33:39,558 --> 00:33:44,678 general fund from the 547 00:33:42,240 --> 00:33:46,399 sewer so she couldn't tell you that 548 00:33:44,679 --> 00:33:48,200 right now go in and talk to her if you 549 00:33:46,398 --> 00:33:49,959 guys come to meetings more often you'll 550 00:33:48,200 --> 00:33:53,240 know what's going on with your money 551 00:33:49,960 --> 00:33:54,840 amen um okay no I'm not I'm trying to 552 00:33:53,240 --> 00:33:57,000 explain to you hey hey hey hey I'm 553 00:33:54,839 --> 00:33:59,678 trying to explain to you I cuz I've come 554 00:33:57,000 --> 00:34:02,038 to meetings a surplus all right you got 555 00:33:59,679 --> 00:34:05,080 a surplus we do every Township has a 556 00:34:02,038 --> 00:34:06,839 surplus where's it come from it come it 557 00:34:05,079 --> 00:34:09,440 comes from all the taxes and everything 558 00:34:06,839 --> 00:34:12,440 else what do you think 559 00:34:09,440 --> 00:34:14,679 they you want me to answer you want me 560 00:34:12,440 --> 00:34:16,760 to answer hey hey hey all right I'm not 561 00:34:14,679 --> 00:34:20,280 sticking up for him I'm just trying to 562 00:34:16,760 --> 00:34:21,839 explain Scott all right just so we got 563 00:34:20,280 --> 00:34:23,960 extra money coming back from the general 564 00:34:21,838 --> 00:34:25,960 fund helped out the sewer fund okay 565 00:34:23,960 --> 00:34:30,440 that's coming back in the general fund 566 00:34:25,960 --> 00:34:30,440 money goes to help pay pave the 567 00:34:30,480 --> 00:34:35,240 roads people don't realize that when we 568 00:34:32,838 --> 00:34:37,719 pave the county puts up 50% we put up 569 00:34:35,239 --> 00:34:39,918 the other 50% unless we want to put up a 570 00:34:37,719 --> 00:34:41,598 millage to pave these 571 00:34:39,918 --> 00:34:43,759 roads I don't know if you guys 572 00:34:41,599 --> 00:34:45,079 understood that but I don't know 573 00:34:43,760 --> 00:34:47,200 everything I'm just telling you what I 574 00:34:45,079 --> 00:34:49,480 know okay I'm not sticking up I'm trying 575 00:34:47,199 --> 00:34:50,838 to just say the general fund is good 576 00:34:49,480 --> 00:34:53,280 they got extra money we put it in the 577 00:34:50,838 --> 00:34:55,519 general fund okay we used the general 578 00:34:53,280 --> 00:34:56,919 fund for years to help with the sewer I 579 00:34:55,519 --> 00:34:59,960 didn't want the sewer they put the sewer 580 00:34:56,918 --> 00:35:02,358 in many years ago okay so we had to keep 581 00:34:59,960 --> 00:35:05,119 borrowing from this general fund to help 582 00:35:02,358 --> 00:35:06,920 pay for the sewer okay now the sewer is 583 00:35:05,119 --> 00:35:09,119 paying us back so we got tons of money 584 00:35:06,920 --> 00:35:11,358 in the general fund and that's going to 585 00:35:09,119 --> 00:35:13,880 go to fix the roads so I mean I'm not 586 00:35:11,358 --> 00:35:16,199 trying to pick sides I'm just just one 587 00:35:13,880 --> 00:35:18,599 what I understand 588 00:35:16,199 --> 00:35:20,679 okay I don't want to pay any more taxes 589 00:35:18,599 --> 00:35:24,920 I'd like to get rid of the darn uh M 590 00:35:20,679 --> 00:35:24,919 Community College one that's one 591 00:35:28,960 --> 00:35:33,280 don't any any other 592 00:35:46,400 --> 00:35:51,519 comments yeah Kurt Schultz from Silver 593 00:35:49,318 --> 00:35:56,119 Lake Estates number 594 00:35:51,519 --> 00:35:59,400 two um I guess I'm wondering if uh I 595 00:35:56,119 --> 00:36:03,160 could speak in regards to new business 596 00:35:59,400 --> 00:36:05,480 number seven no no just this is hearing 597 00:36:03,159 --> 00:36:07,759 only about the budget this is only on 598 00:36:05,480 --> 00:36:09,199 the budget correct okay but this is part 599 00:36:07,760 --> 00:36:12,319 of the budget 600 00:36:09,199 --> 00:36:13,879 though doesn't the budget also 601 00:36:12,318 --> 00:36:18,039 include 602 00:36:13,880 --> 00:36:22,160 the funds that go to each person here 603 00:36:18,039 --> 00:36:25,159 yes so ask your question 604 00:36:22,159 --> 00:36:26,559 okay oh I'm sorry did have we done any 605 00:36:25,159 --> 00:36:29,399 type of 606 00:36:26,559 --> 00:36:33,199 study in regards 607 00:36:29,400 --> 00:36:36,200 to what people should be 608 00:36:33,199 --> 00:36:40,719 paid 609 00:36:36,199 --> 00:36:43,078 vely no do not answer no we've done a 610 00:36:40,719 --> 00:36:47,159 wage comparison the clerks in linston 611 00:36:43,079 --> 00:36:49,200 County do a wage um study each year and 612 00:36:47,159 --> 00:36:52,920 each cerk goes through fills out what 613 00:36:49,199 --> 00:36:55,078 everybody in their um office is making 614 00:36:52,920 --> 00:36:58,039 and that's where all of this that I 615 00:36:55,079 --> 00:37:02,079 pulled is it's all accurate up today 616 00:36:58,039 --> 00:37:05,599 it's the 25 to 26 okay year that's what 617 00:37:02,079 --> 00:37:05,599 I was asking yes thank 618 00:37:16,599 --> 00:37:20,160 you any other 619 00:37:23,280 --> 00:37:30,519 comments de on MCM Circle when he was 620 00:37:27,960 --> 00:37:33,039 talking about the salaries I guess my 621 00:37:30,519 --> 00:37:36,559 question is are those salaries compared 622 00:37:33,039 --> 00:37:39,440 because I know three other areas that 623 00:37:36,559 --> 00:37:42,799 are about the same size as Tyrone 624 00:37:39,440 --> 00:37:45,400 Township they don't make anything near 625 00:37:42,800 --> 00:37:47,318 what y'all make so I guess when I'm 626 00:37:45,400 --> 00:37:49,119 asking where these comparisons are done 627 00:37:47,318 --> 00:37:53,880 are they done with like 628 00:37:49,119 --> 00:37:58,079 townships yes these are Maran is 100% 629 00:37:53,880 --> 00:38:00,200 spoton population revenues and expenses 630 00:37:58,079 --> 00:38:02,839 the same as Tyrone Township and what 631 00:38:00,199 --> 00:38:05,358 about other townships besides just Maran 632 00:38:02,838 --> 00:38:07,358 and they're all in the board packet here 633 00:38:05,358 --> 00:38:10,318 the ones that are highlighted in yellow 634 00:38:07,358 --> 00:38:13,279 we'll see on our screens are all 635 00:38:10,318 --> 00:38:15,480 comparable but Maran is the one that is 636 00:38:13,280 --> 00:38:17,440 very much now are y'all full-time 637 00:38:15,480 --> 00:38:19,760 employees part-time employees we're 638 00:38:17,440 --> 00:38:21,920 fulltime fulltime full-time employees 639 00:38:19,760 --> 00:38:24,960 fulltime not the trustees not the 640 00:38:21,920 --> 00:38:28,760 trustees right and do you have a certain 641 00:38:24,960 --> 00:38:30,960 degree to take on the treasure 642 00:38:28,760 --> 00:38:34,000 position or a certain degree to take on 643 00:38:30,960 --> 00:38:36,000 the clerk's position what do you mean I 644 00:38:34,000 --> 00:38:37,079 mean like the treasurer do they have a 645 00:38:36,000 --> 00:38:41,960 degree in 646 00:38:37,079 --> 00:38:44,359 finance or they basically just pencil 647 00:38:41,960 --> 00:38:46,559 pushers Well's that required to have any 648 00:38:44,358 --> 00:38:48,679 degree for any elected position that's 649 00:38:46,559 --> 00:38:50,838 what I'm asking right so you don't have 650 00:38:48,679 --> 00:38:54,480 any kind of degree for that type of 651 00:38:50,838 --> 00:38:57,039 position that you hold so anyone could 652 00:38:54,480 --> 00:39:00,000 sign up for that position well you you 653 00:38:57,039 --> 00:39:01,559 do have to as for me for elections you 654 00:39:00,000 --> 00:39:04,159 have to be accredited through the state 655 00:39:01,559 --> 00:39:06,119 of Michigan you have to do training each 656 00:39:04,159 --> 00:39:08,279 year in order to do that do I have 657 00:39:06,119 --> 00:39:11,680 degrees yes I have degrees are they in 658 00:39:08,280 --> 00:39:13,519 clerks no there is no clerk degree okay 659 00:39:11,679 --> 00:39:16,239 um in that in Treasure is there a 660 00:39:13,519 --> 00:39:19,639 finance degree that you need or just no 661 00:39:16,239 --> 00:39:22,239 no no okay anybody there's a plethora of 662 00:39:19,639 --> 00:39:24,719 training we send Jennifer G to training 663 00:39:22,239 --> 00:39:27,519 every year she's gotten certified as 664 00:39:24,719 --> 00:39:30,000 well as her Deputy clerk the same thing 665 00:39:27,519 --> 00:39:32,639 I'm in the process of that and my Deputy 666 00:39:30,000 --> 00:39:34,599 clerk is in training all the time as 667 00:39:32,639 --> 00:39:35,960 well through and do yall get benefits on 668 00:39:34,599 --> 00:39:39,079 top of the 669 00:39:35,960 --> 00:39:40,800 salary is that included in your salary 670 00:39:39,079 --> 00:39:42,480 not for me I don't take benefits from 671 00:39:40,800 --> 00:39:44,240 the township I have no health insurance 672 00:39:42,480 --> 00:39:45,318 or benefits through the township okay 673 00:39:44,239 --> 00:39:47,439 and do 674 00:39:45,318 --> 00:39:49,599 other people do we pay for their 675 00:39:47,440 --> 00:39:52,920 benefits through the township yes so 676 00:39:49,599 --> 00:39:56,760 that's on top of their salaries yes okay 677 00:39:52,920 --> 00:39:56,760 thank you you're welcome 678 00:40:02,519 --> 00:40:05,039 any other 679 00:40:06,760 --> 00:40:13,480 comments all right I will close public 680 00:40:10,119 --> 00:40:13,480 hearing public 681 00:40:15,000 --> 00:40:23,519 comments and uh look for approval of the 682 00:40:18,679 --> 00:40:28,519 agenda or any changes sove 683 00:40:23,519 --> 00:40:30,920 support all in favor I I 684 00:40:28,519 --> 00:40:30,920 yeah 685 00:40:31,039 --> 00:40:38,559 no okay uh moving on to the approval of 686 00:40:35,159 --> 00:40:41,358 a the consent agenda 687 00:40:38,559 --> 00:40:47,119 um we looks at the regular the board 688 00:40:41,358 --> 00:40:47,119 meeting minutes February 18th all in 689 00:40:48,039 --> 00:40:54,719 favor and the clerk wer and the clerk's 690 00:40:50,960 --> 00:40:57,039 Warren spills are we good do we have a 691 00:40:54,719 --> 00:40:58,759 question on that uhuh I already have an 692 00:40:57,039 --> 00:41:00,719 answer 693 00:40:58,760 --> 00:41:03,720 there some 694 00:41:00,719 --> 00:41:03,719 moved 695 00:41:04,358 --> 00:41:13,358 support all in favor I I I 696 00:41:10,239 --> 00:41:16,358 oppose okay that motion 697 00:41:13,358 --> 00:41:16,358 carries 698 00:41:18,199 --> 00:41:22,480 Communications Planning Commission 699 00:41:20,000 --> 00:41:24,920 approved meeting minutes Planning 700 00:41:22,480 --> 00:41:27,440 Commission meeting synopsis Livingston 701 00:41:24,920 --> 00:41:30,480 County Sheriff report 702 00:41:27,440 --> 00:41:35,519 and the attorney invoices 703 00:41:30,480 --> 00:41:35,519 December 2024 and January 704 00:41:36,480 --> 00:41:42,119 2025 any questions or 705 00:41:39,440 --> 00:41:45,240 comments I'd like to discuss the 706 00:41:42,119 --> 00:41:47,760 attorney invoices you can see they were 707 00:41:45,239 --> 00:41:49,519 in the clerk's warrants and bills and 708 00:41:47,760 --> 00:41:51,400 they've also been 709 00:41:49,519 --> 00:41:53,679 provided in the 710 00:41:51,400 --> 00:41:56,119 communications so we have several that 711 00:41:53,679 --> 00:41:59,239 were for foster and Swift that were not 712 00:41:56,119 --> 00:41:59,240 approved by the board 713 00:42:01,559 --> 00:42:07,599 those they're included in the packet 714 00:42:04,119 --> 00:42:12,160 that were um 715 00:42:07,599 --> 00:42:14,280 from Mr KS and um Mr those those are 716 00:42:12,159 --> 00:42:17,519 mine no it says right here on the 717 00:42:14,280 --> 00:42:20,440 invoice phone conference with Mr H for 718 00:42:17,519 --> 00:42:23,800 Foya request as well as yourself and 719 00:42:20,440 --> 00:42:26,519 then the others for yours so it totals 720 00:42:23,800 --> 00:42:28,119 $852 for foster and Swift and that was 721 00:42:26,519 --> 00:42:30,838 unauthorized 722 00:42:28,119 --> 00:42:32,960 charges um so with that being said I'd 723 00:42:30,838 --> 00:42:36,960 like to make a motion that legal fees 724 00:42:32,960 --> 00:42:36,960 must have prior authorization from the 725 00:42:39,679 --> 00:42:45,000 board you're meaning it we go outside of 726 00:42:42,480 --> 00:42:47,519 our legal council right yes okay yes 727 00:42:45,000 --> 00:42:49,000 when we do have contract so as legal 728 00:42:47,519 --> 00:42:52,800 agent for the 729 00:42:49,000 --> 00:42:55,559 township I can't just go out and get a 730 00:42:52,800 --> 00:42:59,119 second opinion I need approval from 731 00:42:55,559 --> 00:42:59,119 everyone to get a second 732 00:43:00,039 --> 00:43:06,119 yes is that correct CH well there's two 733 00:43:03,719 --> 00:43:09,318 issues can you seek advice from outside 734 00:43:06,119 --> 00:43:11,200 councel the answer is yes however to pay 735 00:43:09,318 --> 00:43:13,159 that councel you need board 736 00:43:11,199 --> 00:43:14,879 approval 737 00:43:13,159 --> 00:43:19,759 okay 738 00:43:14,880 --> 00:43:22,760 okay yep that's my motion all right I 739 00:43:19,760 --> 00:43:22,760 second 740 00:43:25,159 --> 00:43:31,399 motion all right well I will will say 741 00:43:27,519 --> 00:43:35,480 they were Foster Swift was uh was very 742 00:43:31,400 --> 00:43:38,519 careful with uh with not stepping on 743 00:43:35,480 --> 00:43:41,519 your toes Chuck they they were very 744 00:43:38,519 --> 00:43:41,519 professional 745 00:43:43,519 --> 00:43:54,759 so so we have a motion that was 746 00:43:46,358 --> 00:43:54,759 seconded all in favor I I all oppos no 747 00:43:58,559 --> 00:44:00,760 all 748 00:44:02,960 --> 00:44:10,280 right any other 749 00:44:06,119 --> 00:44:14,160 uh any other questions and communication 750 00:44:10,280 --> 00:44:16,480 comments so I got a question you um on 751 00:44:14,159 --> 00:44:20,879 attorney charges did we get charged for 752 00:44:16,480 --> 00:44:20,880 the preparation of the cental 753 00:44:20,960 --> 00:44:26,480 letter yes we did and we got how did you 754 00:44:24,358 --> 00:44:29,078 get board approval without since I was 755 00:44:26,480 --> 00:44:31,119 never we have we have a contract with 756 00:44:29,079 --> 00:44:33,160 him he's our general counsel we already 757 00:44:31,119 --> 00:44:34,800 have board approval to use his services 758 00:44:33,159 --> 00:44:37,440 in 759 00:44:34,800 --> 00:44:42,200 consultation it's when you go outside 760 00:44:37,440 --> 00:44:44,760 that approved Council so we can call him 761 00:44:42,199 --> 00:44:44,759 anytime we 762 00:44:50,159 --> 00:44:56,598 want all set do we have to approve 763 00:44:53,679 --> 00:44:59,838 Communications yes we do I'm looking for 764 00:44:56,599 --> 00:45:06,119 a motion to approve Communications so 765 00:44:59,838 --> 00:45:06,119 moved support all in favor I 766 00:45:06,920 --> 00:45:17,480 oppose all right and now here is public 767 00:45:12,480 --> 00:45:20,340 remarks agenda on agenda items only 768 00:45:17,480 --> 00:45:23,458 correct we didn't get that par 769 00:45:20,340 --> 00:45:23,459 [Music] 770 00:45:25,559 --> 00:45:30,079 parenthesis any public public comments 771 00:45:27,679 --> 00:45:30,078 on the 772 00:45:31,800 --> 00:45:39,680 agenda all right I 773 00:45:34,719 --> 00:45:42,399 will that pardon I got one all 774 00:45:39,679 --> 00:45:44,598 right on the salaries I know over the 775 00:45:42,400 --> 00:45:46,880 years 776 00:45:44,599 --> 00:45:47,559 Scott everybody's been complaining about 777 00:45:46,880 --> 00:45:50,358 the 778 00:45:47,559 --> 00:45:53,640 salaries and I you know I I kind of did 779 00:45:50,358 --> 00:45:55,838 too and I i' like we always talked about 780 00:45:53,639 --> 00:45:57,519 um may be bringing someone in more or 781 00:45:55,838 --> 00:45:59,920 less just do we have too many people in 782 00:45:57,519 --> 00:46:03,440 working here or don't we have enough I 783 00:45:59,920 --> 00:46:07,920 mean I I I I I'm not qualified to make 784 00:46:03,440 --> 00:46:10,599 that judgment okay so all I know is we 785 00:46:07,920 --> 00:46:12,639 have raises and we see other townships 786 00:46:10,599 --> 00:46:15,119 so I'm not I don't want to bicker too 787 00:46:12,639 --> 00:46:17,000 much if we're lying with Marion but I 788 00:46:15,119 --> 00:46:19,519 want to ask you something 789 00:46:17,000 --> 00:46:21,960 Greg I I know you I don't know if you've 790 00:46:19,519 --> 00:46:23,480 retired yet okay I don't know if you're 791 00:46:21,960 --> 00:46:25,480 taking calls in the office for your 792 00:46:23,480 --> 00:46:27,519 business or if you're doing business 793 00:46:25,480 --> 00:46:30,760 trips out of the office here 794 00:46:27,519 --> 00:46:34,239 um I do know in the paperwork that was 795 00:46:30,760 --> 00:46:35,280 filed that we had a call for Hogan Road 796 00:46:34,239 --> 00:46:38,558 for the 797 00:46:35,280 --> 00:46:40,280 sewage 50 minutes went by and you're the 798 00:46:38,559 --> 00:46:43,599 emergency contact and you never answered 799 00:46:40,280 --> 00:46:46,040 the phone Jennifer had to take the call 800 00:46:43,599 --> 00:46:48,200 okay 50 minutes that's almost an hour 801 00:46:46,039 --> 00:46:49,838 okay I don't know what's going on in the 802 00:46:48,199 --> 00:46:53,558 office but if these girls are picking up 803 00:46:49,838 --> 00:46:56,000 the slack I mean it everybody in the 804 00:46:53,559 --> 00:46:58,559 office is picking up a slack because you 805 00:46:56,000 --> 00:47:00,679 know you got a little side hustle fine I 806 00:46:58,559 --> 00:47:04,079 I I I elected you to be 807 00:47:00,679 --> 00:47:05,558 full-time all right and that's all I ask 808 00:47:04,079 --> 00:47:07,039 all right it wouldn't be right for 809 00:47:05,559 --> 00:47:09,640 anybody else in this office to have a 810 00:47:07,039 --> 00:47:11,400 side hustle people that work here or 811 00:47:09,639 --> 00:47:14,558 anybody else or any other officers I'd 812 00:47:11,400 --> 00:47:17,400 be on them so I mean it wouldn't be 813 00:47:14,559 --> 00:47:19,079 respectable for the taxpayer so if 814 00:47:17,400 --> 00:47:21,800 you're still working your 815 00:47:19,079 --> 00:47:23,280 job I I I can't justify 50 something 816 00:47:21,800 --> 00:47:25,839 thousand a year if you're working two 817 00:47:23,280 --> 00:47:27,040 jobs out of this office and if you're 818 00:47:25,838 --> 00:47:29,159 leaving this office and you're 819 00:47:27,039 --> 00:47:30,440 accounting for the time so I think 820 00:47:29,159 --> 00:47:34,598 everybody should be held accountable 821 00:47:30,440 --> 00:47:34,599 everybody in this office so thank 822 00:47:43,079 --> 00:47:46,480 you anybody 823 00:47:48,440 --> 00:47:56,039 else all right we will close public 824 00:47:52,039 --> 00:47:58,838 remarks and do we have any unfinished 825 00:47:56,039 --> 00:47:58,838 business 826 00:48:02,199 --> 00:48:08,960 all right we'll move on to uh new 827 00:48:05,519 --> 00:48:11,920 business uh business item number one NYY 828 00:48:08,960 --> 00:48:16,639 Road sewer break and Odor Control update 829 00:48:11,920 --> 00:48:20,440 we have uh Brian and Frank from the 830 00:48:16,639 --> 00:48:23,519 DPW welcome guys good evening thank 831 00:48:20,440 --> 00:48:27,639 you can we get can we get Frank and 832 00:48:23,519 --> 00:48:27,639 chair I can stand 833 00:48:28,920 --> 00:48:33,358 thank you thank you Frank always kneels 834 00:48:30,960 --> 00:48:33,358 in my 835 00:48:34,000 --> 00:48:39,519 presence that's 836 00:48:36,239 --> 00:48:41,558 netive no that wouldn't work anyway um 837 00:48:39,519 --> 00:48:44,039 uh yeah my name is Brian jonier you know 838 00:48:41,559 --> 00:48:47,720 Frank uh irban with my office I 839 00:48:44,039 --> 00:48:50,440 appreciate the invite um I uh I was 840 00:48:47,719 --> 00:48:52,838 going to spend a few minutes I know the 841 00:48:50,440 --> 00:48:55,039 questions are on the the break I'm going 842 00:48:52,838 --> 00:48:57,199 to let him speak to that but I know 843 00:48:55,039 --> 00:48:59,679 there's a lot of people who who haven't 844 00:48:57,199 --> 00:49:01,279 been involved for very long on the sewer 845 00:48:59,679 --> 00:49:05,318 and I just wanted to give a brief 846 00:49:01,280 --> 00:49:09,519 overview to everybody kind of how the 847 00:49:05,318 --> 00:49:12,798 how it works from a thousand foot up um 848 00:49:09,519 --> 00:49:17,880 the system we began discussions back in 849 00:49:12,798 --> 00:49:20,400 the late 90s and um uh at that point we 850 00:49:17,880 --> 00:49:23,760 had a system on White Lake Road that 851 00:49:20,400 --> 00:49:26,559 that uh served the people of renan lake 852 00:49:23,760 --> 00:49:28,480 and so they had made back ' 70s or ' 80s 853 00:49:26,559 --> 00:49:31,839 um had made the decision that they want 854 00:49:28,480 --> 00:49:34,199 to protect their Lake it was put in um 855 00:49:31,838 --> 00:49:37,358 through the drain code through our 856 00:49:34,199 --> 00:49:39,399 office although that long predates me so 857 00:49:37,358 --> 00:49:42,920 late '90s we were starting to see some 858 00:49:39,400 --> 00:49:45,519 problems with the system and so we began 859 00:49:42,920 --> 00:49:48,079 that process of going through the state 860 00:49:45,519 --> 00:49:50,280 to uh try to put in a new system we had 861 00:49:48,079 --> 00:49:52,760 an area for replacement that was already 862 00:49:50,280 --> 00:49:54,359 intended for a new system and that's 863 00:49:52,760 --> 00:49:56,760 when the township got in touch with us 864 00:49:54,358 --> 00:49:58,318 and said hey can we look into other 865 00:49:56,760 --> 00:50:02,079 possibilities because we have areas 866 00:49:58,318 --> 00:50:05,239 along Old 23 for a commercial and some 867 00:50:02,079 --> 00:50:06,599 other areas we'd like to consider um and 868 00:50:05,239 --> 00:50:09,719 so there were a number of things they 869 00:50:06,599 --> 00:50:12,838 looked at the you know a separate plant 870 00:50:09,719 --> 00:50:16,439 um and then we also looked at uh with 871 00:50:12,838 --> 00:50:18,798 jese County to do something there and so 872 00:50:16,440 --> 00:50:22,079 based on those discussions the township 873 00:50:18,798 --> 00:50:24,639 decided they wanted to move forward with 874 00:50:22,079 --> 00:50:27,480 um kind of a broader project to take 875 00:50:24,639 --> 00:50:29,400 care of their needs as well so 876 00:50:27,480 --> 00:50:32,719 um I think that came online 877 00:50:29,400 --> 00:50:35,200 2006 uh is when the Tyrone um portion of 878 00:50:32,719 --> 00:50:37,598 the system came online in that time 879 00:50:35,199 --> 00:50:40,358 Harland Township had issues with 880 00:50:37,599 --> 00:50:43,599 groundwater contamination and so they 881 00:50:40,358 --> 00:50:46,920 came on to the process as well and so 882 00:50:43,599 --> 00:50:49,240 overall the way this works is jenese 883 00:50:46,920 --> 00:50:52,838 County um so all the ways from Harland 884 00:50:49,239 --> 00:50:55,639 Tyrone is is transmitted up along the 885 00:50:52,838 --> 00:50:58,798 us23 corridor we have a system of about 886 00:50:55,639 --> 00:51:00,558 24 separate pump stations that takes the 887 00:50:58,798 --> 00:51:04,358 waste into jenese County where it's 888 00:51:00,559 --> 00:51:08,798 treated at The District 3 plant in Lyon 889 00:51:04,358 --> 00:51:11,838 um and so those operations the treatment 890 00:51:08,798 --> 00:51:15,358 uh we through both townships built 891 00:51:11,838 --> 00:51:17,239 capacity into their system at that time 892 00:51:15,358 --> 00:51:20,400 and we utilize that for treatment of the 893 00:51:17,239 --> 00:51:24,679 waste from Livingston County so we get a 894 00:51:20,400 --> 00:51:27,519 bill from Gennesse County we take that 895 00:51:24,679 --> 00:51:30,598 along with our operations since uh since 896 00:51:27,519 --> 00:51:34,039 my office operates the system in both 897 00:51:30,599 --> 00:51:37,920 townships and we combine our operations 898 00:51:34,039 --> 00:51:41,199 and based on flow on on the gallonage 899 00:51:37,920 --> 00:51:44,318 each Township is build um is build 900 00:51:41,199 --> 00:51:46,960 monthly for uh those operations for the 901 00:51:44,318 --> 00:51:47,759 sum total we receive payments back from 902 00:51:46,960 --> 00:51:51,720 the 903 00:51:47,760 --> 00:51:56,319 township we repay jese County and then 904 00:51:51,719 --> 00:51:59,118 any of our expenses are are uh uh are 905 00:51:56,318 --> 00:52:03,558 pay back through our sanitary fund from 906 00:51:59,119 --> 00:52:06,318 the funds received from the townships so 907 00:52:03,559 --> 00:52:10,319 um with that the operations I mentioned 908 00:52:06,318 --> 00:52:13,519 the 24 pump stations but we have uh over 909 00:52:10,318 --> 00:52:15,838 2,000 uh grinder pumps as well serving 910 00:52:13,519 --> 00:52:18,920 individual homes so there's quite a few 911 00:52:15,838 --> 00:52:21,239 pumps in the system um and emergency 912 00:52:18,920 --> 00:52:24,720 responses are something that we do on a 913 00:52:21,239 --> 00:52:27,279 weekly basis so as an example 914 00:52:24,719 --> 00:52:30,679 2024 we had some 915 00:52:27,280 --> 00:52:34,599 450 plus or minus callouts over the 916 00:52:30,679 --> 00:52:37,838 course of the Year 175 of which were 917 00:52:34,599 --> 00:52:41,200 after hours or weekends and and that 918 00:52:37,838 --> 00:52:43,199 type of thing um so it's a regular 919 00:52:41,199 --> 00:52:46,199 respons and usually that something was 920 00:52:43,199 --> 00:52:49,159 somebody's grinder pump what we saw on 921 00:52:46,199 --> 00:52:51,679 nyi something quite a bit bigger where 922 00:52:49,159 --> 00:52:54,719 actually one of the main the force Mains 923 00:52:51,679 --> 00:52:58,039 developed a leak in it and um and as 924 00:52:54,719 --> 00:53:00,279 soon as that was reported to us um then 925 00:52:58,039 --> 00:53:02,798 we immediately respond and start 926 00:53:00,280 --> 00:53:06,400 shutting down pump stations so we can 927 00:53:02,798 --> 00:53:10,400 get that flow to stop so when we are 928 00:53:06,400 --> 00:53:13,960 contacted about an emergency and so it 929 00:53:10,400 --> 00:53:16,358 um it could be uh it could be you know 930 00:53:13,960 --> 00:53:18,318 somebody thinks they saw Wastewater or 931 00:53:16,358 --> 00:53:21,119 there's Wastewater running down the road 932 00:53:18,318 --> 00:53:25,079 or we get calls about uh 933 00:53:21,119 --> 00:53:27,640 algae um uh flooding it may be uh 934 00:53:25,079 --> 00:53:29,920 sometimes there's backups in home homes 935 00:53:27,639 --> 00:53:31,480 um and then that adds to our the rest of 936 00:53:29,920 --> 00:53:34,000 our operations in our office which are 937 00:53:31,480 --> 00:53:36,400 dams we maintain nearly a dozen dams 938 00:53:34,000 --> 00:53:39,239 throughout the county and all of our uh 939 00:53:36,400 --> 00:53:41,720 storm water drainage systems so any of 940 00:53:39,239 --> 00:53:43,959 those those are all monitored and they 941 00:53:41,719 --> 00:53:47,159 immediately go through a chain through 942 00:53:43,960 --> 00:53:48,760 my staff and it notifies one and if 943 00:53:47,159 --> 00:53:52,519 there's not immediate response it goes 944 00:53:48,760 --> 00:53:55,920 to the next person and uh and so for and 945 00:53:52,519 --> 00:53:57,079 and forward um so this is how the pro 946 00:53:55,920 --> 00:54:01,119 the process 947 00:53:57,079 --> 00:54:04,200 uh uh works and I know you know there's 948 00:54:01,119 --> 00:54:07,039 a there's a lot of discussion on cost 949 00:54:04,199 --> 00:54:11,118 obviously um some of the bigger things 950 00:54:07,039 --> 00:54:13,558 this this uh NYY Road um NYY Hogan Road 951 00:54:11,119 --> 00:54:15,519 um issue this is one of three that I 952 00:54:13,559 --> 00:54:18,280 think I can remember in the last several 953 00:54:15,519 --> 00:54:21,679 years that were Big Ticket items you 954 00:54:18,280 --> 00:54:25,920 know six figures um some of them were 955 00:54:21,679 --> 00:54:30,039 were quite a bit bigger and um and so we 956 00:54:25,920 --> 00:54:34,760 have Reserve funds for that um we have 957 00:54:30,039 --> 00:54:34,759 uh also as part of our operations we've 958 00:54:36,039 --> 00:54:42,159 identified that was a spice thank you 959 00:54:39,519 --> 00:54:42,159 thank you very 960 00:54:44,480 --> 00:54:51,880 much somebody's looking out for me um 961 00:54:48,760 --> 00:54:54,599 but anyway uh um all of our Assets in 962 00:54:51,880 --> 00:54:57,358 this system are identified all of them 963 00:54:54,599 --> 00:54:59,798 all the pumps all the components in 964 00:54:57,358 --> 00:55:02,480 there and our rates and and through that 965 00:54:59,798 --> 00:55:05,559 process we look at it and we give it a 966 00:55:02,480 --> 00:55:08,920 risk assessment we look at the probable 967 00:55:05,559 --> 00:55:11,480 lifespan and the um you know the 968 00:55:08,920 --> 00:55:14,280 consequence of its failure everything is 969 00:55:11,480 --> 00:55:17,960 given priorities and the lifespan is 970 00:55:14,280 --> 00:55:21,640 figured in the cost for replacement so 971 00:55:17,960 --> 00:55:24,199 it's it's really quite unique CU because 972 00:55:21,639 --> 00:55:26,960 it's really I mean this is common in 973 00:55:24,199 --> 00:55:28,439 Utility Systems but all the major 974 00:55:26,960 --> 00:55:31,720 components in our system and their 975 00:55:28,440 --> 00:55:34,639 replacement is built in to our rate 976 00:55:31,719 --> 00:55:38,639 structure and that is why if we have a 977 00:55:34,639 --> 00:55:41,879 large repair to do um that we don't have 978 00:55:38,639 --> 00:55:44,920 to come back and and and raise rates and 979 00:55:41,880 --> 00:55:48,480 if you'll notice so the last three major 980 00:55:44,920 --> 00:55:50,720 breaks have totaled nearly a million 981 00:55:48,480 --> 00:55:52,639 dollars um one of them being an 982 00:55:50,719 --> 00:55:55,919 extraordinarily large 983 00:55:52,639 --> 00:55:57,960 expense and um we're in our third year 984 00:55:55,920 --> 00:56:00,119 now where we have not raised rates at 985 00:55:57,960 --> 00:56:03,079 all we anticipate that'll go at least 986 00:56:00,119 --> 00:56:06,200 another year and that's all because of 987 00:56:03,079 --> 00:56:08,880 the predictive work that we do up front 988 00:56:06,199 --> 00:56:11,639 so at a pup station if there's a pump in 989 00:56:08,880 --> 00:56:16,200 there that's cost 990 00:56:11,639 --> 00:56:18,440 $50,000 to replace we our rates already 991 00:56:16,199 --> 00:56:21,279 include a schedule for its maintenance 992 00:56:18,440 --> 00:56:24,200 and replacement and so that's all done 993 00:56:21,280 --> 00:56:27,798 with the intent with two intents when 994 00:56:24,199 --> 00:56:29,519 something fails uh that we are ready for 995 00:56:27,798 --> 00:56:32,519 it we have a replacement we've 996 00:56:29,519 --> 00:56:35,358 identified the risk we can replace it 997 00:56:32,519 --> 00:56:38,920 immediately and we don't have a loss of 998 00:56:35,358 --> 00:56:42,038 service to the people um on the system 999 00:56:38,920 --> 00:56:44,200 um but um so that that is really 1000 00:56:42,039 --> 00:56:47,119 important that that we have that because 1001 00:56:44,199 --> 00:56:48,879 obviously when um we don't like it when 1002 00:56:47,119 --> 00:56:51,640 the power goes out but we also don't 1003 00:56:48,880 --> 00:56:55,240 like it when you can't flush or use your 1004 00:56:51,639 --> 00:56:58,519 plumbing and that's the reason why um 1005 00:56:55,239 --> 00:57:00,000 all of that is a assessed up front and 1006 00:56:58,519 --> 00:57:02,880 uh and then we also have reserves for 1007 00:57:00,000 --> 00:57:05,318 the things that that break we don't that 1008 00:57:02,880 --> 00:57:07,240 we might not anticipate so I wanted to 1009 00:57:05,318 --> 00:57:10,558 kind of explain kind of the hierarchy 1010 00:57:07,239 --> 00:57:14,078 there from Gennesse County on down and 1011 00:57:10,559 --> 00:57:16,440 in general how um our our operations 1012 00:57:14,079 --> 00:57:18,760 funds work in addition we have an 1013 00:57:16,440 --> 00:57:21,440 Advisory Board which is very important 1014 00:57:18,760 --> 00:57:24,480 includes both townships and the county 1015 00:57:21,440 --> 00:57:28,200 um and Jennifer is uh very involved in 1016 00:57:24,480 --> 00:57:29,920 that the the Township is involved in our 1017 00:57:28,199 --> 00:57:32,919 operations there are a lot of times 1018 00:57:29,920 --> 00:57:36,559 where you might hear something um well 1019 00:57:32,920 --> 00:57:39,240 before we do um and vice versa and that 1020 00:57:36,559 --> 00:57:41,599 input that we have on a monthly basis is 1021 00:57:39,239 --> 00:57:45,439 critically important also our budget 1022 00:57:41,599 --> 00:57:47,599 setting it requires a process whereby we 1023 00:57:45,440 --> 00:57:52,039 have to submit proposed budget Advisory 1024 00:57:47,599 --> 00:57:54,760 Board and then each Township so um and 1025 00:57:52,039 --> 00:57:57,280 be happy to sit down with any and all of 1026 00:57:54,760 --> 00:57:59,240 you at a later date to go in more detail 1027 00:57:57,280 --> 00:58:01,798 but there's quite a process to it and 1028 00:57:59,239 --> 00:58:04,199 it's generally worked really well and we 1029 00:58:01,798 --> 00:58:07,318 certainly appreciate the Township's 1030 00:58:04,199 --> 00:58:09,239 participation in there because it is uh 1031 00:58:07,318 --> 00:58:12,798 critical for our operation and you guys 1032 00:58:09,239 --> 00:58:15,399 are very much involved in it so with 1033 00:58:12,798 --> 00:58:19,239 that I'm going to I actually I have been 1034 00:58:15,400 --> 00:58:22,318 going to the last three yes uh in fact 1035 00:58:19,239 --> 00:58:25,038 we got one this Thursday so really good 1036 00:58:22,318 --> 00:58:28,119 uh good group yeah great having you too 1037 00:58:25,039 --> 00:58:28,119 so welcome guys 1038 00:58:28,159 --> 00:58:32,399 anytime all right 1039 00:58:30,199 --> 00:58:34,318 so uh as far as the main break goes it's 1040 00:58:32,400 --> 00:58:36,680 a pretty detailed outline uh we did 1041 00:58:34,318 --> 00:58:38,920 maintain contact throughout the event uh 1042 00:58:36,679 --> 00:58:42,480 between the township Health Department 1043 00:58:38,920 --> 00:58:44,480 newspapers stuff um one of the big 1044 00:58:42,480 --> 00:58:46,960 things with it is that in answer to 1045 00:58:44,480 --> 00:58:48,440 Scott's comment you got my right phone 1046 00:58:46,960 --> 00:58:52,280 number now 1047 00:58:48,440 --> 00:58:55,318 Frank yes I do I do I got I got all of 1048 00:58:52,280 --> 00:58:57,559 them yeah yeah we had a little phone tag 1049 00:58:55,318 --> 00:59:00,759 going on there and that's it so it falls 1050 00:58:57,559 --> 00:59:03,079 underneath uh act 451 from Ina part 31 1051 00:59:00,760 --> 00:59:04,720 of that uh it's listed in the packet as 1052 00:59:03,079 --> 00:59:07,680 well and it gives you the outline it's 1053 00:59:04,719 --> 00:59:10,318 within 24 hours um our our operators in 1054 00:59:07,679 --> 00:59:12,318 the field you're there to you know 1055 00:59:10,318 --> 00:59:14,558 isolate contain it start getting 1056 00:59:12,318 --> 00:59:16,079 repaired as soon as possible uh through 1057 00:59:14,559 --> 00:59:17,519 State you know statue and everything we 1058 00:59:16,079 --> 00:59:20,480 have 24 hours to make all the rest of 1059 00:59:17,519 --> 00:59:21,599 the calls um without digging too far 1060 00:59:20,480 --> 00:59:23,639 down into it the one thing I wanted to 1061 00:59:21,599 --> 00:59:25,318 hit on uh was staff did an excellent job 1062 00:59:23,639 --> 00:59:28,118 and responding to this we had it back up 1063 00:59:25,318 --> 00:59:30,358 and going very quickly uh the total cost 1064 00:59:28,119 --> 00:59:32,200 on this here for for fixing everything 1065 00:59:30,358 --> 00:59:37,078 which we had to take and replace about 1066 00:59:32,199 --> 00:59:37,078 143 section of pipe as well was 1067 00:59:55,039 --> 01:00:00,480 $143,600 another thing they the 1068 00:59:58,358 --> 01:00:03,719 residents need to know is your your a 1069 01:00:00,480 --> 01:00:05,318 lot of that is cast correct we have a 1070 01:00:03,719 --> 01:00:07,959 good portion of ductal iron piping in 1071 01:00:05,318 --> 01:00:12,119 the ground yes and it's all most of 1072 01:00:07,960 --> 01:00:14,519 you're replacing it with uh hdp so that 1073 01:00:12,119 --> 01:00:19,160 way we're not which will last well pass 1074 01:00:14,519 --> 01:00:23,679 our lifetimes thank you so some it take 1075 01:00:19,159 --> 01:00:26,920 it for GR yes sir we we actually to your 1076 01:00:23,679 --> 01:00:29,038 point there uh we did have a a 1077 01:00:26,920 --> 01:00:31,240 contractor that was working for M do hit 1078 01:00:29,039 --> 01:00:33,240 our 15inch gravity B down on M59 a 1079 01:00:31,239 --> 01:00:36,118 couple years back so yeah you are 1080 01:00:33,239 --> 01:00:37,358 correct on that one sir um we try to do 1081 01:00:36,119 --> 01:00:39,760 the best that we can with it we try to 1082 01:00:37,358 --> 01:00:42,759 keep it as cheap as possible but puty 1083 01:00:39,760 --> 01:00:44,000 things in that last uh the te that's 1084 01:00:42,760 --> 01:00:45,240 there that is something that we'll 1085 01:00:44,000 --> 01:00:47,719 actually be talking about this Thursday 1086 01:00:45,239 --> 01:00:49,959 at our board meeting uh for some changes 1087 01:00:47,719 --> 01:00:51,798 to that you have two it's a pressure 1088 01:00:49,960 --> 01:00:53,760 main you have two pump stations pumping 1089 01:00:51,798 --> 01:00:55,239 against each other it's not it's not a 1090 01:00:53,760 --> 01:00:57,960 good design so we're we're looking at 1091 01:00:55,239 --> 01:00:59,838 making some changes there otherwise uh 1092 01:00:57,960 --> 01:01:02,280 specifically to the brake you're looking 1093 01:00:59,838 --> 01:01:05,199 at replacing the T with maybe a y or 1094 01:01:02,280 --> 01:01:07,519 something to reduce the yes do a y from 1095 01:01:05,199 --> 01:01:10,199 the center Mills Pump Station yeah and 1096 01:01:07,519 --> 01:01:13,838 then bringing it up in from the south or 1097 01:01:10,199 --> 01:01:15,558 from River Oaks coming in doing a y into 1098 01:01:13,838 --> 01:01:17,798 the into the pump station and then 1099 01:01:15,559 --> 01:01:19,160 coming in from the south and and H the 1100 01:01:17,798 --> 01:01:20,838 other way correct that way we can have 1101 01:01:19,159 --> 01:01:23,038 it too segregated and if you're working 1102 01:01:20,838 --> 01:01:24,599 on one line you ever done this see in 1103 01:01:23,039 --> 01:01:27,039 there you're not doing multiple pump 1104 01:01:24,599 --> 01:01:29,838 stations um 1105 01:01:27,039 --> 01:01:32,319 so we have that coming up otherwise I 1106 01:01:29,838 --> 01:01:33,639 said it's as far as when it comes to to 1107 01:01:32,318 --> 01:01:37,239 brakes this one here as you can see in 1108 01:01:33,639 --> 01:01:40,159 the pictures um it it it wasn't a full 1109 01:01:37,239 --> 01:01:42,118 line break uh there's multiple areas 1110 01:01:40,159 --> 01:01:44,879 that were small corrosion issue versus a 1111 01:01:42,119 --> 01:01:46,920 break correct correct we've had we've 1112 01:01:44,880 --> 01:01:48,000 had sections of pipe uh that we found 1113 01:01:46,920 --> 01:01:49,880 and we're going through a process right 1114 01:01:48,000 --> 01:01:51,440 now of trying to identify them all and 1115 01:01:49,880 --> 01:01:53,039 test them you have one test that you can 1116 01:01:51,440 --> 01:01:54,880 do to try to check the Integrity called 1117 01:01:53,039 --> 01:01:56,760 Ed current test challenge with that is 1118 01:01:54,880 --> 01:01:58,760 you're doing a poth hole and if you blow 1119 01:01:56,760 --> 01:02:01,799 that pipe if it's too thin you have an 1120 01:01:58,760 --> 01:02:03,920 emergency another one's acoustic testing 1121 01:02:01,798 --> 01:02:05,278 uh where we'll run a acoustic device 1122 01:02:03,920 --> 01:02:06,880 down through the pipe looking for 1123 01:02:05,278 --> 01:02:10,278 corrosion looking for gas Pockets so on 1124 01:02:06,880 --> 01:02:13,119 and so forth that one there is $75,000 1125 01:02:10,278 --> 01:02:15,920 to get the folks on well yeah 50,000 to 1126 01:02:13,119 --> 01:02:17,838 get them on site and another $7,500 a 1127 01:02:15,920 --> 01:02:19,480 mile after that the first getting them 1128 01:02:17,838 --> 01:02:22,318 on site and the first 50,000 does two 1129 01:02:19,480 --> 01:02:24,960 miles so just for a point of reference 1130 01:02:22,318 --> 01:02:26,519 you have 5.2 miles between Clyde Road 1131 01:02:24,960 --> 01:02:28,199 and NYY 1132 01:02:26,519 --> 01:02:30,358 uh so that would be a very expensive way 1133 01:02:28,199 --> 01:02:32,038 of doing it um obviously we want to be 1134 01:02:30,358 --> 01:02:33,880 good stewards of our residents money so 1135 01:02:32,039 --> 01:02:36,079 we're looking at the most cost effective 1136 01:02:33,880 --> 01:02:38,278 way of of being 1137 01:02:36,079 --> 01:02:40,519 proactive ask a question on that that 1138 01:02:38,278 --> 01:02:44,239 you're talking about internal viewing of 1139 01:02:40,519 --> 01:02:46,400 the pipe similar correct okay so do they 1140 01:02:44,239 --> 01:02:49,000 give you any type of an idea of what the 1141 01:02:46,400 --> 01:02:51,240 the risk is based on the year the bik of 1142 01:02:49,000 --> 01:02:52,960 them fracturing when you do that so on 1143 01:02:51,239 --> 01:02:54,479 this one here it's not like it's not 1144 01:02:52,960 --> 01:02:55,639 like running a pig through like a gas 1145 01:02:54,480 --> 01:02:57,880 man or nothing like that with this one 1146 01:02:55,639 --> 01:02:59,159 here does it's a small ball and you're 1147 01:02:57,880 --> 01:03:01,160 able to put it in through like a check 1148 01:02:59,159 --> 01:03:02,558 valve or something that way it's in the 1149 01:03:01,159 --> 01:03:04,480 Pip's in service while you're doing it 1150 01:03:02,559 --> 01:03:06,519 it's not doing any Tye of loading of 1151 01:03:04,480 --> 01:03:10,358 like a camera or nothing like that so 1152 01:03:06,519 --> 01:03:12,599 it's it's very minimal impact to the 1153 01:03:10,358 --> 01:03:15,078 system when you do it that way and it'll 1154 01:03:12,599 --> 01:03:17,359 give you a rough estimate so and it just 1155 01:03:15,079 --> 01:03:19,160 it doesn't clean it just measure just 1156 01:03:17,358 --> 01:03:21,400 just measures looks for corrosion looks 1157 01:03:19,159 --> 01:03:23,480 for gas Pockets so on your duct tile how 1158 01:03:21,400 --> 01:03:25,358 how how accurate can that be if they've 1159 01:03:23,480 --> 01:03:26,358 got build up on the inside of it what 1160 01:03:25,358 --> 01:03:27,759 are the ISS 1161 01:03:26,358 --> 01:03:29,598 with that they come into you know what 1162 01:03:27,760 --> 01:03:31,960 I'm saying CU I looked at the last pipe 1163 01:03:29,599 --> 01:03:34,480 and it it was supposed to be this and it 1164 01:03:31,960 --> 01:03:36,240 was this so they're putting a ball 1165 01:03:34,480 --> 01:03:39,000 through what size ball and what's the 1166 01:03:36,239 --> 01:03:41,199 chances of you know of because of the 1167 01:03:39,000 --> 01:03:43,480 the the buildup in there creating 1168 01:03:41,199 --> 01:03:45,719 pressure so the the balls that they 1169 01:03:43,480 --> 01:03:47,920 utilize are are very small it varies on 1170 01:03:45,719 --> 01:03:50,118 size of the pipe uh floats down in there 1171 01:03:47,920 --> 01:03:51,200 through the pipe um there's a lot of 1172 01:03:50,119 --> 01:03:53,400 pressure on those 1173 01:03:51,199 --> 01:03:55,078 pipes uh you know and the pressure 1174 01:03:53,400 --> 01:03:56,559 remains so you can't just take it out of 1175 01:03:55,079 --> 01:03:57,760 service there's not redundancy within 1176 01:03:56,559 --> 01:04:00,599 this system as far as we're being to 1177 01:03:57,760 --> 01:04:03,839 hold for 12 hours or 15 hours we don't 1178 01:04:00,599 --> 01:04:05,039 have that um as far as for any type of 1179 01:04:03,838 --> 01:04:06,599 buildup like that that was the first 1180 01:04:05,039 --> 01:04:08,039 area that I've seen significant buildup 1181 01:04:06,599 --> 01:04:10,720 and I think that has a lot to do with it 1182 01:04:08,039 --> 01:04:12,520 and the two opposing pump stations um 1183 01:04:10,719 --> 01:04:14,439 you know fighting each other so 1184 01:04:12,519 --> 01:04:16,318 otherwise you know that section there we 1185 01:04:14,440 --> 01:04:17,559 want to do right now uh there's a couple 1186 01:04:16,318 --> 01:04:19,440 other areas that we could do that we're 1187 01:04:17,559 --> 01:04:21,039 kind of weighing out all the options and 1188 01:04:19,440 --> 01:04:22,440 looking at the best course of action if 1189 01:04:21,039 --> 01:04:23,559 you did like a ground penetrating radar 1190 01:04:22,440 --> 01:04:25,278 system you're just seeing the pipe 1191 01:04:23,559 --> 01:04:26,680 you're not really getting Integrity any 1192 01:04:25,278 --> 01:04:28,519 current test 1193 01:04:26,679 --> 01:04:30,879 um most your high spots is where you're 1194 01:04:28,519 --> 01:04:33,119 going to find gas build up uh those 1195 01:04:30,880 --> 01:04:35,318 there a little bit more intrusive you do 1196 01:04:33,119 --> 01:04:37,798 a hydro escavation to a pothole and and 1197 01:04:35,318 --> 01:04:39,558 send it through and so it's kind of that 1198 01:04:37,798 --> 01:04:42,480 was my next question you do dig tests 1199 01:04:39,559 --> 01:04:46,519 and pipe evaluation based on outside 1200 01:04:42,480 --> 01:04:48,559 surface and Hammer Ping On the duct tile 1201 01:04:46,519 --> 01:04:49,759 yeah so the the the issue with that 1202 01:04:48,559 --> 01:04:53,240 though is like if you look on I think 1203 01:04:49,760 --> 01:04:54,359 it's page three on this year actually uh 1204 01:04:53,239 --> 01:04:56,639 page 1205 01:04:54,358 --> 01:04:58,078 five um 1206 01:04:56,639 --> 01:05:01,000 the uh one 1207 01:04:58,079 --> 01:05:02,680 more right there upper left hand corner 1208 01:05:01,000 --> 01:05:05,440 that was during Hydro Excavation and 1209 01:05:02,679 --> 01:05:07,719 that pipe there that was between the T 1210 01:05:05,440 --> 01:05:09,400 and The Collector manhole that pipe was 1211 01:05:07,719 --> 01:05:11,598 so thin that when we're doing the hydro 1212 01:05:09,400 --> 01:05:13,400 escavation is blowing the pipe so that 1213 01:05:11,599 --> 01:05:15,480 is a challenge with doing that type of 1214 01:05:13,400 --> 01:05:17,519 test you know so there's a risk it's a 1215 01:05:15,480 --> 01:05:20,920 risk or reward and and it's a balancing 1216 01:05:17,519 --> 01:05:24,519 act to it answer your question there the 1217 01:05:20,920 --> 01:05:26,000 AC two sck array um as it goes um and 1218 01:05:24,519 --> 01:05:28,679 I'm not sure what type of beam that he 1219 01:05:26,000 --> 01:05:31,239 uses um but it will measure the 1220 01:05:28,679 --> 01:05:34,239 thickness of the wall and it'll tell us 1221 01:05:31,239 --> 01:05:36,679 where when there's air pockets or where 1222 01:05:34,239 --> 01:05:39,118 um there's thinness in that pipe as it 1223 01:05:36,679 --> 01:05:40,798 goes so it does kind of a full x-ray of 1224 01:05:39,119 --> 01:05:43,079 the system as it goes through it there 1225 01:05:40,798 --> 01:05:44,639 is one that does that but not this one 1226 01:05:43,079 --> 01:05:45,720 that one there you need to have you need 1227 01:05:44,639 --> 01:05:48,199 to have a different type of way of 1228 01:05:45,719 --> 01:05:49,959 loading it in almost like a Peg and 1229 01:05:48,199 --> 01:05:51,759 trying to do that on a system that is in 1230 01:05:49,960 --> 01:05:53,679 surface uh it's not going to work out 1231 01:05:51,760 --> 01:05:55,319 well and we don't have enough time to 1232 01:05:53,679 --> 01:05:56,199 really hold flow at all the stations to 1233 01:05:55,318 --> 01:05:58,719 do it 1234 01:05:56,199 --> 01:06:00,278 but it somehow identifies areas of 1235 01:05:58,719 --> 01:06:04,679 Interest where we may have that's where 1236 01:06:00,278 --> 01:06:08,159 you do it ID current so um that's the 1237 01:06:04,679 --> 01:06:11,318 the the you know the short version quick 1238 01:06:08,159 --> 01:06:12,719 version as far as the break goes um you 1239 01:06:11,318 --> 01:06:14,079 know we had Mr wood that came by he 1240 01:06:12,719 --> 01:06:15,358 asked a question I do try to pay 1241 01:06:14,079 --> 01:06:17,720 attention to your board meetings as well 1242 01:06:15,358 --> 01:06:19,278 and stay you know in contact with 1243 01:06:17,719 --> 01:06:20,639 everyone as much as possible knowing 1244 01:06:19,278 --> 01:06:25,079 what's going on being responsive to 1245 01:06:20,639 --> 01:06:27,118 their calls questions what have you um 1246 01:06:25,079 --> 01:06:29,119 so with that is is there any questions 1247 01:06:27,119 --> 01:06:31,440 from the board regarding the brake 1248 01:06:29,119 --> 01:06:33,838 itself any additional is the clean up 1249 01:06:31,440 --> 01:06:35,838 and completed correct it's all done 1250 01:06:33,838 --> 01:06:37,960 correct yes so that one there we you 1251 01:06:35,838 --> 01:06:39,199 know we contact the health department uh 1252 01:06:37,960 --> 01:06:41,000 we mitigate it as much as possible we 1253 01:06:39,199 --> 01:06:43,118 suck it up as much as possible uh if 1254 01:06:41,000 --> 01:06:45,039 there's debris on the field or on the 1255 01:06:43,119 --> 01:06:46,358 ground you pick up the debris this one 1256 01:06:45,039 --> 01:06:47,839 here has almost went through a screen so 1257 01:06:46,358 --> 01:06:49,519 there wasn't any debris that was was 1258 01:06:47,838 --> 01:06:52,480 there uh suck up as much of the sewage 1259 01:06:49,519 --> 01:06:53,480 as possible um and then from there if 1260 01:06:52,480 --> 01:06:55,798 it's summertime or something like that 1261 01:06:53,480 --> 01:06:56,760 you can put like a line down to raise 1262 01:06:55,798 --> 01:06:58,318 and didn't K off anything other than 1263 01:06:56,760 --> 01:07:00,720 that UV takes care of any you know 1264 01:06:58,318 --> 01:07:00,719 additional 1265 01:07:02,880 --> 01:07:08,640 stuff so um in regards to the Odor 1266 01:07:06,599 --> 01:07:10,960 Control uh there's a few residents in 1267 01:07:08,639 --> 01:07:12,960 the area that I keep in contact with at 1268 01:07:10,960 --> 01:07:14,559 least once a month or so sometimes maybe 1269 01:07:12,960 --> 01:07:17,079 a month and a half I'll call and check 1270 01:07:14,559 --> 01:07:19,559 in with them or email and check in with 1271 01:07:17,079 --> 01:07:22,680 them uh see how it's going uh we've 1272 01:07:19,559 --> 01:07:25,599 tried chemicals we've tried carbon we've 1273 01:07:22,679 --> 01:07:28,519 tried uh introducing irration systems 1274 01:07:25,599 --> 01:07:30,200 here we've tried to do wood ship beds 1275 01:07:28,519 --> 01:07:32,159 cover wood ship beds wood ship beds with 1276 01:07:30,199 --> 01:07:34,000 a carbon polishing element on it trying 1277 01:07:32,159 --> 01:07:36,798 to find the cheapest uh and most 1278 01:07:34,000 --> 01:07:39,798 effective way doing it the H2S at that 1279 01:07:36,798 --> 01:07:42,838 area averages 250 parts per million and 1280 01:07:39,798 --> 01:07:45,400 it Peaks up at times at 625 parts per 1281 01:07:42,838 --> 01:07:48,199 million uh the Loa so like what people 1282 01:07:45,400 --> 01:07:50,440 can normally smell at is 01 parts per 1283 01:07:48,199 --> 01:07:52,919 million on H2S so you're going to pick 1284 01:07:50,440 --> 01:07:55,519 it up very quickly uh the system that we 1285 01:07:52,920 --> 01:07:56,400 put in place uh we vetted had engineers 1286 01:07:55,519 --> 01:07:58,679 that we were in discussion with 1287 01:07:56,400 --> 01:08:00,838 different consultants and found that 1288 01:07:58,679 --> 01:08:05,239 this one here would be the best course 1289 01:08:00,838 --> 01:08:06,759 of action both for mitigation and with 1290 01:08:05,239 --> 01:08:09,598 uh the overall cost of operation and 1291 01:08:06,760 --> 01:08:11,559 maintenance over time um car if we did 1292 01:08:09,599 --> 01:08:13,240 like a carbon vessel the cost on carbon 1293 01:08:11,559 --> 01:08:16,159 would have been well over half a million 1294 01:08:13,239 --> 01:08:19,439 dollars more over the 20-y year andm uh 1295 01:08:16,158 --> 01:08:22,198 this one here uh comes down a lot more 1296 01:08:19,439 --> 01:08:25,759 um with that though it does 1297 01:08:22,198 --> 01:08:28,000 99.9% of the H2S that it's that's reach 1298 01:08:25,759 --> 01:08:30,238 being a biological in carbon there's 1299 01:08:28,000 --> 01:08:32,439 going to be Peaks uh I I want to make 1300 01:08:30,238 --> 01:08:35,039 sure that I hit hard on that it is a 1301 01:08:32,439 --> 01:08:37,079 mitigation uh Odor Control is something 1302 01:08:35,039 --> 01:08:40,158 that especially when it comes to sewers 1303 01:08:37,079 --> 01:08:41,759 uh you can drive by any plant in America 1304 01:08:40,158 --> 01:08:43,679 or anywhere else and you're you're going 1305 01:08:41,759 --> 01:08:45,039 to not ever you're going to find times 1306 01:08:43,679 --> 01:08:46,838 where you're going to smell something is 1307 01:08:45,039 --> 01:08:48,880 it possible build a building around it 1308 01:08:46,838 --> 01:08:52,198 that you could try to cleanse the air as 1309 01:08:48,880 --> 01:08:54,520 before ex you small steel structure that 1310 01:08:52,198 --> 01:08:58,000 we could put around it closed in enclose 1311 01:08:54,520 --> 01:09:00,040 it put filtration system on that to help 1312 01:08:58,000 --> 01:09:02,158 you know cuz I I've worked in that area 1313 01:09:00,039 --> 01:09:04,759 in the summertime and it it some days it 1314 01:09:02,158 --> 01:09:06,879 gets it gets bad so this one here we we 1315 01:09:04,759 --> 01:09:08,319 installed it in November we had an issue 1316 01:09:06,880 --> 01:09:10,640 with the biological culture on it that 1317 01:09:08,319 --> 01:09:11,920 died off we had to get that restarted uh 1318 01:09:10,640 --> 01:09:14,239 then there were some challenges on 1319 01:09:11,920 --> 01:09:16,319 Logistics with getting carbon BR in uh 1320 01:09:14,238 --> 01:09:17,479 from out of state for that unit uh 1321 01:09:16,319 --> 01:09:18,960 there's a performance test coming up 1322 01:09:17,479 --> 01:09:20,559 this summer on it I told him I wanted to 1323 01:09:18,960 --> 01:09:21,759 hold off on that to make sure it's fully 1324 01:09:20,560 --> 01:09:24,839 meeting the performance guarantee with 1325 01:09:21,759 --> 01:09:27,880 that system in addition to that um I 1326 01:09:24,838 --> 01:09:30,000 reached out to to a third party uh odor 1327 01:09:27,880 --> 01:09:31,359 consultant all they do is do order 1328 01:09:30,000 --> 01:09:33,880 control studies across the whole state 1329 01:09:31,359 --> 01:09:35,120 they don't represent any product uh so 1330 01:09:33,880 --> 01:09:37,239 what they do is they come out they look 1331 01:09:35,119 --> 01:09:38,679 at it they see if there's any other 1332 01:09:37,238 --> 01:09:40,238 Technologies out there or anything else 1333 01:09:38,679 --> 01:09:41,158 they could do differently or add to it 1334 01:09:40,238 --> 01:09:44,599 uh some of the things that we could 1335 01:09:41,158 --> 01:09:46,838 possibly do here would be uh maybe some 1336 01:09:44,600 --> 01:09:48,600 Upstream additives or something like 1337 01:09:46,838 --> 01:09:49,880 that to it uh and talking to the the 1338 01:09:48,600 --> 01:09:53,079 residents and then before I came here 1339 01:09:49,880 --> 01:09:55,480 tonight I drove by there as well um it's 1340 01:09:53,079 --> 01:09:58,600 definitely improved from years past by 1341 01:09:55,479 --> 01:10:01,639 lot um I did get a faint odor right 1342 01:09:58,600 --> 01:10:04,120 outside of of of the uh fence on the 1343 01:10:01,640 --> 01:10:06,199 west side of the the site but otherwise 1344 01:10:04,119 --> 01:10:07,640 it's doing really well um so we're going 1345 01:10:06,198 --> 01:10:09,319 to look at having someone else come out 1346 01:10:07,640 --> 01:10:10,520 there and look at additional options the 1347 01:10:09,319 --> 01:10:12,399 thing with building another structure 1348 01:10:10,520 --> 01:10:14,120 around it is is the cost maintenance of 1349 01:10:12,399 --> 01:10:16,519 that structure as well as you still 1350 01:10:14,119 --> 01:10:19,000 having to do additional abatement from 1351 01:10:16,520 --> 01:10:20,239 the structure uh and then when it comes 1352 01:10:19,000 --> 01:10:21,600 to any type of Maintenance with pulling 1353 01:10:20,238 --> 01:10:23,039 pumps or anything out of that location 1354 01:10:21,600 --> 01:10:24,520 it has to be a large enough structure or 1355 01:10:23,039 --> 01:10:27,079 removable roof to be able to actually 1356 01:10:24,520 --> 01:10:29,120 get in there and pull pull it out system 1357 01:10:27,079 --> 01:10:31,399 yep so that would add additional cost 1358 01:10:29,119 --> 01:10:33,599 for maintenance and stuff as well so 1359 01:10:31,399 --> 01:10:34,639 we're looking at all the options um and 1360 01:10:33,600 --> 01:10:36,920 we're going to keep doing everything we 1361 01:10:34,640 --> 01:10:38,320 can to mitigate it as best best possible 1362 01:10:36,920 --> 01:10:41,440 and constantly stay rest of new 1363 01:10:38,319 --> 01:10:43,679 technologies so really this summer we'll 1364 01:10:41,439 --> 01:10:47,079 probably tell us whether this 1365 01:10:43,679 --> 01:10:48,399 carbon is at so this summer we'll get a 1366 01:10:47,079 --> 01:10:49,640 good hint summer is always a little bit 1367 01:10:48,399 --> 01:10:51,000 different as your hum changes 1368 01:10:49,640 --> 01:10:54,079 temperature changes you're going to get 1369 01:10:51,000 --> 01:10:56,158 different levels um but yeah this summer 1370 01:10:54,079 --> 01:10:58,000 we we'll get to see more 1371 01:10:56,158 --> 01:11:00,319 um and then I have it ready to go for 1372 01:10:58,000 --> 01:11:02,119 for this week's uh packet with the BPW 1373 01:11:00,319 --> 01:11:03,639 as well to discuss more on on that third 1374 01:11:02,119 --> 01:11:06,439 party to come in after the performance 1375 01:11:03,640 --> 01:11:08,239 testing as well depending on that okay 1376 01:11:06,439 --> 01:11:09,479 so we're constantly trying to stay on it 1377 01:11:08,238 --> 01:11:10,759 talk to the Presidents we let them know 1378 01:11:09,479 --> 01:11:12,519 if you smell something you're not there 1379 01:11:10,760 --> 01:11:14,920 you know they live there and we're 1380 01:11:12,520 --> 01:11:16,040 trying to do our best to ensure that 1381 01:11:14,920 --> 01:11:18,480 it's 1382 01:11:16,039 --> 01:11:20,279 mitigated I have a quick question 1383 01:11:18,479 --> 01:11:23,079 fullest 1384 01:11:20,279 --> 01:11:26,679 um I drive the corridor from Heartland 1385 01:11:23,079 --> 01:11:28,000 to Grand Blink several times a week and 1386 01:11:26,679 --> 01:11:30,640 I'm just wondering if there's something 1387 01:11:28,000 --> 01:11:32,560 about this particular location that 1388 01:11:30,640 --> 01:11:34,840 makes it particularly challenging 1389 01:11:32,560 --> 01:11:38,159 because I don't catch those smells 1390 01:11:34,840 --> 01:11:41,520 anywhere else um so what is it about 1391 01:11:38,158 --> 01:11:43,799 that environment or that system that you 1392 01:11:41,520 --> 01:11:45,080 believe to be the problem so there's a 1393 01:11:43,800 --> 01:11:47,279 lot of different things I mean the the 1394 01:11:45,079 --> 01:11:48,639 problem is the elevated H to us there's 1395 01:11:47,279 --> 01:11:50,639 many different things that can can 1396 01:11:48,639 --> 01:11:51,560 happen there uh one it's a high point in 1397 01:11:50,639 --> 01:11:55,319 the 1398 01:11:51,560 --> 01:11:56,560 system um you know you have that uh the 1399 01:11:55,319 --> 01:12:00,920 wind direction is going to play a role 1400 01:11:56,560 --> 01:12:02,239 in it um humidity everything else you 1401 01:12:00,920 --> 01:12:03,760 know it's trying to really pinpoint 1402 01:12:02,238 --> 01:12:06,000 what's causing it you know the known 1403 01:12:03,760 --> 01:12:07,880 that we have is that there's high 1404 01:12:06,000 --> 01:12:09,840 concentrations of HS location it's a 1405 01:12:07,880 --> 01:12:11,880 high point so it's really trying to 1406 01:12:09,840 --> 01:12:14,520 further mitigate elsewhere as it's 1407 01:12:11,880 --> 01:12:18,039 coming in um it's one of our main pump 1408 01:12:14,520 --> 01:12:19,480 stations and it's close to Residence um 1409 01:12:18,039 --> 01:12:21,960 that that makes it very very challenging 1410 01:12:19,479 --> 01:12:24,119 to mitigate it okay the other thing is 1411 01:12:21,960 --> 01:12:27,480 any you know usually you don't see long 1412 01:12:24,119 --> 01:12:30,158 transit times in terms of miles um with 1413 01:12:27,479 --> 01:12:34,599 sanitary and whenever you have waste 1414 01:12:30,158 --> 01:12:37,559 water in an enclosed pipe um you know a 1415 01:12:34,600 --> 01:12:41,239 force M what happens is the bacteria in 1416 01:12:37,560 --> 01:12:43,239 there will liberate that sulfur and so 1417 01:12:41,238 --> 01:12:46,439 it's not a problem until it comes out 1418 01:12:43,238 --> 01:12:49,319 into that pump station and so we dealt 1419 01:12:46,439 --> 01:12:52,879 with it um down in Heartland at Collide 1420 01:12:49,319 --> 01:12:55,759 roow um it's been a problem on and off 1421 01:12:52,880 --> 01:12:59,119 but anytime you're transferring 1422 01:12:55,760 --> 01:13:02,400 Wastewater um a large distance where it 1423 01:12:59,119 --> 01:13:04,238 goes anerobic there's no Oxygen um and 1424 01:13:02,399 --> 01:13:07,119 so we Tred different things like you try 1425 01:13:04,238 --> 01:13:09,718 to give them nitrates uh which 1426 01:13:07,119 --> 01:13:12,079 apparently Tes better to bacteria for 1427 01:13:09,719 --> 01:13:14,600 them to go after um so they'll leave the 1428 01:13:12,079 --> 01:13:17,119 sulfur alone we've tried that tried a 1429 01:13:14,600 --> 01:13:20,480 whole bunch of other things um killing 1430 01:13:17,119 --> 01:13:22,479 them off that that type of thing um so 1431 01:13:20,479 --> 01:13:25,238 that's actually probably one of the 1432 01:13:22,479 --> 01:13:29,000 single biggest issues is that long 1433 01:13:25,238 --> 01:13:32,000 Transit time in pipe no oxygen and 1434 01:13:29,000 --> 01:13:34,439 typically sewer systems aren't as spread 1435 01:13:32,000 --> 01:13:36,359 out kind of wish when they designed it 1436 01:13:34,439 --> 01:13:40,839 somebody would have brought that up at 1437 01:13:36,359 --> 01:13:43,880 the time um but weing the hard way are 1438 01:13:40,840 --> 01:13:45,639 all 20 you said 24 stations along that 1439 01:13:43,880 --> 01:13:48,440 Corridor and those are all original to 1440 01:13:45,639 --> 01:13:49,279 when the system was put in or do they 1441 01:13:48,439 --> 01:13:54,000 get 1442 01:13:49,279 --> 01:13:57,359 Pally added all the Tyrone systems are 1443 01:13:54,000 --> 01:14:00,439 new those put in in the 2000s some of 1444 01:13:57,359 --> 01:14:05,599 the Harland ones were um initially 1445 01:14:00,439 --> 01:14:08,198 constructed by our office in the early 1446 01:14:05,600 --> 01:14:11,079 actually late 80s I think first sewers 1447 01:14:08,198 --> 01:14:14,198 went in there um so some of those are 1448 01:14:11,079 --> 01:14:17,000 older systems but basically once you get 1449 01:14:14,198 --> 01:14:19,479 north of heart those are all 1450 01:14:17,000 --> 01:14:22,719 new and there's no feasible way to move 1451 01:14:19,479 --> 01:14:24,079 that away from residents probably and 1452 01:14:22,719 --> 01:14:25,560 forgive me for not knowing your 1453 01:14:24,079 --> 01:14:28,760 infrastructure well 1454 01:14:25,560 --> 01:14:31,960 yeah well you know there's always a way 1455 01:14:28,760 --> 01:14:35,440 you know and it's just the cost and you 1456 01:14:31,960 --> 01:14:39,079 know I think at this point you know if 1457 01:14:35,439 --> 01:14:42,638 this doesn't work which we think we can 1458 01:14:39,079 --> 01:14:44,119 we can get it to work um but there then 1459 01:14:42,639 --> 01:14:46,880 I think we've got to talk about 1460 01:14:44,119 --> 01:14:49,238 something extraordinary because those 1461 01:14:46,880 --> 01:14:51,600 residents um they certainly haven't 1462 01:14:49,238 --> 01:14:54,238 deserved to have dealt with that for the 1463 01:14:51,600 --> 01:14:56,440 years that they have yeah and so we 1464 01:14:54,238 --> 01:14:58,638 finally said you know we're just gonna 1465 01:14:56,439 --> 01:15:01,919 we're going to be Consulting in there 1466 01:14:58,639 --> 01:15:06,079 and we'll spend what it needs to do 1467 01:15:01,920 --> 01:15:08,000 because um you know times they give up 1468 01:15:06,079 --> 01:15:11,319 things you know doing things in their 1469 01:15:08,000 --> 01:15:13,399 yards and that's certainly not fair um 1470 01:15:11,319 --> 01:15:15,960 we weren't there first either so we have 1471 01:15:13,399 --> 01:15:18,879 a responsibility to resolve this you 1472 01:15:15,960 --> 01:15:22,960 know so that may be a discussion we 1473 01:15:18,880 --> 01:15:25,760 don't think it is um we think we're get 1474 01:15:22,960 --> 01:15:29,039 and continuing to look at things 1475 01:15:25,760 --> 01:15:31,920 um you know there's always you know 1476 01:15:29,039 --> 01:15:34,119 something can upset it so looking at 1477 01:15:31,920 --> 01:15:36,440 additional safety factors factors to 1478 01:15:34,119 --> 01:15:38,760 help prevent that something we're 1479 01:15:36,439 --> 01:15:41,519 looking at now even though seems to be 1480 01:15:38,760 --> 01:15:43,280 working pretty good right now thank you 1481 01:15:41,520 --> 01:15:47,040 yeah it would be a multi-million dollar 1482 01:15:43,279 --> 01:15:48,719 project I believe you um so another 1483 01:15:47,039 --> 01:15:50,800 thing you mentioned talked earlier about 1484 01:15:48,719 --> 01:15:53,000 Upstream additives you talked about 1485 01:15:50,800 --> 01:15:55,239 oxygen uh one of thing you can do is add 1486 01:15:53,000 --> 01:15:56,319 oxygen into the system as well you have 1487 01:15:55,238 --> 01:15:58,479 to be careful with that where you're 1488 01:15:56,319 --> 01:15:59,359 adding it you don't want cavitation you 1489 01:15:58,479 --> 01:16:01,959 know different things like that with 1490 01:15:59,359 --> 01:16:03,439 your pumps uh with getting air in there 1491 01:16:01,960 --> 01:16:05,520 um but there are stuff like that that 1492 01:16:03,439 --> 01:16:08,479 that we can do it you can look at EPA 1493 01:16:05,520 --> 01:16:10,120 guidelines on odor batement and such and 1494 01:16:08,479 --> 01:16:12,718 they have that as one of the recommended 1495 01:16:10,119 --> 01:16:13,760 areas as well or Technologies available 1496 01:16:12,719 --> 01:16:16,039 uh but it's definitely one of those 1497 01:16:13,760 --> 01:16:17,800 things that everyone struggles with when 1498 01:16:16,039 --> 01:16:21,800 it comes to sewer is is is odor 1499 01:16:17,800 --> 01:16:23,400 abatement yeah thank you so thank you 1500 01:16:21,800 --> 01:16:26,239 guys 1501 01:16:23,399 --> 01:16:27,719 great all right 1502 01:16:26,238 --> 01:16:29,198 see if you have any questions though 1503 01:16:27,719 --> 01:16:36,760 feel free to give me a 1504 01:16:29,198 --> 01:16:36,759 call whatever you see you guys Thursday 1505 01:16:37,319 --> 01:16:40,519 sir thank 1506 01:16:47,279 --> 01:16:52,119 you all 1507 01:16:50,000 --> 01:16:55,760 right 1508 01:16:52,119 --> 01:16:58,279 uh item number two 1509 01:16:55,760 --> 01:17:00,119 a question um sure I should have noticed 1510 01:16:58,279 --> 01:17:02,880 so but isn't that kind of like out of 1511 01:17:00,119 --> 01:17:04,359 order because we have resolutions for 1512 01:17:02,880 --> 01:17:06,199 salaries unless you got everybody's 1513 01:17:04,359 --> 01:17:08,359 already predetermined that those 1514 01:17:06,198 --> 01:17:11,279 salaries are going to be the salaries 1515 01:17:08,359 --> 01:17:11,279 wouldn't that affect the 1516 01:17:11,399 --> 01:17:16,319 budget I mean shouldn't we have done the 1517 01:17:13,479 --> 01:17:18,559 salaries before we did accepted the 1518 01:17:16,319 --> 01:17:21,279 budget because the salaries are part of 1519 01:17:18,560 --> 01:17:21,280 the budget 1520 01:17:21,479 --> 01:17:26,718 correct just got I mean I I I didn't 1521 01:17:24,560 --> 01:17:28,320 really wasn't looking that closely but I 1522 01:17:26,719 --> 01:17:29,719 I was looking unless unless everybody's 1523 01:17:28,319 --> 01:17:32,359 already decided that's the salary and 1524 01:17:29,719 --> 01:17:34,920 that's what they're voting on um which 1525 01:17:32,359 --> 01:17:36,158 which scary without a discussion it 1526 01:17:34,920 --> 01:17:39,039 would affect the it would affect the 1527 01:17:36,158 --> 01:17:39,039 budget if we change it 1528 01:17:40,119 --> 01:17:48,559 correct but it is a budget and it does 1529 01:17:44,000 --> 01:17:50,679 get changed I mean so I mean your point 1530 01:17:48,560 --> 01:17:52,400 yeah we should I think I apologize for 1531 01:17:50,679 --> 01:17:55,600 not notic probably should have been the 1532 01:17:52,399 --> 01:17:57,599 other way I don't know I 1533 01:17:55,600 --> 01:18:00,440 I do want to point out so the resolution 1534 01:17:57,600 --> 01:18:02,400 to adopt the budget by totals if you 1535 01:18:00,439 --> 01:18:05,479 look at the resolution your question is 1536 01:18:02,399 --> 01:18:08,039 answered there so look at the resolution 1537 01:18:05,479 --> 01:18:11,158 you're can you get to that 1538 01:18:08,039 --> 01:18:14,960 page right there yep okay so you're 1539 01:18:11,158 --> 01:18:17,000 unallocated your fund excuse me can you 1540 01:18:14,960 --> 01:18:21,719 guys be quiet thank 1541 01:18:17,000 --> 01:18:25,479 you um Department 272 unallocated the 1542 01:18:21,719 --> 01:18:28,279 17,000 391 thank you 1543 01:18:25,479 --> 01:18:30,678 if you add that to the department 277 1544 01:18:28,279 --> 01:18:31,960 which is our insurance bonds and fringes 1545 01:18:30,679 --> 01:18:36,119 the 1546 01:18:31,960 --> 01:18:37,639 26958 there is your on your scale if 1547 01:18:36,119 --> 01:18:39,039 your salaries are part of your your 1548 01:18:37,639 --> 01:18:41,400 budget for your for the treasury 1549 01:18:39,039 --> 01:18:44,479 Department right your salary is part of 1550 01:18:41,399 --> 01:18:47,519 it right so if we change that it changes 1551 01:18:44,479 --> 01:18:49,319 what your budget is up down doesn't 1552 01:18:47,520 --> 01:18:51,199 matter and again as long as we all 1553 01:18:49,319 --> 01:18:53,079 understand that we may accept this 1554 01:18:51,198 --> 01:18:56,519 budget but it's not we may immediately 1555 01:18:53,079 --> 01:18:58,880 change it right the resolution sents out 1556 01:18:56,520 --> 01:19:01,760 right which yeah I understand kind of 1557 01:18:58,880 --> 01:19:05,359 seems backwards to me but 1558 01:19:01,760 --> 01:19:08,360 okay so who question was 1559 01:19:05,359 --> 01:19:12,759 that we'll talk to so anyway so those 1560 01:19:08,359 --> 01:19:14,799 two those two line items equal that um 1561 01:19:12,760 --> 01:19:18,280 other expenditures that you were asking 1562 01:19:14,800 --> 01:19:18,279 about just so you 1563 01:19:19,000 --> 01:19:24,760 know we we can give that to Jim right he 1564 01:19:22,600 --> 01:19:26,960 was the other gentleman that was asking 1565 01:19:24,760 --> 01:19:29,119 which two Jennifer unallocated they 1566 01:19:26,960 --> 01:19:32,560 unallocated the 1567 01:19:29,119 --> 01:19:36,399 17391 and the um Department 277 1568 01:19:32,560 --> 01:19:38,960 insurance bonds and fringes of 260 1569 01:19:36,399 --> 01:19:42,119 that's your other expenses or those two 1570 01:19:38,960 --> 01:19:45,800 other things everything else is on there 1571 01:19:42,119 --> 01:19:48,599 again your transfers out are the 400,000 1572 01:19:45,800 --> 01:19:52,560 that we transfer from the 1573 01:19:48,600 --> 01:19:55,560 um budget or to from the general fund to 1574 01:19:52,560 --> 01:19:57,960 the road fund and then 100 ,000 went to 1575 01:19:55,560 --> 01:20:00,080 the building fund and that's for so the 1576 01:19:57,960 --> 01:20:03,319 transfer out was 400 for what was it 1577 01:20:00,079 --> 01:20:06,158 again roads roads and 100 for for um 1578 01:20:03,319 --> 01:20:09,960 building fund okay and then the other 1579 01:20:06,158 --> 01:20:13,599 expenditures were the uh 1580 01:20:09,960 --> 01:20:16,600 unallocated number 272 for 1581 01:20:13,600 --> 01:20:19,480 177,000 get to your resolution yeah yeah 1582 01:20:16,600 --> 01:20:22,960 I'm trying to go backwards 1583 01:20:19,479 --> 01:20:24,919 now with your little Pike tur well and 1584 01:20:22,960 --> 01:20:26,800 also can I point out this is what I was 1585 01:20:24,920 --> 01:20:28,840 talking about with the green bar so the 1586 01:20:26,800 --> 01:20:31,440 unallocated if you're looking for a list 1587 01:20:28,840 --> 01:20:33,440 of expenses Dean page eight of this 1588 01:20:31,439 --> 01:20:35,759 green bar document which is on the 1589 01:20:33,439 --> 01:20:37,599 website it shows the budget by 1590 01:20:35,760 --> 01:20:39,840 department so so the green green chart 1591 01:20:37,600 --> 01:20:42,320 wasn't in the packet it no it's it's on 1592 01:20:39,840 --> 01:20:44,679 the website on the website but if you 1593 01:20:42,319 --> 01:20:46,799 write down page eight there's a whole 1594 01:20:44,679 --> 01:20:51,000 list here of unallocated expenses that 1595 01:20:46,800 --> 01:20:54,119 tells which are what what um office 1596 01:20:51,000 --> 01:20:56,119 supplies address sign expense excess 1597 01:20:54,119 --> 01:20:58,920 copies telephone expense internet 1598 01:20:56,119 --> 01:21:01,920 communications postage postage meter 1599 01:20:58,920 --> 01:21:03,840 charges passport postage expense server 1600 01:21:01,920 --> 01:21:05,679 pre and email annual maintenance 1601 01:21:03,840 --> 01:21:07,440 document shredding computer software 1602 01:21:05,679 --> 01:21:09,319 annual maintenance Printing and 1603 01:21:07,439 --> 01:21:10,960 Publishing equipment repairs and 1604 01:21:09,319 --> 01:21:14,319 maintenance copy or 1605 01:21:10,960 --> 01:21:16,840 lease um there's a miscellaneous of 1606 01:21:14,319 --> 01:21:19,759 $800 and that's it so all that comes up 1607 01:21:16,840 --> 01:21:22,000 to the 278 34 that comes out to the 1608 01:21:19,760 --> 01:21:24,119 17,000 the 17 I wasn't worried about the 1609 01:21:22,000 --> 01:21:26,039 17 and then it gets added to the next 1610 01:21:24,119 --> 01:21:29,039 section right underneath it also page 1611 01:21:26,039 --> 01:21:31,679 eight and on to just page eight sorry 1612 01:21:29,039 --> 01:21:33,679 that is the insurance bonds INF fringes 1613 01:21:31,679 --> 01:21:36,560 and that's the rest of it yeah insurance 1614 01:21:33,679 --> 01:21:38,800 bonds infringes are 260,000 1615 01:21:36,560 --> 01:21:41,120 that's your 1616 01:21:38,800 --> 01:21:42,560 difference so really wouldn't have been 1617 01:21:41,119 --> 01:21:45,079 hard to put that in the pie chart then 1618 01:21:42,560 --> 01:21:47,719 there's only four things 1619 01:21:45,079 --> 01:21:50,319 basically two two of them came up to the 1620 01:21:47,719 --> 01:21:52,960 500,000 that were out transferred out 1621 01:21:50,319 --> 01:21:54,960 and the others were the the were a 1622 01:21:52,960 --> 01:21:56,880 couple three things it would have been 1623 01:21:54,960 --> 01:21:58,920 pretty easy to to break that pie chart 1624 01:21:56,880 --> 01:22:02,440 so that at least the residents would 1625 01:21:58,920 --> 01:22:03,560 have known where 800,000 cuz I think 1626 01:22:02,439 --> 01:22:06,158 it's it's important for them to over 1627 01:22:03,560 --> 01:22:07,840 that 800,000 W not just generally it's 1628 01:22:06,158 --> 01:22:09,439 out there and yeah we're going to you 1629 01:22:07,840 --> 01:22:12,199 know take your work for it we're not 1630 01:22:09,439 --> 01:22:14,439 ripping you off you know what Casey put 1631 01:22:12,198 --> 01:22:17,039 that together right we can we can do 1632 01:22:14,439 --> 01:22:18,559 that Dean that that is not and that's 1633 01:22:17,039 --> 01:22:20,479 all I was asking FR it's just a little 1634 01:22:18,560 --> 01:22:23,360 bit more explanation of so that you know 1635 01:22:20,479 --> 01:22:25,319 it's I'm a I'm not I'm not a finance guy 1636 01:22:23,359 --> 01:22:28,399 you know I dig ditches for 1637 01:22:25,319 --> 01:22:30,319 you know so you know it's to me I I I 1638 01:22:28,399 --> 01:22:33,399 like things explained to me where I can 1639 01:22:30,319 --> 01:22:34,679 I can make sense of do and again I two 1640 01:22:33,399 --> 01:22:36,039 weeks I probably could have figured that 1641 01:22:34,679 --> 01:22:39,359 out if I looked at all of it but I 1642 01:22:36,039 --> 01:22:39,359 didn't have two weeks I had two 1643 01:22:40,198 --> 01:22:47,719 days and we have been through it three 1644 01:22:44,840 --> 01:22:49,319 times with Casey so we took we made some 1645 01:22:47,719 --> 01:22:50,679 assumptions yeah and that's what I'm 1646 01:22:49,319 --> 01:22:52,119 saying you guys do it all the time you 1647 01:22:50,679 --> 01:22:54,158 look at it every day it makes complete 1648 01:22:52,119 --> 01:22:57,760 sense to you but like I say to the ditch 1649 01:22:54,158 --> 01:22:57,759 diggers over here I'm 1650 01:23:01,479 --> 01:23:04,919 confused I got a 1651 01:23:07,639 --> 01:23:10,639 not 1652 01:23:12,479 --> 01:23:17,559 okay so resolution um we need a motion 1653 01:23:16,238 --> 01:23:21,000 to 1654 01:23:17,560 --> 01:23:24,199 uh to accept the budget as uh as 1655 01:23:21,000 --> 01:23:25,800 proposed before we do that can I jump in 1656 01:23:24,198 --> 01:23:27,319 about the townhouse because that still 1657 01:23:25,800 --> 01:23:29,760 has not been 1658 01:23:27,319 --> 01:23:33,399 discussed and that's part of our please 1659 01:23:29,760 --> 01:23:35,119 dodg yes yes 1660 01:23:33,399 --> 01:23:39,519 um 1661 01:23:35,119 --> 01:23:41,079 so the Historical Society um has been 1662 01:23:39,520 --> 01:23:43,639 working on the historic townhouse 1663 01:23:41,079 --> 01:23:45,479 project this is year three and should be 1664 01:23:43,639 --> 01:23:49,639 the final phase of that 1665 01:23:45,479 --> 01:23:53,039 project um we put together a 1666 01:23:49,639 --> 01:23:56,679 budget as to what we plan to do to 1667 01:23:53,039 --> 01:23:58,519 finish that project this spring includes 1668 01:23:56,679 --> 01:24:01,399 um items such as exterior paint and 1669 01:23:58,520 --> 01:24:04,760 siding repairs a new rear door an ADA 1670 01:24:01,399 --> 01:24:07,039 accessible ramp uh brick walkway 1671 01:24:04,760 --> 01:24:09,400 installation finish details and paint 1672 01:24:07,039 --> 01:24:11,760 for the front porch new handicap parking 1673 01:24:09,399 --> 01:24:14,479 lines on the existing lot final 1674 01:24:11,760 --> 01:24:17,600 Landscaping signage and designation as a 1675 01:24:14,479 --> 01:24:20,678 Historic Landmark application and marker 1676 01:24:17,600 --> 01:24:24,400 if that's approved by the state 1677 01:24:20,679 --> 01:24:26,440 um the Historical Society plans to spend 1678 01:24:24,399 --> 01:24:27,399 the rest of their townhouse fund which 1679 01:24:26,439 --> 01:24:29,799 is up to 1680 01:24:27,399 --> 01:24:32,559 $110,000 and has also applied for an 1681 01:24:29,800 --> 01:24:35,560 additional $5,000 Grant to contribute to 1682 01:24:32,560 --> 01:24:37,880 those expenses an estimated additional 1683 01:24:35,560 --> 01:24:42,520 30,000 will be needed to complete the 1684 01:24:37,880 --> 01:24:47,920 project and that is reflected in um that 1685 01:24:42,520 --> 01:24:49,760 green bar drafted budget so um also the 1686 01:24:47,920 --> 01:24:53,760 one thing that's different this year is 1687 01:24:49,760 --> 01:24:55,960 that the his last year when um both the 1688 01:24:53,760 --> 01:24:58,239 township in the Historical Society 1689 01:24:55,960 --> 01:25:00,359 partnered on this project the township 1690 01:24:58,238 --> 01:25:03,198 paid what they agreed to pay first and 1691 01:25:00,359 --> 01:25:05,679 then the Historical Society um picked up 1692 01:25:03,198 --> 01:25:07,599 the tab thereafter and we made those 1693 01:25:05,679 --> 01:25:09,158 dollars go as far as we could and so 1694 01:25:07,600 --> 01:25:11,239 this year that's going to be the 1695 01:25:09,158 --> 01:25:13,399 opposite the historical society is going 1696 01:25:11,238 --> 01:25:18,519 to pay what they have left in that 1697 01:25:13,399 --> 01:25:21,238 account first um because donations and 1698 01:25:18,520 --> 01:25:24,520 Grant funds that were donated to the 1699 01:25:21,238 --> 01:25:28,479 Historical Society have been set aside 1700 01:25:24,520 --> 01:25:30,920 for that purpose and so um when people 1701 01:25:28,479 --> 01:25:33,279 make a donation to a specific project 1702 01:25:30,920 --> 01:25:36,000 we're responsible for making sure that 1703 01:25:33,279 --> 01:25:37,599 those dollars go toward that project so 1704 01:25:36,000 --> 01:25:39,920 given that's a Final Phase the 1705 01:25:37,600 --> 01:25:42,280 Historical Society has agreed that 1706 01:25:39,920 --> 01:25:46,079 they're going to spend their dollars 1707 01:25:42,279 --> 01:25:47,158 first before anything then gets sent to 1708 01:25:46,079 --> 01:25:49,559 the 1709 01:25:47,158 --> 01:25:52,439 township so I don't know if anybody on 1710 01:25:49,560 --> 01:25:55,199 the board has questions about that but 1711 01:25:52,439 --> 01:25:57,079 no where we're at I think that's So the 1712 01:25:55,198 --> 01:25:59,118 plan so we're saying you get you the to 1713 01:25:57,079 --> 01:26:01,359 they need an additional 30,000 to finish 1714 01:25:59,118 --> 01:26:05,158 it okay and is that in the budget uh 1715 01:26:01,359 --> 01:26:06,519 it's where's where's that at just so we 1716 01:26:05,158 --> 01:26:07,759 I'm going to ask somebody say I had to 1717 01:26:06,520 --> 01:26:09,639 ask because there was a question last 1718 01:26:07,760 --> 01:26:11,360 time whe it was a $10,000 was supposed 1719 01:26:09,639 --> 01:26:13,440 to been spent and nobody could find it 1720 01:26:11,359 --> 01:26:15,359 in the budget we I assumed it was 1721 01:26:13,439 --> 01:26:18,399 because it was spent and it paid do you 1722 01:26:15,359 --> 01:26:19,639 mean the 10 $10,000 That was supposed to 1723 01:26:18,399 --> 01:26:22,599 be 1724 01:26:19,639 --> 01:26:24,400 contributed as part of a settlement no I 1725 01:26:22,600 --> 01:26:26,520 I no I don't think so I'm not sure 1726 01:26:24,399 --> 01:26:28,519 somebody asked me and so I'd like to 1727 01:26:26,520 --> 01:26:30,920 make sure that we when somebody asked me 1728 01:26:28,520 --> 01:26:34,040 this time yep I had to ask to yeah 1729 01:26:30,920 --> 01:26:35,639 where's that 30,000 say it's right here 1730 01:26:34,039 --> 01:26:37,479 it's in the section of that green bar 1731 01:26:35,639 --> 01:26:41,199 called Capital 1732 01:26:37,479 --> 01:26:44,079 overlay um I I'll try to get you a page 1733 01:26:41,198 --> 01:26:46,839 number is is there any reason is it just 1734 01:26:44,079 --> 01:26:48,719 one light item just 30,000 or is it 1735 01:26:46,840 --> 01:26:51,600 included in with other things it's 1736 01:26:48,719 --> 01:26:55,639 included with the well with the well 1737 01:26:51,600 --> 01:26:58,039 yeah we get included with the well 1738 01:26:55,639 --> 01:27:00,039 I that I can't answer can can we put a 1739 01:26:58,039 --> 01:27:01,079 line item for the township house with 1740 01:27:00,039 --> 01:27:02,560 their we're going to have additional 1741 01:27:01,079 --> 01:27:04,880 maintenance let's why is there any we 1742 01:27:02,560 --> 01:27:06,560 can't create a line item for the 1743 01:27:04,880 --> 01:27:07,920 townhouse it's going to have we have to 1744 01:27:06,560 --> 01:27:09,920 maintain it for the rest of its life 1745 01:27:07,920 --> 01:27:12,279 correct correct and we want to do that 1746 01:27:09,920 --> 01:27:15,199 as far as I know so why don't we why do 1747 01:27:12,279 --> 01:27:16,880 our budget not have a line item that 1748 01:27:15,198 --> 01:27:21,279 every year we can budget what we think 1749 01:27:16,880 --> 01:27:23,159 fund's necessary for maintaining the 1750 01:27:21,279 --> 01:27:24,519 townhouse Jennifer I'm going to let you 1751 01:27:23,158 --> 01:27:27,319 answer that one well we can talk to 1752 01:27:24,520 --> 01:27:29,199 Casey about it our count um not 1753 01:27:27,319 --> 01:27:31,158 everything has a line item I I know that 1754 01:27:29,198 --> 01:27:32,559 but you just can't have that now our 1755 01:27:31,158 --> 01:27:35,039 residance I think good like to see with 1756 01:27:32,560 --> 01:27:36,600 for that I do I mean I think I think 1757 01:27:35,039 --> 01:27:38,319 they proved it was very important I 1758 01:27:36,600 --> 01:27:41,560 think it's good timing to bring it up 1759 01:27:38,319 --> 01:27:43,118 Dean because um you know the ongoing 1760 01:27:41,560 --> 01:27:45,920 maintenance I know the Historical 1761 01:27:43,118 --> 01:27:47,920 Society hopes to be a partner in that um 1762 01:27:45,920 --> 01:27:51,158 in this spring when we apply for 1763 01:27:47,920 --> 01:27:54,600 occupancy and hope to reopen it to the 1764 01:27:51,158 --> 01:27:56,158 public um we have to have a discussion 1765 01:27:54,600 --> 01:27:57,840 between the township and the Historical 1766 01:27:56,158 --> 01:27:59,960 Society about how that building is going 1767 01:27:57,840 --> 01:28:02,159 to be used who's managing it if there's 1768 01:27:59,960 --> 01:28:04,359 incoming revenue and I know that 1769 01:28:02,158 --> 01:28:06,079 personally I feel strongly that any 1770 01:28:04,359 --> 01:28:08,839 incoming Revenue should go toward the 1771 01:28:06,079 --> 01:28:11,158 maintenance of that building so we have 1772 01:28:08,840 --> 01:28:13,360 to figure that all out and maybe it is a 1773 01:28:11,158 --> 01:28:16,039 good idea then to have we have a fun for 1774 01:28:13,359 --> 01:28:17,719 it I think so yeah and and we'll talk 1775 01:28:16,039 --> 01:28:21,600 with Casey about I think that's a good 1776 01:28:17,719 --> 01:28:24,319 idea okay you I I and I I don't think 1777 01:28:21,600 --> 01:28:28,280 that's a big deal 1778 01:28:24,319 --> 01:28:30,399 yeah to add that as a line 1779 01:28:28,279 --> 01:28:34,439 item because it is going to be an 1780 01:28:30,399 --> 01:28:38,359 ongoing thing from here on out and 1781 01:28:34,439 --> 01:28:38,359 always has been yeah it will 1782 01:28:41,319 --> 01:28:47,238 be any other any other 1783 01:28:44,238 --> 01:28:47,238 questions 1784 01:28:49,359 --> 01:28:56,479 comments I make a 1785 01:28:51,479 --> 01:29:00,599 motion to approve okay motion to 1786 01:28:56,479 --> 01:29:04,198 adopt I make a motion to adopt the 2025 1787 01:29:00,600 --> 01:29:06,199 the 2025 26 budget by Department totals 1788 01:29:04,198 --> 01:29:09,279 by Department 1789 01:29:06,198 --> 01:29:12,158 totals I'll second 1790 01:29:09,279 --> 01:29:15,519 second and we have to have a vote Yes a 1791 01:29:12,158 --> 01:29:19,399 roll call for yes Chris repeta absent 1792 01:29:15,520 --> 01:29:23,480 Dean H yes Sarah dolman Jersy yes her 1793 01:29:19,399 --> 01:29:27,238 Ferguson yes Greg KS yes Jennifer Eden 1794 01:29:23,479 --> 01:29:27,238 yes Pam Mo 1795 01:29:30,399 --> 01:29:35,158 yes all right 1796 01:29:35,198 --> 01:29:40,678 carries on to uh business line item 1797 01:29:39,520 --> 01:29:43,840 number 1798 01:29:40,679 --> 01:29:46,840 three uh General Appropriations act 1799 01:29:43,840 --> 01:29:46,840 resolution 1800 01:30:00,039 --> 01:30:07,158 this is pretty much a copy 1801 01:30:03,520 --> 01:30:08,570 of I don't know what we've done how many 1802 01:30:07,158 --> 01:30:10,198 years now 1803 01:30:08,569 --> 01:30:15,439 [Applause] 1804 01:30:10,198 --> 01:30:15,439 yeah so any questions 1805 01:30:19,810 --> 01:30:22,909 [Music] 1806 01:30:24,920 --> 01:30:32,079 for a motion yes I make a motion 1807 01:30:29,039 --> 01:30:35,238 resolution resolution okay General 1808 01:30:32,079 --> 01:30:35,238 appropriation and 1809 01:30:38,359 --> 01:30:43,519 resolution maybe she I got a second I 1810 01:30:44,800 --> 01:30:52,520 support okay Jennifer Eden yes Sarah 1811 01:30:48,840 --> 01:31:01,199 dolman Jersey yes Herman Ferguson yes 1812 01:30:52,520 --> 01:31:01,199 CHR P absent Dean H yes pars yes Pam 1813 01:31:04,000 --> 01:31:09,760 yes item number four the Headly 1814 01:31:06,479 --> 01:31:09,759 operating millage 1815 01:31:11,118 --> 01:31:17,319 resolution this is just a resolution 1816 01:31:13,479 --> 01:31:21,039 saying that we can um authorize up 2 1817 01:31:17,319 --> 01:31:25,519 point 9018 Mills to be 1818 01:31:21,039 --> 01:31:28,920 levied for operating purposes 1819 01:31:25,520 --> 01:31:28,920 for the 25 26 1820 01:31:34,000 --> 01:31:37,479 year and what is it currently I I I'm 1821 01:31:36,399 --> 01:31:40,920 sorry 1822 01:31:37,479 --> 01:31:40,919 for8 say 1823 01:31:44,238 --> 01:31:51,399 8733 I think I I guess I'd like know I 1824 01:31:47,960 --> 01:31:52,439 is 0.9 that we're able to but I think we 1825 01:31:51,399 --> 01:31:55,679 it's 1826 01:31:52,439 --> 01:32:01,279 8733 I believe 1827 01:31:55,679 --> 01:32:04,800 what you're Curr right right the right 1828 01:32:01,279 --> 01:32:06,840 so this means we we can Levy up to this 1829 01:32:04,800 --> 01:32:08,079 much I just was curious what it was 1830 01:32:06,840 --> 01:32:10,960 right what's the 1831 01:32:08,079 --> 01:32:13,600 maximum what the max is this is that 1832 01:32:10,960 --> 01:32:15,760 same is the old Max the same I guess 1833 01:32:13,600 --> 01:32:18,719 that's my question are we raising what 1834 01:32:15,760 --> 01:32:22,239 we can do or is it the same as last year 1835 01:32:18,719 --> 01:32:24,480 do we know the point the 901 I think 1836 01:32:22,238 --> 01:32:28,198 it's the same same okay was that's I was 1837 01:32:24,479 --> 01:32:28,198 Wonder yeah it was the same 1838 01:32:33,760 --> 01:32:39,480 okay so 1839 01:32:35,960 --> 01:32:41,719 I'm looking for resolution resolution 1840 01:32:39,479 --> 01:32:41,718 for 1841 01:32:41,880 --> 01:32:46,239 that I move to approve the resolution 1842 01:32:44,920 --> 01:32:48,679 number 1843 01:32:46,238 --> 01:32:52,599 25303 1844 01:32:48,679 --> 01:32:59,359 support and roll call Sarah dman Jersey 1845 01:32:52,600 --> 01:33:05,480 yes K Ferguson yes Greg cens 1846 01:32:59,359 --> 01:33:08,960 yes Jennifer Eden yes Dean H yes CH 1847 01:33:05,479 --> 01:33:08,959 absent Pam offord 1848 01:33:16,840 --> 01:33:23,800 yes number five Senate bill number seven 1849 01:33:19,960 --> 01:33:26,239 health insurance provision for 2025 2026 1850 01:33:23,800 --> 01:33:26,239 fisal 1851 01:33:30,238 --> 01:33:33,959 year so My understand is this is 1852 01:33:32,560 --> 01:33:37,520 basically saying that we're not going to 1853 01:33:33,960 --> 01:33:40,158 charge for the anybody that's on our 1854 01:33:37,520 --> 01:33:42,159 plan any percentage we're paying 100% 1855 01:33:40,158 --> 01:33:44,238 right yes yes that's what this gives us 1856 01:33:42,158 --> 01:33:47,079 the right to do instead of the 8020 1857 01:33:44,238 --> 01:33:50,439 that's the rest of the 1858 01:33:47,079 --> 01:33:52,000 world well it's an 8020 plan that yeah 1859 01:33:50,439 --> 01:33:55,599 the employee pays the 1860 01:33:52,000 --> 01:33:59,679 20% yeah y but instead the Township's 1861 01:33:55,600 --> 01:33:59,679 going to pay the 100% yes 1862 01:34:01,238 --> 01:34:09,359 yes I think we have to move to 1863 01:34:05,840 --> 01:34:11,199 um do Section 8 the exemption part is 1864 01:34:09,359 --> 01:34:13,079 that what we typically do because we do 1865 01:34:11,198 --> 01:34:15,759 the 1866 01:34:13,079 --> 01:34:18,639 insurance no we do a resolution yeah 1867 01:34:15,760 --> 01:34:23,000 it's a resolution number you don't have 1868 01:34:18,639 --> 01:34:25,000 to adopt one of these where we just I 1869 01:34:23,000 --> 01:34:29,359 think so 1870 01:34:25,000 --> 01:34:29,359 just choose it in the resolution 1871 01:34:30,479 --> 01:34:36,279 okay so the resolution just says 1872 01:34:34,319 --> 01:34:39,279 section uh 1873 01:34:36,279 --> 01:34:43,319 three well actually says there section 1874 01:34:39,279 --> 01:34:47,039 eight I'm section8 number three 3 34 and 1875 01:34:43,319 --> 01:34:47,039 eight or eight right 1876 01:34:48,840 --> 01:34:54,960 yes we have to pick one of those options 1877 01:34:51,118 --> 01:34:57,118 right ter okay right so I move to accept 1878 01:34:54,960 --> 01:35:02,279 the resolution 1879 01:34:57,118 --> 01:35:02,279 25034 with Section 8 exemption 1880 01:35:02,600 --> 01:35:11,039 option I have a second 1881 01:35:07,399 --> 01:35:11,039 support and a roll 1882 01:35:12,920 --> 01:35:21,560 call Dean h 1883 01:35:16,679 --> 01:35:25,319 no her Ferguson yes Jennifer Eden yes 1884 01:35:21,560 --> 01:35:30,280 Greg KS yes Chris P's absent Sarah 1885 01:35:25,319 --> 01:35:30,279 dolman Jersey yes Pam Mo 1886 01:35:32,279 --> 01:35:35,559 yes all 1887 01:35:36,479 --> 01:35:41,678 right moving on to number 1888 01:35:39,520 --> 01:35:44,960 six 1889 01:35:41,679 --> 01:35:46,679 resolution um I would just like to make 1890 01:35:44,960 --> 01:35:50,158 a 1891 01:35:46,679 --> 01:35:56,440 uh a short little comment regarding six 1892 01:35:50,158 --> 01:35:58,839 uh 7 8 and N um p and uh and Jennifer 1893 01:35:56,439 --> 01:36:02,638 and I have uh 1894 01:35:58,840 --> 01:36:06,159 discussed these salaries um multiple 1895 01:36:02,639 --> 01:36:06,159 times and 1896 01:36:06,198 --> 01:36:13,799 uh uh it was uh determined that that the 1897 01:36:10,760 --> 01:36:17,480 trustees and the supervisor 1898 01:36:13,800 --> 01:36:20,920 um we went back and forth about the cola 1899 01:36:17,479 --> 01:36:23,879 the cost of living it felt that it 1900 01:36:20,920 --> 01:36:27,000 uh we hadn't been in uh office long 1901 01:36:23,880 --> 01:36:29,159 enough I I argued that it should have 1902 01:36:27,000 --> 01:36:31,880 should be considered for the position 1903 01:36:29,158 --> 01:36:34,079 only and not necessarily the amount of 1904 01:36:31,880 --> 01:36:37,719 time 1905 01:36:34,079 --> 01:36:42,479 but I decided to 1906 01:36:37,719 --> 01:36:43,960 just let it go and um not go after the 1907 01:36:42,479 --> 01:36:48,039 cola 1908 01:36:43,960 --> 01:36:50,960 so if you trustees disagree 1909 01:36:48,039 --> 01:36:54,319 then you can discuss that and then as 1910 01:36:50,960 --> 01:36:58,198 far as their salary the uh they felt 1911 01:36:54,319 --> 01:37:02,519 they were way below average and so I 1912 01:36:58,198 --> 01:37:05,879 told them to uh to look around find like 1913 01:37:02,520 --> 01:37:10,159 townships and uh 1914 01:37:05,880 --> 01:37:12,760 justify uh what your salary should be 1915 01:37:10,158 --> 01:37:16,519 and so that's what they 1916 01:37:12,760 --> 01:37:17,840 did so just one one comment first um I 1917 01:37:16,520 --> 01:37:20,320 think first before we can do anything 1918 01:37:17,840 --> 01:37:24,199 with the clerk we have to look at the 1919 01:37:20,319 --> 01:37:26,920 fact that uh last year um she was 1920 01:37:24,198 --> 01:37:32,519 uh we made a resolution to increase her 1921 01:37:26,920 --> 01:37:33,960 salary by U up to 60,800 for one year 1922 01:37:32,520 --> 01:37:36,239 and then you're supposed to go back to 1923 01:37:33,960 --> 01:37:37,399 the same as a supervisor and treasure as 1924 01:37:36,238 --> 01:37:40,519 of this 1925 01:37:37,399 --> 01:37:42,839 year so I I I correct me if I Wrong 1926 01:37:40,520 --> 01:37:46,880 Chuck we either have to take a vote to 1927 01:37:42,840 --> 01:37:50,079 resend this judge this agreement or do 1928 01:37:46,880 --> 01:37:53,000 we not how does that work a resolution 1929 01:37:50,079 --> 01:37:55,479 is made each year for everyone's no no 1930 01:37:53,000 --> 01:37:58,960 but again this resolution says last year 1931 01:37:55,479 --> 01:38:02,000 we increased years but it'll go back the 1932 01:37:58,960 --> 01:38:03,880 6, 6500 or 1933 01:38:02,000 --> 01:38:07,639 6260 this 1934 01:38:03,880 --> 01:38:10,719 year because it was a a election year 1935 01:38:07,639 --> 01:38:13,800 last year so we increased her salary an 1936 01:38:10,719 --> 01:38:17,520 extra and I got the the all the document 1937 01:38:13,800 --> 01:38:19,760 right here y so we made we voted on that 1938 01:38:17,520 --> 01:38:22,960 onee extension but at the end of that 1939 01:38:19,760 --> 01:38:25,400 year it was to go back to the same as 1940 01:38:22,960 --> 01:38:28,039 the clerk and superv or the treasurer 1941 01:38:25,399 --> 01:38:30,719 supervisor so do we have to act on this 1942 01:38:28,039 --> 01:38:32,479 before we can you don't have to act on 1943 01:38:30,719 --> 01:38:35,198 that because whatever resolution you 1944 01:38:32,479 --> 01:38:37,678 addressed today in effect would resend 1945 01:38:35,198 --> 01:38:39,238 that override we don't have to that's 1946 01:38:37,679 --> 01:38:40,920 all I was asking I just want to make 1947 01:38:39,238 --> 01:38:43,879 sure we do it right I and this one 1948 01:38:40,920 --> 01:38:45,760 overrides that one right is that 1949 01:38:43,880 --> 01:38:47,239 whatever you do today yeah every year 1950 01:38:45,760 --> 01:38:49,800 you do this so whatever you do the 1951 01:38:47,238 --> 01:38:53,638 current year takes away what you've done 1952 01:38:49,800 --> 01:38:53,639 in the past okay 1953 01:38:54,760 --> 01:38:58,719 all right 1954 01:38:57,000 --> 01:39:01,479 so 1955 01:38:58,719 --> 01:39:03,679 um I I guess my next question say this 1956 01:39:01,479 --> 01:39:05,598 is all of it and I see that they did 1957 01:39:03,679 --> 01:39:07,960 this but all these things they did they 1958 01:39:05,599 --> 01:39:10,920 said salaries do we know what their 1959 01:39:07,960 --> 01:39:13,118 their benefit packages in each one of 1960 01:39:10,920 --> 01:39:14,560 these I mean I understand what salaries 1961 01:39:13,118 --> 01:39:16,039 are but I know what my salary is and I 1962 01:39:14,560 --> 01:39:18,920 know what my benefit package is every 1963 01:39:16,039 --> 01:39:21,639 Township has uh benefit packages and a 1964 01:39:18,920 --> 01:39:23,039 majority of them have 401s as well I'm 1965 01:39:21,639 --> 01:39:25,319 just asking it would have been nice to 1966 01:39:23,039 --> 01:39:27,960 see if they had health insurance 100% 1967 01:39:25,319 --> 01:39:30,719 paid if they have a 401 if so we can do 1968 01:39:27,960 --> 01:39:31,920 a true evaluation not saying right wrong 1969 01:39:30,719 --> 01:39:33,439 or different I'm not saying should go 1970 01:39:31,920 --> 01:39:35,158 way the other I'm saying if if we're 1971 01:39:33,439 --> 01:39:37,479 going to do an evaluation if you're 1972 01:39:35,158 --> 01:39:41,158 going to do this we should have done the 1973 01:39:37,479 --> 01:39:41,158 package not a salary 1974 01:39:43,079 --> 01:39:46,880 alone well I think she did that because 1975 01:39:45,118 --> 01:39:48,759 that was what was in question I I 1976 01:39:46,880 --> 01:39:50,000 understand that but but again then we 1977 01:39:48,760 --> 01:39:51,880 really shouldn't be using this to 1978 01:39:50,000 --> 01:39:54,158 determine salaries because it's not 1979 01:39:51,880 --> 01:39:56,880 accurate a salary is just a very small 1980 01:39:54,158 --> 01:40:00,039 portion of system a portion of this is a 1981 01:39:56,880 --> 01:40:03,520 salary a burn rate it's your not a burn 1982 01:40:00,039 --> 01:40:05,960 rate Dean this is a salary that's what 1983 01:40:03,520 --> 01:40:09,719 the resolution is for our salary this is 1984 01:40:05,960 --> 01:40:11,198 not R I'm but this is just a dollar 1985 01:40:09,719 --> 01:40:13,279 amount it doesn't say whether they have 1986 01:40:11,198 --> 01:40:15,198 Blue Cross M Shield 100% paid whe they 1987 01:40:13,279 --> 01:40:17,000 had a for maybe it's worth more I don't 1988 01:40:15,198 --> 01:40:17,839 know because I don't know what else 1989 01:40:17,000 --> 01:40:20,679 they've 1990 01:40:17,840 --> 01:40:23,920 got maybe they don't have anything I 1991 01:40:20,679 --> 01:40:23,920 don't know 1992 01:40:24,198 --> 01:40:27,879 so I think basing it just on a number on 1993 01:40:26,198 --> 01:40:29,759 a piece of paper is inaccurate not a 1994 01:40:27,880 --> 01:40:33,400 good way to to determine a salary for 1995 01:40:29,760 --> 01:40:33,400 somebody because you 1996 01:40:35,118 --> 01:40:40,839 know again my opinion I think we should 1997 01:40:38,960 --> 01:40:45,560 have gotten if we were going to do a 1998 01:40:40,840 --> 01:40:45,560 comparison to raise salaries in some 1999 01:40:48,359 --> 01:40:53,920 cases 2000 01:40:49,920 --> 01:40:53,920 10% 11% 2001 01:40:57,960 --> 01:41:03,639 I mean that's a I mean I I work for a 2002 01:41:00,198 --> 01:41:03,638 pretty big company I don't get 2003 01:41:03,920 --> 01:41:07,960 that now maybe you're worth it maybe 2004 01:41:06,158 --> 01:41:10,000 again maybe maybe it's maybe that is a 2005 01:41:07,960 --> 01:41:11,039 justification because they do have 2006 01:41:10,000 --> 01:41:13,599 everything else and that's their 2007 01:41:11,039 --> 01:41:16,560 salaries but I again I I think if we're 2008 01:41:13,599 --> 01:41:19,039 going to vote on an 11% pay increase we 2009 01:41:16,560 --> 01:41:20,920 need more information than just a you 2010 01:41:19,039 --> 01:41:24,439 know oh they make this so I think I 2011 01:41:20,920 --> 01:41:28,920 should make that as just a number so 2012 01:41:24,439 --> 01:41:31,919 it's all it's my only point 2013 01:41:28,920 --> 01:41:33,920 so and and I think that's a good point 2014 01:41:31,920 --> 01:41:36,920 Dean actually because 2015 01:41:33,920 --> 01:41:39,440 if if Pam doesn't want the medical 2016 01:41:36,920 --> 01:41:41,920 benefits or I don't want the medical 2017 01:41:39,439 --> 01:41:43,319 benefits that saves the township a lot 2018 01:41:41,920 --> 01:41:44,760 of money and if they want to pay more 2019 01:41:43,319 --> 01:41:46,279 money I'm I'm fine with that I'm not 2020 01:41:44,760 --> 01:41:47,679 saying we shouldn't give that but I 2021 01:41:46,279 --> 01:41:53,399 think we need to understand what we're 2022 01:41:47,679 --> 01:41:53,399 basing it on 100% not just a piece of it 2023 01:42:02,000 --> 01:42:05,000 I mean I would like to get a real 2024 01:42:03,158 --> 01:42:08,679 accurate number you know is it necessary 2025 01:42:05,000 --> 01:42:10,279 for us to have to do these today can we 2026 01:42:08,679 --> 01:42:11,800 put these off for two weeks and in two 2027 01:42:10,279 --> 01:42:13,960 weeks we can we can find out what their 2028 01:42:11,800 --> 01:42:15,599 benefit packages are and we can look at 2029 01:42:13,960 --> 01:42:17,198 what we can really what we're saving if 2030 01:42:15,599 --> 01:42:19,400 you don't take insurance and if you 2031 01:42:17,198 --> 01:42:21,079 don't do this and and then we can give 2032 01:42:19,399 --> 01:42:23,319 you I you I don't problem with that and 2033 01:42:21,079 --> 01:42:24,679 I don't think the the residents will but 2034 01:42:23,319 --> 01:42:27,118 I think the residents sitting here right 2035 01:42:24,679 --> 01:42:29,279 now are going to look at we're given 11% 2036 01:42:27,118 --> 01:42:32,559 pay increase and and and I wish I could 2037 01:42:29,279 --> 01:42:35,479 get that we have to justify this the 2038 01:42:32,560 --> 01:42:37,440 people sitting on that why they get 11% 2039 01:42:35,479 --> 01:42:39,759 and again she's not taking Insurance 2040 01:42:37,439 --> 01:42:42,319 maybe she deserves I don't know because 2041 01:42:39,760 --> 01:42:44,239 I don't have the information all I want 2042 01:42:42,319 --> 01:42:47,759 is enough information to make a good 2043 01:42:44,238 --> 01:42:47,759 decision for this for the 2044 01:42:48,198 --> 01:42:52,759 community well I do believe that just 2045 01:42:50,679 --> 01:42:53,800 looking at at wages like I said the 2046 01:42:52,760 --> 01:42:55,960 salary 2047 01:42:53,800 --> 01:42:59,159 and you look at that and Jennifer and I 2048 01:42:55,960 --> 01:43:01,399 are way below this so when you're just 2049 01:42:59,158 --> 01:43:05,638 looking at that 2050 01:43:01,399 --> 01:43:08,039 um then we have we have an issue with 2051 01:43:05,639 --> 01:43:10,639 that that we are being severely 2052 01:43:08,039 --> 01:43:13,479 underpaid I didn't say that you know 2053 01:43:10,639 --> 01:43:15,480 nobody has ever said that I'm not saying 2054 01:43:13,479 --> 01:43:18,279 that I'm telling you my opinion right 2055 01:43:15,479 --> 01:43:21,598 now is why this is coming up because we 2056 01:43:18,279 --> 01:43:23,960 are drastically underne Maran Township 2057 01:43:21,599 --> 01:43:27,480 here b b 2058 01:43:23,960 --> 01:43:30,480 a salary number not a benefit package 2059 01:43:27,479 --> 01:43:31,879 well the benefits as I said there's we 2060 01:43:30,479 --> 01:43:34,839 don't provide a 2061 01:43:31,880 --> 01:43:38,359 401k okay I can tell you they all have 2062 01:43:34,840 --> 01:43:40,360 insurance and they all have 401k yes so 2063 01:43:38,359 --> 01:43:42,000 call them and ask them that's all I'm 2064 01:43:40,359 --> 01:43:44,319 asking for time to do that they all get 2065 01:43:42,000 --> 01:43:45,920 it that's all I'm doing the asking for 2066 01:43:44,319 --> 01:43:47,439 time to do that you know personally I 2067 01:43:45,920 --> 01:43:50,199 think trustees I don't think we should 2068 01:43:47,439 --> 01:43:52,158 make $200 a me I think we should make 2069 01:43:50,198 --> 01:43:54,519 25 I think we should make enough to 2070 01:43:52,158 --> 01:43:58,359 cover our gas back for because we're we 2071 01:43:54,520 --> 01:44:00,360 don't do much we read a packet we try to 2072 01:43:58,359 --> 01:44:01,598 investigate we show up when we go home 2073 01:44:00,359 --> 01:44:04,839 we spend a few 2074 01:44:01,599 --> 01:44:07,199 hours to me that's a community service 2075 01:44:04,840 --> 01:44:10,039 and I honestly if that was me I'd say 2076 01:44:07,198 --> 01:44:13,238 that's not 205 it should be 2077 01:44:10,039 --> 01:44:13,238 25 per 2078 01:44:15,359 --> 01:44:19,719 meeting you know these truste jobs were 2079 01:44:17,599 --> 01:44:21,840 never intended to be a job to make money 2080 01:44:19,719 --> 01:44:23,520 on they were intended to be here to help 2081 01:44:21,840 --> 01:44:25,199 support the community and make sure that 2082 01:44:23,520 --> 01:44:25,880 the community was doing the board doing 2083 01:44:25,198 --> 01:44:29,598 the 2084 01:44:25,880 --> 01:44:29,599 right again my 2085 01:44:30,719 --> 01:44:34,920 opinion all right all I'm asking is to 2086 01:44:32,920 --> 01:44:37,880 some some honesty and some and some 2087 01:44:34,920 --> 01:44:41,639 documentation substantiate some of 2088 01:44:37,880 --> 01:44:41,639 these decisions were 2089 01:44:44,560 --> 01:44:47,560 making 2090 01:44:50,319 --> 01:44:55,920 so let's uh look at 2091 01:44:53,560 --> 01:44:59,440 line item number six in the trustees 2092 01:44:55,920 --> 01:44:59,440 salary and 2093 01:45:01,920 --> 01:45:08,560 uh looking for a uh a res make a 2094 01:45:04,840 --> 01:45:12,119 resolution to establish the 2025 to 2026 2095 01:45:08,560 --> 01:45:15,360 trustee salary resolution number 2096 01:45:12,118 --> 01:45:15,359 25035 for 2097 01:45:15,719 --> 01:45:23,319 $258 so 2098 01:45:18,800 --> 01:45:26,599 resolved Sarah dolman Jersey yes Christ 2099 01:45:23,319 --> 01:45:31,759 p is absent Herman Ferguson yes Greg 2100 01:45:26,599 --> 01:45:34,760 cards yes Dean hos no Jennifer Eden yes 2101 01:45:31,760 --> 01:45:34,760 pamur 2102 01:45:40,399 --> 01:45:50,359 yes right on to the supervisor 2103 01:45:46,238 --> 01:45:54,439 salary and you had any amount change 2104 01:45:50,359 --> 01:45:58,118 there Greg did you can I 2105 01:45:54,439 --> 01:46:01,000 um just ask there have been a lot of 2106 01:45:58,118 --> 01:46:03,238 questions about retirement and 2107 01:46:01,000 --> 01:46:05,679 commitment to full-time versus not and I 2108 01:46:03,238 --> 01:46:09,079 just want you to have the opportunity to 2109 01:46:05,679 --> 01:46:11,599 speak to that and your commitment and 2110 01:46:09,079 --> 01:46:15,198 opportunity on you and I have discussed 2111 01:46:11,599 --> 01:46:18,679 uh that and I have 2112 01:46:15,198 --> 01:46:21,000 repeatedly said during my entire 2113 01:46:18,679 --> 01:46:26,039 campaign 2114 01:46:21,000 --> 01:46:29,719 that this job is not a 9 to5 office 2115 01:46:26,039 --> 01:46:29,719 job it is a 2116 01:46:30,800 --> 01:46:37,520 247 2117 01:46:33,000 --> 01:46:41,639 job you get calls on Friday and Saturday 2118 01:46:37,520 --> 01:46:43,599 and Sunday at all times you and I were 2119 01:46:41,639 --> 01:46:47,199 talking this morning at 6:30 in the 2120 01:46:43,599 --> 01:46:49,199 morning was early and we've talked on 2121 01:46:47,198 --> 01:46:54,839 Fridays and Saturdays and Sundays and 2122 01:46:49,198 --> 01:46:54,839 you are one person of 12,000 res 2123 01:46:55,279 --> 01:47:02,319 pres who you going to 2124 01:46:57,599 --> 01:47:06,560 call supervisor he's got all the 2125 01:47:02,319 --> 01:47:06,559 answers I get calls all the 2126 01:47:07,520 --> 01:47:15,119 time so I am a little frustrated with 2127 01:47:11,639 --> 01:47:17,440 people questioning my time commitment to 2128 01:47:15,118 --> 01:47:17,439 this 2129 01:47:17,800 --> 01:47:23,960 job I spend at least 40 hours a week on 2130 01:47:21,599 --> 01:47:27,000 this job 2131 01:47:23,960 --> 01:47:30,840 sometimes more sometimes less but it's 2132 01:47:27,000 --> 01:47:33,000 pretty average do I have other business 2133 01:47:30,840 --> 01:47:35,760 interests 2134 01:47:33,000 --> 01:47:38,599 yes I'm a business 2135 01:47:35,760 --> 01:47:42,199 person most 2136 01:47:38,599 --> 01:47:44,360 other Town officials president of the 2137 01:47:42,198 --> 01:47:48,359 United States governor of the state of 2138 01:47:44,359 --> 01:47:51,880 Michigan they have other business 2139 01:47:48,359 --> 01:47:55,598 interests so uh I I guess I'm I'm tired 2140 01:47:51,880 --> 01:47:58,319 of my my commitment be in 2141 01:47:55,599 --> 01:48:00,520 question in 3 and 1/2 years if you don't 2142 01:47:58,319 --> 01:48:00,519 like 2143 01:48:00,599 --> 01:48:06,599 it vote somebody else 2144 01:48:03,000 --> 01:48:10,319 in but I'm committed to this job and I'm 2145 01:48:06,599 --> 01:48:10,319 doing it the best I can you 2146 01:48:10,880 --> 01:48:17,159 okay 2147 01:48:12,840 --> 01:48:19,119 so um I hope that answers that question 2148 01:48:17,158 --> 01:48:20,158 I on my commitment I wasn't challenging 2149 01:48:19,118 --> 01:48:22,960 you I was just giving you the 2150 01:48:20,158 --> 01:48:26,399 opportunity I well I was seeing that 2151 01:48:22,960 --> 01:48:28,920 others because I I I'm if you can't tell 2152 01:48:26,399 --> 01:48:31,799 I'm a little frustrated with it but I I 2153 01:48:28,920 --> 01:48:32,920 have given my time commitment to this 2154 01:48:31,800 --> 01:48:36,079 and 2155 01:48:32,920 --> 01:48:40,480 um that's all I can tell you am I going 2156 01:48:36,079 --> 01:48:43,399 to be in the office from 9: to 5 no 2157 01:48:40,479 --> 01:48:45,238 no it's not that kind of a 2158 01:48:43,399 --> 01:48:47,960 job am I 2159 01:48:45,238 --> 01:48:50,638 reachable 2160 01:48:47,960 --> 01:48:53,079 always nobody has ever said I haven't 2161 01:48:50,639 --> 01:48:55,920 returned their call and if they do do 2162 01:48:53,079 --> 01:49:00,079 it's because I haven't got it I don't 2163 01:48:55,920 --> 01:49:00,079 know I mean I return everybody's 2164 01:49:02,238 --> 01:49:05,238 call 2165 01:49:08,479 --> 01:49:14,598 so can I get a 2166 01:49:12,079 --> 01:49:18,399 resolution I'll make a resolution to 2167 01:49:14,599 --> 01:49:21,199 establish the 2025 2026 supervisor 2168 01:49:18,399 --> 01:49:24,719 salary resolution 2169 01:49:21,198 --> 01:49:24,719 25036 so move 2170 01:49:25,079 --> 01:49:35,599 Dean h no Z Doan Jersey yes Jennifer 2171 01:49:30,319 --> 01:49:40,118 Eden yes Herman Ferguson yes Greg KS yes 2172 01:49:35,599 --> 01:49:40,119 Chris Reta is absent Pam moer 2173 01:49:44,599 --> 01:49:51,319 yes all right new business number eight 2174 01:49:48,118 --> 01:49:51,319 the clerks 2175 01:49:55,479 --> 01:50:01,439 so we all have statutory duties um each 2176 01:49:59,118 --> 01:50:04,479 one of us elected officials in addition 2177 01:50:01,439 --> 01:50:06,319 to that we have additional duties um 2178 01:50:04,479 --> 01:50:10,279 Jennifer and I do and I just wanted to 2179 01:50:06,319 --> 01:50:13,759 do a quick one over of my additional 2180 01:50:10,279 --> 01:50:17,118 duties on top of my statutory duties I 2181 01:50:13,760 --> 01:50:20,199 do payroll employees board PC and board 2182 01:50:17,118 --> 01:50:22,799 of review tracking that W2's information 2183 01:50:20,198 --> 01:50:25,439 Blue Cross Blue Shield I also do this 2184 01:50:22,800 --> 01:50:28,239 special assessment districts as well as 2185 01:50:25,439 --> 01:50:30,919 the inquiries which are quite time 2186 01:50:28,238 --> 01:50:33,158 consuming Township liability insurance 2187 01:50:30,920 --> 01:50:35,880 management renewal forms including 2188 01:50:33,158 --> 01:50:38,118 benefits claims for HCA accounts 2189 01:50:35,880 --> 01:50:39,520 employee health benefits Blue Cross Blue 2190 01:50:38,118 --> 01:50:42,598 Shield 2191 01:50:39,520 --> 01:50:45,000 Affleck accident fund workman's comp 2192 01:50:42,599 --> 01:50:48,599 including an annual audit which is time 2193 01:50:45,000 --> 01:50:50,319 consuming as well MLA educating myself 2194 01:50:48,599 --> 01:50:53,480 on that and tracking of employees that 2195 01:50:50,319 --> 01:50:56,039 use MLA I do the invoicing for fire runs 2196 01:50:53,479 --> 01:50:58,638 I oversee agendas and documents that 2197 01:50:56,039 --> 01:51:01,399 need to be included in that I do the 2198 01:50:58,639 --> 01:51:04,239 annual calendar for meetings compiled 2199 01:51:01,399 --> 01:51:05,920 together for the board the PC the zba I 2200 01:51:04,238 --> 01:51:08,678 also have website 2201 01:51:05,920 --> 01:51:11,560 responsibilities training in managing 2202 01:51:08,679 --> 01:51:14,639 payment requests and organizing for any 2203 01:51:11,560 --> 01:51:18,079 employees board members as well I'm a 2204 01:51:14,639 --> 01:51:20,239 notary of public I do research for other 2205 01:51:18,078 --> 01:51:22,799 departments including data collection 2206 01:51:20,238 --> 01:51:25,198 for them as well Personnel commit 2207 01:51:22,800 --> 01:51:28,360 Jennifer and Greg and I are all on that 2208 01:51:25,198 --> 01:51:31,598 o of office for board PC zba and elected 2209 01:51:28,359 --> 01:51:34,960 officials oversee contracts for sads 2210 01:51:31,599 --> 01:51:37,639 waste waste sads road maintenance lawn 2211 01:51:34,960 --> 01:51:40,000 maintenance mail collection and delivery 2212 01:51:37,639 --> 01:51:42,359 to appropriate Apartments packets for 2213 01:51:40,000 --> 01:51:45,078 election officials running for 2214 01:51:42,359 --> 01:51:47,039 office so those are just a few of 2215 01:51:45,078 --> 01:51:48,960 additional duties that I have on top of 2216 01:51:47,039 --> 01:51:51,359 my statutory 2217 01:51:48,960 --> 01:51:55,279 duties those are all your duties or your 2218 01:51:51,359 --> 01:51:56,759 departments my duties that I perform 2219 01:51:55,279 --> 01:51:59,000 that's just why make clear to the 2220 01:51:56,760 --> 01:52:02,480 residents 2221 01:51:59,000 --> 01:52:06,238 y I also just want to say that I I don't 2222 01:52:02,479 --> 01:52:09,000 feel like all statutory Duties are equal 2223 01:52:06,238 --> 01:52:11,879 so if someone's statutory duty is 2224 01:52:09,000 --> 01:52:15,679 collecting taxes or running 2225 01:52:11,880 --> 01:52:17,760 elections um they carry significantly 2226 01:52:15,679 --> 01:52:20,599 more time and 2227 01:52:17,760 --> 01:52:24,520 effort um than working on a team to 2228 01:52:20,599 --> 01:52:24,520 draft a budget with an accountant 2229 01:52:29,118 --> 01:52:33,559 does anybody have any questions for me 2230 01:52:41,479 --> 01:52:47,299 nope all right I am 2231 01:52:44,520 --> 01:52:48,800 uh looking for a resolution 2232 01:52:47,300 --> 01:52:52,639 [Music] 2233 01:52:48,800 --> 01:52:56,039 to establish the Kirk's the clerk's 2234 01:52:52,639 --> 01:52:56,039 salary for 2025 2235 01:52:58,078 --> 01:53:05,479 2026 I'll make a motion to 2236 01:53:01,158 --> 01:53:05,479 resolve clerk salary resolution 2237 01:53:05,520 --> 01:53:12,719 25307 2238 01:53:07,960 --> 01:53:16,639 support roll call her Ferguson yes Greg 2239 01:53:12,719 --> 01:53:21,560 KS yes Chris pet is absent Jennifer Eden 2240 01:53:16,639 --> 01:53:24,440 yes Dean hos no Sarah dolman Jersey yes 2241 01:53:21,560 --> 01:53:24,440 Pam offler 2242 01:53:29,520 --> 01:53:36,960 yes all right number 2243 01:53:32,000 --> 01:53:38,479 nine resolution to establish a 2025 2026 2244 01:53:36,960 --> 01:53:40,920 Treasurer 2245 01:53:38,479 --> 01:53:45,198 salary 2246 01:53:40,920 --> 01:53:48,840 um just like the clerk um Treasurer 2247 01:53:45,198 --> 01:53:51,598 has a list of statutory duties um I'm 2248 01:53:48,840 --> 01:53:54,560 not going to this is my above and beyond 2249 01:53:51,599 --> 01:53:56,239 my statutory duties duties that I do 2250 01:53:54,560 --> 01:53:59,679 someone would like a copy they can email 2251 01:53:56,238 --> 01:54:02,399 me and I will gladly because of the time 2252 01:53:59,679 --> 01:54:04,599 I think we'll just move along um I can 2253 01:54:02,399 --> 01:54:07,198 tell you collecting taxes takes nine 2254 01:54:04,599 --> 01:54:08,480 months um it is not an easy task every 2255 01:54:07,198 --> 01:54:11,479 two weeks I am 2256 01:54:08,479 --> 01:54:13,158 statutorily have to give out checks um 2257 01:54:11,479 --> 01:54:15,799 to those entities in which we collect 2258 01:54:13,158 --> 01:54:19,000 for um I am also in charge of the onm 2259 01:54:15,800 --> 01:54:22,480 billing um I set the rates I collect the 2260 01:54:19,000 --> 01:54:25,279 monies um pay the bills or pay make make 2261 01:54:22,479 --> 01:54:28,078 sure that those are done um the bonds 2262 01:54:25,279 --> 01:54:29,840 every bond that we have um I make sure 2263 01:54:28,078 --> 01:54:34,319 is 2264 01:54:29,840 --> 01:54:38,239 um submitted for payment um I 2265 01:54:34,319 --> 01:54:42,759 track usage 2266 01:54:38,238 --> 01:54:44,959 um the rates on that stuff billing this 2267 01:54:42,760 --> 01:54:46,679 taxes is really hard um you have to go 2268 01:54:44,960 --> 01:54:48,960 to this get from the school the 2269 01:54:46,679 --> 01:54:51,199 information on which you have to collect 2270 01:54:48,960 --> 01:54:53,039 I mean everything has to be to the penny 2271 01:54:51,198 --> 01:54:55,879 I balance every single a month every 2272 01:54:53,039 --> 01:54:58,639 fund to the penny um have never had a 2273 01:54:55,880 --> 01:55:02,039 shortage or an overage um our budget 2274 01:54:58,639 --> 01:55:03,719 speaks to that as well um I do want to 2275 01:55:02,039 --> 01:55:07,000 point out that the salaries that we are 2276 01:55:03,719 --> 01:55:10,800 asking for are no way shape and form um 2277 01:55:07,000 --> 01:55:13,158 what the four um close comparison 2278 01:55:10,800 --> 01:55:17,119 Harland Township Howell city city of 2279 01:55:13,158 --> 01:55:18,719 Howell Maran Township and Oola um we 2280 01:55:17,118 --> 01:55:20,519 picked these four because they're Monday 2281 01:55:18,719 --> 01:55:23,560 through Thursday which is comparable to 2282 01:55:20,520 --> 01:55:26,639 us their population we have 12,000 2283 01:55:23,560 --> 01:55:30,599 they're comparable um but 2284 01:55:26,639 --> 01:55:33,480 our way no way shape or form is our what 2285 01:55:30,599 --> 01:55:36,880 we're asking even close um I'm asking 2286 01:55:33,479 --> 01:55:38,919 for 60,000 Heartland Township Treasurer 2287 01:55:36,880 --> 01:55:43,199 makes $ 2288 01:55:38,920 --> 01:55:47,078 74,4 Hollow City $71,500 2289 01:55:43,198 --> 01:55:50,039 Maran Township which uh Pam they're 2290 01:55:47,078 --> 01:55:52,719 almost mirrored to us uh they they she 2291 01:55:50,039 --> 01:55:55,840 makes 67,68 2292 01:55:52,719 --> 01:55:59,760 and Oola um who is only there 3 days a 2293 01:55:55,840 --> 01:56:01,520 week Oola is only open 3 days 95 uh she 2294 01:55:59,760 --> 01:56:04,159 makes 2295 01:56:01,520 --> 01:56:07,040 74924 so just so we're all understanding 2296 01:56:04,158 --> 01:56:09,479 that we are not asking for btim what 2297 01:56:07,039 --> 01:56:12,719 these four townships who are comparable 2298 01:56:09,479 --> 01:56:17,519 just a comparable wage increase to make 2299 01:56:12,719 --> 01:56:20,960 us aligned somewhat towards that it's 2300 01:56:17,520 --> 01:56:22,920 very um disheartening to Pam and I when 2301 01:56:20,960 --> 01:56:26,359 we are 2302 01:56:22,920 --> 01:56:31,158 holding hands and helping and 2303 01:56:26,359 --> 01:56:36,158 training um and then at the end of the 2304 01:56:31,158 --> 01:56:40,039 day you know we take peanuts home 2305 01:56:36,158 --> 01:56:40,839 so um we had a conversation with Greg 2306 01:56:40,039 --> 01:56:43,639 and 2307 01:56:40,840 --> 01:56:46,159 said we need to rectify this because 2308 01:56:43,639 --> 01:56:49,679 it's not right um we do put in a lot of 2309 01:56:46,158 --> 01:56:51,439 hours we do additionally work weekends 2310 01:56:49,679 --> 01:56:55,158 you get paid time and a half no we do 2311 01:56:51,439 --> 01:56:57,158 that over time no no more time none okay 2312 01:56:55,158 --> 01:56:59,479 not a penny our salary is what our 2313 01:56:57,158 --> 01:57:01,879 salary is doesn't matter if I work 80 2314 01:56:59,479 --> 01:57:05,118 hours a week or 40 2315 01:57:01,880 --> 01:57:08,078 hours that's what it is I I think you 2316 01:57:05,118 --> 01:57:11,439 have to consider if you if you want good 2317 01:57:08,078 --> 01:57:15,840 people if you want to keep good 2318 01:57:11,439 --> 01:57:19,078 people you have to make the pay uh 2319 01:57:15,840 --> 01:57:23,480 comparable uh uh we have a lot of good 2320 01:57:19,078 --> 01:57:29,000 people that work in the township hall 2321 01:57:23,479 --> 01:57:32,000 and um uh they could leave and make more 2322 01:57:29,000 --> 01:57:34,000 money elsewhere a lot a lot of them but 2323 01:57:32,000 --> 01:57:37,800 uh they stay with 2324 01:57:34,000 --> 01:57:41,679 us God Knows Why um but uh they stay 2325 01:57:37,800 --> 01:57:44,639 with us right right uh I mean uh we have 2326 01:57:41,679 --> 01:57:47,960 a great staff that 2327 01:57:44,639 --> 01:57:50,880 uh uh really needs to be compensated 2328 01:57:47,960 --> 01:57:52,800 better but 2329 01:57:50,880 --> 01:57:55,480 uh I 2330 01:57:52,800 --> 01:57:57,239 it's value it's value for your dollar 2331 01:57:55,479 --> 01:57:58,158 that's all I can say you get what you 2332 01:57:57,238 --> 01:58:01,319 pay 2333 01:57:58,158 --> 01:58:04,920 for I make a resolution to establish the 2334 01:58:01,319 --> 01:58:06,319 2025 2026 Treasurer salary resolution 2335 01:58:04,920 --> 01:58:09,319 number 2336 01:58:06,319 --> 01:58:09,319 25038 2337 01:58:09,479 --> 01:58:17,598 support Greg KS yes her Ferguson yes 2338 01:58:13,880 --> 01:58:21,560 Sarah dolman Jersey yes CHR ptis absent 2339 01:58:17,599 --> 01:58:24,119 Jennifer Eden yes Dean hus no Pam moer 2340 01:58:21,560 --> 01:58:24,119 yes 2341 01:58:26,840 --> 01:58:31,400 all right moving on to uh line item 2342 01:58:29,399 --> 01:58:35,559 number 10 the resolution to establish 2343 01:58:31,399 --> 01:58:38,519 meeting dates for 2025 2344 01:58:35,560 --> 01:58:42,719 2026 so resolve to establish meeting 2345 01:58:38,520 --> 01:58:45,719 dates for 2025 2026 resolution number 2346 01:58:42,719 --> 01:58:50,279 25039 2347 01:58:45,719 --> 01:58:52,639 support Chris Peta is absent Jennifer Ed 2348 01:58:50,279 --> 01:58:57,399 yes Sarah dolman jerse 2349 01:58:52,639 --> 01:59:00,960 yes Dean H yes F Ferguson yes GRE cars 2350 01:58:57,399 --> 01:59:00,960 yes Pam hler 2351 01:59:01,118 --> 01:59:10,238 yes line item number 11 runion Lake uh 2352 01:59:05,198 --> 01:59:13,238 request for uh fireworks display 2353 01:59:10,238 --> 01:59:18,118 permit so moved 2354 01:59:13,238 --> 01:59:22,479 support all in favor I I 2355 01:59:18,118 --> 01:59:25,719 oppose motion carries 2356 01:59:22,479 --> 01:59:28,839 uh number 12 request to write off 2357 01:59:25,719 --> 01:59:33,078 uncollectible fire service 2358 01:59:28,840 --> 01:59:33,078 charges so moved 2359 01:59:33,719 --> 01:59:39,118 support all in favor I 2360 01:59:39,279 --> 01:59:46,319 oppose all right uh number 2361 01:59:41,920 --> 01:59:49,399 13 uh requests by trustee Sarah dman 2362 01:59:46,319 --> 01:59:53,000 Jersey to attend the township 2363 01:59:49,399 --> 01:59:56,598 governance Academy um 2364 01:59:53,000 --> 01:59:59,158 Sirah you want to just give the board uh 2365 01:59:56,599 --> 02:00:02,840 I know you've already gotten scholarship 2366 01:59:59,158 --> 02:00:05,799 money and there's a good chance it's not 2367 02:00:02,840 --> 02:00:08,199 going to cost us anything but yeah I'll 2368 02:00:05,800 --> 02:00:09,760 explain so um the township governance 2369 02:00:08,198 --> 02:00:13,279 Academy is hosted by the Michigan 2370 02:00:09,760 --> 02:00:16,119 townships Association and it's um a 2371 02:00:13,279 --> 02:00:19,960 total of 11 classes and 70 credits over 2372 02:00:16,118 --> 02:00:23,198 the course of a year and 2373 02:00:19,960 --> 02:00:25,840 um I've already been approved for 2374 02:00:23,198 --> 02:00:27,839 50% of that 2375 02:00:25,840 --> 02:00:30,480 expense um through training 2376 02:00:27,840 --> 02:00:31,719 certification and accreditation programs 2377 02:00:30,479 --> 02:00:33,359 it's a risk 2378 02:00:31,719 --> 02:00:36,239 reduction 2379 02:00:33,359 --> 02:00:37,439 um it's a risk risk Reduction Program 2380 02:00:36,238 --> 02:00:40,678 for the 2381 02:00:37,439 --> 02:00:42,719 township through our insurance provider 2382 02:00:40,679 --> 02:00:45,239 and I'm also applying for a scholarship 2383 02:00:42,719 --> 02:00:49,198 with MTA to cover the remaining 2384 02:00:45,238 --> 02:00:53,279 expenses um and no that's not guaranteed 2385 02:00:49,198 --> 02:00:56,879 so in order to finish the app ation the 2386 02:00:53,279 --> 02:00:58,559 township would have to consider expenses 2387 02:00:56,880 --> 02:01:01,359 I guess at this point would be up to 2388 02:00:58,560 --> 02:01:05,320 $650 instead of the 1300 because half 2389 02:01:01,359 --> 02:01:06,920 has already been approved um and I also 2390 02:01:05,319 --> 02:01:09,840 just want to say that investing in the 2391 02:01:06,920 --> 02:01:11,719 education of new Township officials is 2392 02:01:09,840 --> 02:01:13,800 not wasteful spending especially when 2393 02:01:11,719 --> 02:01:16,599 that education comes from an accredited 2394 02:01:13,800 --> 02:01:18,520 respected professional program that 2395 02:01:16,599 --> 02:01:21,679 actively Works to reduce the liability 2396 02:01:18,520 --> 02:01:23,960 risk for the township um I'll openly 2397 02:01:21,679 --> 02:01:26,000 admit I have a lot to learn and I'd like 2398 02:01:23,960 --> 02:01:29,599 to learn it from the people that have 2399 02:01:26,000 --> 02:01:31,520 been doing this for a very long time so 2400 02:01:29,599 --> 02:01:33,199 if anybody has questions about the 2401 02:01:31,520 --> 02:01:35,840 courses involved in that I believe it's 2402 02:01:33,198 --> 02:01:35,839 included in the 2403 02:01:36,039 --> 02:01:44,078 packet so moved 2404 02:01:39,439 --> 02:01:47,479 support all in favor I I 2405 02:01:44,078 --> 02:01:47,479 oppose all right 2406 02:01:50,118 --> 02:01:58,118 Sarah all right uh line item number 2407 02:01:55,118 --> 02:01:58,118 14 2408 02:02:01,319 --> 02:02:08,920 um 2409 02:02:04,078 --> 02:02:08,920 really not happy with this but 2410 02:02:10,000 --> 02:02:14,599 uh 2411 02:02:11,599 --> 02:02:14,599 Chuck 2412 02:02:16,118 --> 02:02:23,319 um what do you uh what do you feel about 2413 02:02:18,920 --> 02:02:25,039 the Township's chances of uh uh at 2414 02:02:23,319 --> 02:02:30,399 this 2415 02:02:25,039 --> 02:02:34,599 and and uh why are you not representing 2416 02:02:30,399 --> 02:02:37,238 us I think the township has a good 2417 02:02:34,599 --> 02:02:40,159 chance of winning the lawsuit winning 2418 02:02:37,238 --> 02:02:41,078 the lawsuit means that the township can 2419 02:02:40,158 --> 02:02:44,039 go 2420 02:02:41,078 --> 02:02:47,319 forward uh with a public hearing with 2421 02:02:44,039 --> 02:02:50,479 respect to the uh males and Mis fees and 2422 02:02:47,319 --> 02:02:52,759 charges that have been 2423 02:02:50,479 --> 02:02:55,638 levied why am I 2424 02:02:52,760 --> 02:02:56,520 not uh going to be involved or shouldn't 2425 02:02:55,639 --> 02:03:00,279 be 2426 02:02:56,520 --> 02:03:02,719 involved I've had contact with every one 2427 02:03:00,279 --> 02:03:07,319 of you Board of Trustees 2428 02:03:02,719 --> 02:03:08,920 members um some by phone uh some in just 2429 02:03:07,319 --> 02:03:12,319 passing in in meeting here at the 2430 02:03:08,920 --> 02:03:15,679 township hall uh some asking me 2431 02:03:12,319 --> 02:03:19,519 questions um during the course of these 2432 02:03:15,679 --> 02:03:21,800 uh board meetings I'm a potential 2433 02:03:19,520 --> 02:03:25,880 witness um I'm not saying that I would 2434 02:03:21,800 --> 02:03:29,039 will be but um certainly um the township 2435 02:03:25,880 --> 02:03:31,719 may want to call me and uh Chris Reta 2436 02:03:29,039 --> 02:03:37,000 would have every right to call me as a 2437 02:03:31,719 --> 02:03:40,039 witness um in the case it would be quite 2438 02:03:37,000 --> 02:03:41,880 awkward for the township to have me on a 2439 02:03:40,039 --> 02:03:43,719 witness stand at the same time I'm 2440 02:03:41,880 --> 02:03:46,440 trying to represent the 2441 02:03:43,719 --> 02:03:47,639 township so for those that purpose I 2442 02:03:46,439 --> 02:03:48,879 think it's a good idea to have 2443 02:03:47,639 --> 02:03:52,000 independent 2444 02:03:48,880 --> 02:03:52,760 councel also and I'm talking long long 2445 02:03:52,000 --> 02:03:55,118 run 2446 02:03:52,760 --> 02:03:58,119 here no matter what happens in this 2447 02:03:55,118 --> 02:04:01,880 lawsuit I have to work with all of 2448 02:03:58,118 --> 02:04:05,439 you if I am the attorney in this 2449 02:04:01,880 --> 02:04:10,440 lawsuit there is liable to be hurt 2450 02:04:05,439 --> 02:04:12,359 feelings a sense that I'm biased and not 2451 02:04:10,439 --> 02:04:14,479 representing all of your 2452 02:04:12,359 --> 02:04:16,359 interests Now understand I don't 2453 02:04:14,479 --> 02:04:19,598 represent your individual interest in 2454 02:04:16,359 --> 02:04:22,118 this case or representing the township I 2455 02:04:19,599 --> 02:04:23,840 don't represent any of you individually 2456 02:04:22,118 --> 02:04:27,000 it's the township as a 2457 02:04:23,840 --> 02:04:29,360 whole so once this lawsuit is over we 2458 02:04:27,000 --> 02:04:32,960 have to carry on and I have to be able 2459 02:04:29,359 --> 02:04:35,118 to communicate with all of you and 2460 02:04:32,960 --> 02:04:37,840 answer your 2461 02:04:35,118 --> 02:04:40,279 questions and finally I I would say this 2462 02:04:37,840 --> 02:04:42,760 it's it's probably a good idea to have 2463 02:04:40,279 --> 02:04:44,158 somebody that doesn't have relationships 2464 02:04:42,760 --> 02:04:48,800 with you 2465 02:04:44,158 --> 02:04:50,960 folks that has no reason to hold back 2466 02:04:48,800 --> 02:04:53,520 and tell you what they really think 2467 02:04:50,960 --> 02:04:55,078 about the case 2468 02:04:53,520 --> 02:04:57,239 so for those reasons I think it's an 2469 02:04:55,078 --> 02:05:00,639 excellent idea that the township have an 2470 02:04:57,238 --> 02:05:04,279 independent Council handle this 2471 02:05:00,639 --> 02:05:04,279 lawsuit agreed all 2472 02:05:08,760 --> 02:05:15,199 right all right so I I'll make a motion 2473 02:05:11,840 --> 02:05:18,199 to authorize to retain a special councel 2474 02:05:15,198 --> 02:05:18,198 support 2475 02:05:22,000 --> 02:05:28,399 all in favor I I I all opposed 2476 02:05:30,000 --> 02:05:37,439 no 15 going are are you going to address 2477 02:05:34,679 --> 02:05:40,319 who that independent Council going to 2478 02:05:37,439 --> 02:05:43,118 be what's that are we addressing who the 2479 02:05:40,319 --> 02:05:46,558 independent council is going to 2480 02:05:43,118 --> 02:05:47,880 be uh I don't I've only seen the one 2481 02:05:46,559 --> 02:05:50,119 have 2482 02:05:47,880 --> 02:05:52,480 paperwork I like to why why we didn't 2483 02:05:50,118 --> 02:05:54,198 have a board discussion on any of this 2484 02:05:52,479 --> 02:05:57,078 prior to 2485 02:05:54,198 --> 02:05:59,000 this so you you guys have so evidently 2486 02:05:57,078 --> 02:06:02,519 the rest of the board has already talked 2487 02:05:59,000 --> 02:06:05,639 about an attorney got a recommendation 2488 02:06:02,520 --> 02:06:08,280 and got a letter of 2489 02:06:05,639 --> 02:06:10,880 retainer without a public hearing or 2490 02:06:08,279 --> 02:06:13,198 meeting or discussing with the rest of 2491 02:06:10,880 --> 02:06:16,520 us about this lawsuit this was just 2492 02:06:13,198 --> 02:06:17,678 given to 19 I have not seen this just 2493 02:06:16,520 --> 02:06:21,239 somebody did 2494 02:06:17,679 --> 02:06:23,399 it I just received this today and made 2495 02:06:21,238 --> 02:06:25,198 copy for everyone so we could look so I 2496 02:06:23,399 --> 02:06:26,598 think I think we need to table this and 2497 02:06:25,198 --> 02:06:29,879 set this for another meeting to make it 2498 02:06:26,599 --> 02:06:31,960 have discussion we don't have time about 2499 02:06:29,880 --> 02:06:34,800 Turners we can't we don't have time we 2500 02:06:31,960 --> 02:06:36,319 don't have time because of because the 2501 02:06:34,800 --> 02:06:37,960 guy that made the mess the guy that 2502 02:06:36,319 --> 02:06:39,198 created the mess now doesn't want to 2503 02:06:37,960 --> 02:06:42,719 represent it 2504 02:06:39,198 --> 02:06:45,158 no because Mr Retta asked for an 2505 02:06:42,719 --> 02:06:47,239 expedited case and the court has heard 2506 02:06:45,158 --> 02:06:49,319 that he's had to because you guys want 2507 02:06:47,238 --> 02:06:51,198 to push it through to do this mis fees 2508 02:06:49,319 --> 02:06:53,799 and males in case he's got no choice if 2509 02:06:51,198 --> 02:06:55,439 he wants stop it he had to expedite it 2510 02:06:53,800 --> 02:06:57,719 that's fine but that's why there's a 2511 02:06:55,439 --> 02:07:00,719 timeline that's why the decision can't 2512 02:06:57,719 --> 02:07:03,599 be Ted the email was sent out um with 2513 02:07:00,719 --> 02:07:06,239 this lawyer's information correct to all 2514 02:07:03,599 --> 02:07:07,800 MERS okay so if you didn't get that or 2515 02:07:06,238 --> 02:07:09,759 didn't look at your email I don't have a 2516 02:07:07,800 --> 02:07:12,760 way looking at my 2517 02:07:09,760 --> 02:07:15,280 email how do you how are you a board 2518 02:07:12,760 --> 02:07:17,039 member if you don't have I don't have a 2519 02:07:15,279 --> 02:07:19,639 computer and I told you I'm not using my 2520 02:07:17,039 --> 02:07:21,960 personal phone for business I I use it 2521 02:07:19,639 --> 02:07:23,880 for other things that it's for my work 2522 02:07:21,960 --> 02:07:25,559 it's my work phone I'm not going to do 2523 02:07:23,880 --> 02:07:27,239 you know I've asked you to Simply Supply 2524 02:07:25,559 --> 02:07:30,239 a computer in here that I can come in 2525 02:07:27,238 --> 02:07:33,399 and sit down at to get emails we need to 2526 02:07:30,238 --> 02:07:36,839 vote on him since we just AG I think the 2527 02:07:33,399 --> 02:07:39,598 board should vote to retain that lawyer 2528 02:07:36,840 --> 02:07:44,840 okay okay so I'll make a motion to 2529 02:07:39,599 --> 02:07:47,920 retain um Garin lucal Miller PC um to 2530 02:07:44,840 --> 02:07:50,440 represent us as special counsel in the 2531 02:07:47,920 --> 02:07:54,480 pending litigation of Chris Retta versus 2532 02:07:50,439 --> 02:07:56,479 Tyrone Township so move support support 2533 02:07:54,479 --> 02:07:58,799 I I'm I'm sorry she made the motion I'll 2534 02:07:56,479 --> 02:08:03,598 support you got double support all in 2535 02:07:58,800 --> 02:08:03,599 favor I no those 2536 02:08:06,960 --> 02:08:13,359 oppose Craig are you recusing I'm with 2537 02:08:09,359 --> 02:08:15,319 the residents I want this to stop no I'm 2538 02:08:13,359 --> 02:08:17,519 not voting just not voting are you just 2539 02:08:15,319 --> 02:08:20,519 recusing yourself just recusing it y 2540 02:08:17,520 --> 02:08:22,840 just I did on the last the one too and 2541 02:08:20,520 --> 02:08:25,520 I've done it here to okay I'm with the 2542 02:08:22,840 --> 02:08:28,000 residents I I want this to stop I think 2543 02:08:25,520 --> 02:08:29,800 this is a waste of time and money we do 2544 02:08:28,000 --> 02:08:32,760 but we're in the position we have to 2545 02:08:29,800 --> 02:08:35,079 vote on I mean for claim as filed we 2546 02:08:32,760 --> 02:08:35,079 have to 2547 02:08:36,118 --> 02:08:42,960 respond okay number 15 2548 02:08:40,439 --> 02:08:44,799 okay uh are we going to do public 2549 02:08:42,960 --> 02:08:46,719 remarks before we 2550 02:08:44,800 --> 02:08:48,840 go because we're going to be in Clos 2551 02:08:46,719 --> 02:08:50,920 session then come 2552 02:08:48,840 --> 02:08:52,840 back I don't know if we're going to be 2553 02:08:50,920 --> 02:08:54,158 in close session that long I don't think 2554 02:08:52,840 --> 02:08:56,199 we're going to be in closed session very 2555 02:08:54,158 --> 02:08:58,879 long however if the Township Board is 2556 02:08:56,198 --> 02:09:01,158 going to take action after and you 2557 02:08:58,880 --> 02:09:04,440 probably want the 2558 02:09:01,158 --> 02:09:07,439 public leave it yeah yeah so we're going 2559 02:09:04,439 --> 02:09:10,839 to leave it as this yeah we 2560 02:09:07,439 --> 02:09:14,439 yeah y so didn't know long we there 2561 02:09:10,840 --> 02:09:17,039 so I uh resolved to go into close 2562 02:09:14,439 --> 02:09:19,359 session to discuss a pending litigation 2563 02:09:17,039 --> 02:09:22,158 of the Zach uh 2564 02:09:19,359 --> 02:09:25,598 shifo Cameron mcin vers versus Tyrone 2565 02:09:22,158 --> 02:09:25,598 Township uh 2566 02:09:27,078 --> 02:09:31,479 Lawson I'll 2567 02:09:29,599 --> 02:09:36,239 second Dean 2568 02:09:31,479 --> 02:09:39,879 H yes Herman Ferguson yes Jennifer Eden 2569 02:09:36,238 --> 02:09:44,118 yes Greg CS yes CH Pet's absent Sarah 2570 02:09:39,880 --> 02:09:48,118 dolman Jersey yes Pam moer 2571 02:09:44,118 --> 02:09:48,118 yes okay 2572 02:09:57,479 --> 02:10:00,799 I got it 2573 02:10:14,760 --> 02:10:17,970 [Music] 2574 02:10:44,010 --> 02:10:47,119 [Music] 2575 02:10:50,039 --> 02:10:53,238 I didn't give 2576 02:10:57,599 --> 02:11:00,599 Wild 2577 02:11:08,220 --> 02:11:14,119 [Music] 2578 02:11:34,409 --> 02:11:37,479 [Music] 2579 02:12:20,439 --> 02:12:23,158 I 2580 02:12:32,679 --> 02:12:35,679 was 2581 02:12:53,800 --> 02:12:57,400 just one year 2582 02:13:12,260 --> 02:13:15,329 [Music] 2583 02:13:21,319 --> 02:13:25,000 really those are feeling 2584 02:13:57,198 --> 02:14:00,678 me to 2585 02:14:07,719 --> 02:14:11,719 I okay 2586 02:14:21,279 --> 02:14:24,279 St 2587 02:14:51,198 --> 02:14:54,198 so 2588 02:15:27,399 --> 02:15:30,399 spe 2589 02:16:14,238 --> 02:16:17,238 down 2590 02:16:25,760 --> 02:16:28,760 he 2591 02:17:20,558 --> 02:17:27,099 years that 2592 02:17:24,000 --> 02:17:27,100 [Music] 2593 02:17:51,120 --> 02:17:55,040 that's that's that's 2594 02:18:45,000 --> 02:18:50,120 yeah most of the time silmer 2595 02:18:51,359 --> 02:18:54,000 do know his 2596 02:19:01,439 --> 02:19:06,040 name only in my 7 2597 02:19:45,359 --> 02:19:51,120 my God 2598 02:19:48,120 --> 02:19:54,720 God I 2599 02:19:51,120 --> 02:19:54,720 is today's day 2600 02:20:25,879 --> 02:20:28,879 know 2601 02:20:29,829 --> 02:20:32,898 [Music] 2602 02:21:03,370 --> 02:21:06,429 [Music] 2603 02:21:10,318 --> 02:21:14,159 one of Bren 2604 02:21:17,229 --> 02:21:20,378 [Music] 2605 02:21:33,318 --> 02:21:36,318 first 2606 02:21:50,879 --> 02:21:53,879 so 2607 02:22:43,329 --> 02:22:46,379 [Music] 2608 02:22:50,120 --> 02:22:54,160 um 2609 02:22:51,159 --> 02:22:54,159 were 2610 02:22:58,319 --> 02:23:01,489 [Music] 2611 02:23:17,409 --> 02:23:24,860 [Music] 2612 02:23:29,340 --> 02:23:32,379 [Music] 2613 02:23:48,520 --> 02:23:54,129 got 2614 02:23:51,010 --> 02:23:54,129 [Music] 2615 02:23:59,149 --> 02:24:02,289 [Music] 2616 02:24:17,040 --> 02:24:21,040 write WR down 2617 02:24:41,559 --> 02:24:44,680 [Music] 2618 02:24:44,719 --> 02:24:47,719 that's 2619 02:25:08,209 --> 02:25:11,359 [Music] 2620 02:25:19,680 --> 02:25:23,639 was now 2621 02:26:01,318 --> 02:26:04,318 be 2622 02:26:28,389 --> 02:26:31,420 [Music] 2623 02:26:39,200 --> 02:26:42,329 [Music] 2624 02:26:47,649 --> 02:26:53,318 [Music] 2625 02:26:49,239 --> 02:26:53,318 think so 2626 02:27:21,279 --> 02:27:24,279 I 2627 02:27:53,899 --> 02:27:56,978 [Music] 2628 02:28:18,639 --> 02:28:21,639 sorry 2629 02:28:24,879 --> 02:28:30,158 [Music] 2630 02:28:35,040 --> 02:28:38,040 Mak 2631 02:29:00,719 --> 02:29:05,539 start 2632 02:29:02,459 --> 02:29:05,539 [Music] 2633 02:29:17,790 --> 02:29:20,859 [Music] 2634 02:29:26,270 --> 02:29:29,429 [Music] 2635 02:29:29,600 --> 02:29:32,600 your 2636 02:29:50,159 --> 02:29:53,159 right 2637 02:30:16,790 --> 02:30:19,939 [Music] 2638 02:30:49,639 --> 02:30:54,058 just 2639 02:30:50,840 --> 02:30:54,058 [Music] 2640 02:31:07,510 --> 02:31:10,728 [Music] 2641 02:31:19,359 --> 02:31:21,920 Wy 2642 02:31:34,040 --> 02:31:36,240 what's 2643 02:31:36,478 --> 02:31:41,079 that as soon as we get 2644 02:31:44,639 --> 02:31:49,199 her going to work on 2645 02:31:46,959 --> 02:31:53,159 transition time we're always waiting on 2646 02:31:49,200 --> 02:31:55,720 her come on come on come on back to the 2647 02:31:53,159 --> 02:31:58,510 party come 2648 02:31:55,719 --> 02:31:59,559 on Mr Mr 2649 02:31:58,510 --> 02:32:01,478 [Music] 2650 02:31:59,559 --> 02:32:04,278 social 2651 02:32:01,478 --> 02:32:06,119 sorry come 2652 02:32:04,279 --> 02:32:09,399 on 2653 02:32:06,120 --> 02:32:12,279 okay Jo is to the right all right we're 2654 02:32:09,398 --> 02:32:15,639 going to go back into uh 2655 02:32:12,279 --> 02:32:17,439 session and uh we need a motion to go 2656 02:32:15,639 --> 02:32:21,119 back into the session 2657 02:32:17,439 --> 02:32:23,318 y support 2658 02:32:21,120 --> 02:32:23,319 all 2659 02:32:24,318 --> 02:32:34,439 in all in favor I oppose 2660 02:32:30,559 --> 02:32:37,239 okay moving on to miscellaneous business 2661 02:32:34,439 --> 02:32:37,239 do we have any of 2662 02:32:37,439 --> 02:32:44,600 that and then uh I guess we'll go right 2663 02:32:40,200 --> 02:32:48,060 into the final public uh public remarks 2664 02:32:44,600 --> 02:32:51,120 yes Scott 2665 02:32:48,059 --> 02:32:51,119 [Music] 2666 02:32:51,600 --> 02:32:55,720 I'm going to bring this up Scott I'm 2667 02:32:53,959 --> 02:32:58,278 going to bring this up again because 2668 02:32:55,719 --> 02:33:00,239 it's been all over the all 2669 02:32:58,279 --> 02:33:05,279 over social 2670 02:33:00,239 --> 02:33:08,680 media all right now if I can remember 2671 02:33:05,279 --> 02:33:10,279 right we had pay increases were stalled 2672 02:33:08,680 --> 02:33:13,120 during covid 2673 02:33:10,279 --> 02:33:16,359 right I think they were pay pay I think 2674 02:33:13,120 --> 02:33:18,479 we the raises were installed anyways so 2675 02:33:16,359 --> 02:33:19,800 we're the people I'm just asking for 2676 02:33:18,478 --> 02:33:23,318 there's people out there asking question 2677 02:33:19,799 --> 02:33:26,079 questions online um and I've asked them 2678 02:33:23,318 --> 02:33:28,359 before it's a lot of increase I agree 2679 02:33:26,079 --> 02:33:31,600 with Dean I work for a multi-billion 2680 02:33:28,359 --> 02:33:33,279 dollar company my contract was 3 four 2681 02:33:31,600 --> 02:33:36,800 now they're like fiveyear contracts 2682 02:33:33,279 --> 02:33:39,000 maybe up to 6 7 8 9% over that term when 2683 02:33:36,799 --> 02:33:41,639 you see people are saying well I see 2684 02:33:39,000 --> 02:33:43,398 this great big raise every year after 2685 02:33:41,639 --> 02:33:46,879 year after year well they're questioning 2686 02:33:43,398 --> 02:33:51,478 that and I I do too it's such a big race 2687 02:33:46,879 --> 02:33:53,398 for one year okay and Dean right salary 2688 02:33:51,478 --> 02:33:59,318 and benefit should be included so we see 2689 02:33:53,398 --> 02:34:00,799 the total cost per per person okay so 2690 02:33:59,318 --> 02:34:02,519 because if I didn't say anything 2691 02:34:00,799 --> 02:34:04,519 otherwise I'd be called a hypocrite 2692 02:34:02,520 --> 02:34:07,800 because I have questioned that before 2693 02:34:04,520 --> 02:34:09,439 all right so now on getting back to the 2694 02:34:07,799 --> 02:34:12,799 people that work here and how many we 2695 02:34:09,439 --> 02:34:14,920 got um do we have too many or do we have 2696 02:34:12,799 --> 02:34:17,039 enough and that's questions come up 2697 02:34:14,920 --> 02:34:18,639 before and I think I've talked to Sarah 2698 02:34:17,040 --> 02:34:20,359 and a couple other people here that 2699 02:34:18,639 --> 02:34:22,398 maybe we need an outside firm here to 2700 02:34:20,359 --> 02:34:24,520 come in and look and see if we got cuz 2701 02:34:22,398 --> 02:34:26,920 why know we're training extra people 2702 02:34:24,520 --> 02:34:28,239 some of maybe we got too many people get 2703 02:34:26,920 --> 02:34:29,559 the training get them done let's get 2704 02:34:28,239 --> 02:34:31,398 down to the number of people we need to 2705 02:34:29,559 --> 02:34:34,079 do and I'm not just saying this I'm 2706 02:34:31,398 --> 02:34:35,719 asking for the people out there that are 2707 02:34:34,079 --> 02:34:37,639 out there in la la land that are afraid 2708 02:34:35,719 --> 02:34:38,920 to come here and ask the questions okay 2709 02:34:37,639 --> 02:34:40,840 now I'm getting back to you Greg I'm not 2710 02:34:38,920 --> 02:34:43,520 trying to pick on you but you are 2711 02:34:40,840 --> 02:34:46,000 responsible for Department departments 2712 02:34:43,520 --> 02:34:49,120 here and if you're not 2713 02:34:46,000 --> 02:34:50,478 here it falls on everybody else in the 2714 02:34:49,120 --> 02:34:52,600 office 2715 02:34:50,478 --> 02:34:56,639 okay and when you're home getting phone 2716 02:34:52,600 --> 02:34:59,279 calls from Sarah Herman me or anybody on 2717 02:34:56,639 --> 02:35:01,199 the agenda I don't I don't think you 2718 02:34:59,279 --> 02:35:04,120 should be thinking that's you're on the 2719 02:35:01,200 --> 02:35:06,560 dime for the taxpayers because I ran for 2720 02:35:04,120 --> 02:35:10,200 trustee and I would be more than happy 2721 02:35:06,559 --> 02:35:12,959 to run for trustee and not get paid a 2722 02:35:10,200 --> 02:35:16,159 die okay because you know what I care 2723 02:35:12,959 --> 02:35:18,519 about my community okay that's what I 2724 02:35:16,159 --> 02:35:19,799 care about back in the see old building 2725 02:35:18,520 --> 02:35:21,479 over there they used to get together 2726 02:35:19,799 --> 02:35:23,959 there every reading and nobody got paid 2727 02:35:21,478 --> 02:35:26,679 crap but I do understand we got to pay 2728 02:35:23,959 --> 02:35:29,599 people so people got a right to ask the 2729 02:35:26,680 --> 02:35:32,318 questions and I agree with Dean on the 2730 02:35:29,600 --> 02:35:34,200 um all the itemized stuff I'd like to 2731 02:35:32,318 --> 02:35:36,079 see it myself because I am not a genius 2732 02:35:34,200 --> 02:35:38,040 when it comes to math so I like to see 2733 02:35:36,079 --> 02:35:39,159 stuff spelled out so I do agree with 2734 02:35:38,040 --> 02:35:42,319 Dean 2735 02:35:39,159 --> 02:35:42,318 on all 2736 02:35:44,760 --> 02:35:48,760 right sure 2737 02:35:50,239 --> 02:35:56,520 I'm basically saying the same thing that 2738 02:35:54,000 --> 02:35:57,920 he said it's not that I don't think yall 2739 02:35:56,520 --> 02:36:00,680 are worth the money that you're being 2740 02:35:57,920 --> 02:36:04,120 paid it it's not that it's the point 2741 02:36:00,680 --> 02:36:07,040 that what other business do you say I'm 2742 02:36:04,120 --> 02:36:10,920 going to give myself an 18% raise this 2743 02:36:07,040 --> 02:36:14,040 year and it's not even discussed with 2744 02:36:10,920 --> 02:36:18,760 the people that hire you and we're the 2745 02:36:14,040 --> 02:36:22,359 ones that hire you and to ask for an 18% 2746 02:36:18,760 --> 02:36:24,680 raise and then the next year a 6% raise 2747 02:36:22,359 --> 02:36:28,040 most people in this room would love to 2748 02:36:24,680 --> 02:36:32,200 get a 4% raise anymore I mean I'm a 2749 02:36:28,040 --> 02:36:35,680 nurse and I don't get an 18% raise I 2750 02:36:32,200 --> 02:36:38,279 don't get a 4% raise a year so I guess 2751 02:36:35,680 --> 02:36:42,279 when you're asking for 18% you're asking 2752 02:36:38,279 --> 02:36:45,720 for 6% 24% over 2 years is a lot of 2753 02:36:42,279 --> 02:36:49,000 money whether and you know I guess most 2754 02:36:45,719 --> 02:36:51,239 companies if you need to get brought up 2755 02:36:49,000 --> 02:36:52,920 it would be incremental okay over the 2756 02:36:51,239 --> 02:36:57,439 next four years we're going to give you 2757 02:36:52,920 --> 02:37:01,520 a 3% this year a 3% next year a 3% so in 2758 02:36:57,439 --> 02:37:03,200 just one year to get an 18% 6% it's a 2759 02:37:01,520 --> 02:37:06,399 lot of 2760 02:37:03,200 --> 02:37:06,399 money thank 2761 02:37:13,799 --> 02:37:18,559 you sure Jim 2762 02:37:22,040 --> 02:37:26,160 I don't uh you know the whole race thing 2763 02:37:24,359 --> 02:37:29,040 I have no idea I mean I believe a 2764 02:37:26,159 --> 02:37:32,879 workman's worth is higher no more no 2765 02:37:29,040 --> 02:37:34,560 less I do jobs for people I don't charge 2766 02:37:32,879 --> 02:37:36,438 them extra I don't charge them less I 2767 02:37:34,559 --> 02:37:38,959 need to be paid fair I believe you all 2768 02:37:36,439 --> 02:37:41,040 should be paid fair but I agree with my 2769 02:37:38,959 --> 02:37:43,959 man over here these are public service 2770 02:37:41,040 --> 02:37:46,560 jobs they're not careers I feel like if 2771 02:37:43,959 --> 02:37:48,839 someone comes in here looking for a 2772 02:37:46,559 --> 02:37:50,398 career they're off on the wrong foot to 2773 02:37:48,840 --> 02:37:53,000 begin with 2774 02:37:50,398 --> 02:37:55,159 um if I were sitting up there I would be 2775 02:37:53,000 --> 02:37:57,639 my my interest is living or Tyrone 2776 02:37:55,159 --> 02:38:01,719 Township not me making a 2777 02:37:57,639 --> 02:38:04,079 living and you know I don't expect you 2778 02:38:01,719 --> 02:38:05,840 to quit your side hustles whatever you 2779 02:38:04,079 --> 02:38:09,079 want to call it I hope you are all 2780 02:38:05,840 --> 02:38:10,960 successful business people I do because 2781 02:38:09,079 --> 02:38:13,559 you've proven you're successful that 2782 02:38:10,959 --> 02:38:15,159 carries over to here and I don't expect 2783 02:38:13,559 --> 02:38:17,039 you to live on Lake Shannon on 50 Grand 2784 02:38:15,159 --> 02:38:19,799 a year that's on I think that's stupid 2785 02:38:17,040 --> 02:38:23,319 to expect so yeah you get paid for your 2786 02:38:19,799 --> 02:38:25,719 time I expect that you should but as far 2787 02:38:23,318 --> 02:38:28,359 as the rest of this mess 2788 02:38:25,719 --> 02:38:30,358 man these censures and stuff you guys 2789 02:38:28,359 --> 02:38:34,760 just went in that room talked about 2790 02:38:30,359 --> 02:38:36,640 whatever I'm asking you for this 2791 02:38:34,760 --> 02:38:41,239 Township get 2792 02:38:36,639 --> 02:38:44,879 together work it out don't drag all this 2793 02:38:41,239 --> 02:38:48,879 through lawsuits wasting everyone's time 2794 02:38:44,879 --> 02:38:51,079 and money here work it up maybe someone 2795 02:38:48,879 --> 02:38:53,159 did something wrong I mean I heard you 2796 02:38:51,079 --> 02:38:55,359 you said yes I worded that letter wrong 2797 02:38:53,159 --> 02:38:57,799 you acknowledge that great we all make 2798 02:38:55,359 --> 02:38:59,600 mistakes I do too I don't want to be 2799 02:38:57,799 --> 02:39:00,599 censured every time I make a mistake 2800 02:38:59,600 --> 02:39:03,720 when I'm 2801 02:39:00,600 --> 02:39:05,760 working and I think it was Major 2802 02:39:03,719 --> 02:39:08,760 Overkill to do 2803 02:39:05,760 --> 02:39:10,559 that I don't even understand because I 2804 02:39:08,760 --> 02:39:14,000 do believe like the attorney that sat 2805 02:39:10,559 --> 02:39:16,760 here said it's in that letter he wrote 2806 02:39:14,000 --> 02:39:19,478 was done in good faith I look at a 2807 02:39:16,760 --> 02:39:21,559 person's intent and if your intent was 2808 02:39:19,478 --> 02:39:24,119 to cause Planning Commission people to 2809 02:39:21,559 --> 02:39:26,600 show up to their meetings I'm with you 2810 02:39:24,120 --> 02:39:31,079 100% your intent was good maybe you 2811 02:39:26,600 --> 02:39:33,880 worded it wrong whatever but I expect 2812 02:39:31,079 --> 02:39:38,079 you guys to be able to work it out 2813 02:39:33,879 --> 02:39:39,559 amongst yourselves in a room and say 2814 02:39:38,079 --> 02:39:40,559 what can we do for the betterment of 2815 02:39:39,559 --> 02:39:43,559 this 2816 02:39:40,559 --> 02:39:45,840 Township not our own interests that's 2817 02:39:43,559 --> 02:39:47,799 what I expect you to do I don't expect 2818 02:39:45,840 --> 02:39:51,239 to see a lawsuit 2819 02:39:47,799 --> 02:39:52,639 here if you guys can't settle that I 2820 02:39:51,239 --> 02:39:53,879 don't have a whole lot of confidence in 2821 02:39:52,639 --> 02:39:55,680 you working out any problems in the 2822 02:39:53,879 --> 02:39:57,478 township you can't even work out 2823 02:39:55,680 --> 02:40:00,159 something amongst 2824 02:39:57,478 --> 02:40:04,199 yourselves but I I will 2825 02:40:00,159 --> 02:40:06,279 say like I said my son he's a Township 2826 02:40:04,200 --> 02:40:07,960 supervisor he makes 50 something 2827 02:40:06,279 --> 02:40:10,520 thousand a years the township is twice 2828 02:40:07,959 --> 02:40:12,318 the size of this one they have a police 2829 02:40:10,520 --> 02:40:15,279 department they have a fire department 2830 02:40:12,318 --> 02:40:16,398 which we don't have I asked him today I 2831 02:40:15,279 --> 02:40:18,479 called him I said dude I don't know 2832 02:40:16,398 --> 02:40:20,239 anything about this stuff I said how 2833 02:40:18,478 --> 02:40:21,000 much does your Clerk 2834 02:40:20,239 --> 02:40:22,920 uh 2835 02:40:21,000 --> 02:40:24,719 treasure 50 2836 02:40:22,920 --> 02:40:26,398 something, I said oh I find it 2837 02:40:24,719 --> 02:40:27,559 interesting your Township didn't get 2838 02:40:26,398 --> 02:40:30,840 listed as a 2839 02:40:27,559 --> 02:40:33,398 con it seems a little one-sided to pick 2840 02:40:30,840 --> 02:40:34,880 the townships that serve your purpose 2841 02:40:33,398 --> 02:40:37,959 because his is twice the size they got 2842 02:40:34,879 --> 02:40:40,039 way more going on and he also leaves the 2843 02:40:37,959 --> 02:40:42,799 township at night and does his night job 2844 02:40:40,040 --> 02:40:44,439 I got to cut you off Jim I'm yeah I like 2845 02:40:42,799 --> 02:40:47,478 what you're saying I'm asking you guys 2846 02:40:44,439 --> 02:40:48,840 to get together as adults and don't drag 2847 02:40:47,478 --> 02:40:53,959 all these people's time and money 2848 02:40:48,840 --> 02:40:53,960 through I I expect that thank 2849 02:41:00,079 --> 02:41:05,760 you anyone 2850 02:41:02,760 --> 02:41:05,760 else 2851 02:41:09,478 --> 02:41:15,318 yeah Deana Cipher Walnut Shores I just 2852 02:41:13,120 --> 02:41:17,680 want to say 2853 02:41:15,318 --> 02:41:19,920 that the clerk and the treasurer 2854 02:41:17,680 --> 02:41:21,800 positions they knew what the salaries 2855 02:41:19,920 --> 02:41:24,879 were when they ran for the 2856 02:41:21,799 --> 02:41:27,358 jobs um and I think the comparisons that 2857 02:41:24,879 --> 02:41:30,199 you did were somewhat on the 2858 02:41:27,359 --> 02:41:32,479 unprofessional side you didn't you you 2859 02:41:30,200 --> 02:41:35,479 took a salary number you didn't show 2860 02:41:32,478 --> 02:41:37,840 anybody what the benefit packages were 2861 02:41:35,478 --> 02:41:39,799 your comparisons didn't include what 2862 02:41:37,840 --> 02:41:41,719 those benefit packages might be for 2863 02:41:39,799 --> 02:41:44,079 those other townships and what those 2864 02:41:41,719 --> 02:41:47,159 clerks and treasurers were making I 2865 02:41:44,079 --> 02:41:49,920 think you you picked numbers that worked 2866 02:41:47,159 --> 02:41:52,799 for the case that you were making and I 2867 02:41:49,920 --> 02:41:56,239 think it's it's kind of embarrassing to 2868 02:41:52,799 --> 02:41:59,438 the township that you pick what you want 2869 02:41:56,239 --> 02:42:01,760 your raise to be which is way in excess 2870 02:41:59,439 --> 02:42:04,120 of what most people get on an annual 2871 02:42:01,760 --> 02:42:05,439 basis for a raise and then you get to 2872 02:42:04,120 --> 02:42:08,800 vote for it 2873 02:42:05,439 --> 02:42:11,479 yourselves I I just something really 2874 02:42:08,799 --> 02:42:13,318 rubs me wrong about that and it is kind 2875 02:42:11,478 --> 02:42:16,278 of embarrassing 2876 02:42:13,318 --> 02:42:20,478 so 2877 02:42:16,279 --> 02:42:20,479 thanks thank you 2878 02:42:22,639 --> 02:42:25,039 anybody 2879 02:42:28,279 --> 02:42:35,680 else all right and I 2880 02:42:32,279 --> 02:42:38,120 am looking for a mo motion to 2881 02:42:35,680 --> 02:42:43,680 adjourn so move 2882 02:42:38,120 --> 02:42:43,680 support all in favor I I all 2883 02:42:43,799 --> 02:42:48,039 right all right 2884 02:43:08,359 --> 02:43:15,479 yeah thank you Terry for keeping us 2885 02:43:11,840 --> 02:43:15,478 Terry can sh 2886 02:43:16,110 --> 02:43:19,309 [Music] 2887 02:43:19,478 --> 02:43:22,478 TR 2888 02:43:22,549 --> 02:43:25,689 [Music] 2889 02:43:28,479 --> 02:43:31,548 [Music]